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Everything posted by MarkusR

  1. LOG 3: Been experiencing ear fatigue and had to take a break on production to give it time to heal. Realised that I am aiming for greatness, and that theres a subtle difference when you approach your craft and each piece of work you do with sincerity and focus. You truly listen to whats being made and you channel all your strength to create amazing work. Instead of just creating to get better, you give your soul to each piece. Its a balancing act of diligent practice and expanding your skillsets and pure creation with the tools at hand. Miles davis said "True genious and creativity doesnt give a shit about age. If you got it you got it, and if you dont, getting older is not going to help you get it." If I create at my "highest" level, truly with all my heart, at whatever level its going to be good work, work that Ill be proud of and work that will reflect my style at this moment in time and history. This will be a life long journey of expression and the style will change but the soul will be the same. So delaying publication, creating fully and completing works is something I know I will regret.
  2. What do you guys think is better? My view at the moment is leaning toward the deep penetrative specific knowledge. Basically mastering one specific field. I find that in todays society that may hold the most leverage. At the moment I am in university, and also pursuing music. Music being my main passion, but I thought I could maybe do both, and somehow become proficient in physics and also become a really good musician. This was my vision at the beginning of university. Now going on to my second year Ive realised how much its really going to take to pursue either, and that trying to pursue both may only result in mediocre results for either. Of course we are all inspired by people like Leonardo Divinci who managed to become masters in many fields, and thats one thing we all look up to. But that requires so much work and focus I don't know how practice it would be. Would love to hear peoples opinions on this. What fields of mastery do you pursue? How do you divide them up into an order of importance? Do you have one main thing that you do, and want to do for a living and other things as hobbies, or do you just follow whatever feels important in the moment? Any thoughts and ideas would be lovely to hear
  3. @Tim R But why not just choose one and get 100% results ?
  4. @itachi uchiha Thanks for the suggestion I'll order the book now!
  5. @LastThursday I really love this answer! great analogy
  6. LOG 2: Been going to the studio consistently. This week 3 times. Usual amount of time in the studio is between 6-8 hours. Keeping consistent to my 90 minutes of instrument practice. Getting better at rapping and writing songs. Haven't done any work related to university. But still "attending" on paper. New challenge is to drop a song every week for a month. Next song on the 24th. New evolutions would be. Singing lessons. Piano lessons, and generally more effective practice of instruments that relates to production. Even Higher order evolution. Id say more long term is contemplate who I am as an artist. Become clear with my vision, and then start embodying that persona more than my "actual" self. Step into that role more and more in life. SIDE NOTE: This is a super left-brained actions and results sort of journal I know. I felt as though that would keep everything super clear as to what exactly Im doing and therefore accomplishing, so I can analyse myself. But of course theres other important aspects to evolution, like mindset, confidence. Different aspects of your lifestyle apart from work. But right now Im laser focusing on my craft and becoming undeniable. It just feels like something I need to pursue now fully.
  7. Thanks really helpful and good post!
  8. fairplay. u know, i wouldnt mind sliding my 10 inch spiritual e-cock into ur mind, but i see u hold ur position. Anyway, all i tried to do was shift communication styles. And fairplay maybe it is a 2k scam, id be suprised if they dont offer refunds though for those who It didnt work for. And if that also solicits a scam then i dont know how u explain that they make any money. Sure you can call it placebo, but imo thats pretty dismissive
  9. @alankrillin You are bringing conflict into everything you write out. You dont want to be open to peoples experiences and perception, and you are very defensive and aggressive about your points. This is the key to seeing where you are at in you conscious development. Do you not see how unproductive it is to insinuate and fight about enlightenment? Who gives a fuck whos damn opinion is right, if its a scam or not. Its all a single player game anyway, we should be collaborative and reach intelligent mutual conclusions, or atleast debate our points without mallace and ego defence attached to it. Within you know how you feel everytime you write something that goes against the truth, thats aggressive, thats attached to ego. If you meditate on your state and relaxing your mind at all times you can begin to notice everytime an unconscious and malicious sentence spews from your mind, it will be felt all throughout your body as you bring hate into yourself.
  10. @alankrillin I understand your point, its definately valid, I was playing the flipside, obviously its a double edged sword. All I was saying is the right balance needs to be found, and too many people fantisize about the wilderness as though its some beautiful loving fantasy where food and beauty is abundant and they are not open to the dangers and struggles contained in that living. Ive camped out for 10 days in the alps, out in the forrest. Sorry for pressuposing you didnt have perspective on this. I also see that what my original post did was not productive, because you made the same mistake of pressuposing a lot of things about me which you have no idea about. We need to let that go. You made a alot of good points, and I think I brought up a valid point too, but we added ego clashing into this dialogue which is completely unneccesary. Sorry for being the one to start that. I think we are definately on the same page, I see how our health is 100% dependent on how well we can tap into our nature and the surrounding nature. thats why Ive been becoming much more intuitive with my sleeping, eating and work life. Listening to my body instead of any advice, it works much better, and I feel much better. Idk what to say about the productivity, all I can say Is im holding down 3 jobs part time, producing and playing music and have a consistent meditation and fitness routine thats quite disciplined. We got off on the wrong foot, nice to meet you for the first time, from now I wont assume anything of you, just ask that you do the same.
  11. @alankrillin Sure thing, go for it yourself man. See how much time you have to contemplate and meditate on a comfy cushion when youre mind is constantly thinking about survival and your body is lacking water, nutrition, shelter and safety. See how easy it is to think about transcending your lower self when your “lower self” is in starvation mode, fear mode and everything else that comes with living in the wild. Theres a reason we evolved out of that, you are too ignorant to see that until you try and go back...
  12. It is the only real thing. Every other aspect of your experience is an illusion. If you find whats directly real you will find enlightenment. Just ask yourself! because what is directly real is YOU. It is Literally been YOU, always. YOU are at the center of all experience, you are also the fabric of all experience and every shape that takes form. Let all thoughts fall away at the waste-side as the tremendous REALNESS of yourSELF pushes through in utter silence. Your NATURE does not need any explanation, definition, paradigm or any other mind construction, your BEING is pure and inadulterated until you choose to think about it. Even the thought of enlightenment is not real, so cut it the fuck out when you are meditating, cut out all the bullshit and just go for what is real.
  13. The maze is yourself, enlightenment is also yourself. They arent seperate things. Also yourself isnt the illusion, its ego and identity constructed through thought. Yourself is actually the key to enlightenment.
  14. You dont need to endure a meditation. I find the sweet spot is 1 hour, and it is extremely effective. If you want longer sessions, just go for 40min-1 hour, then take a break to move your legs, maybe walk and contemplate. Then go back and sit to meditate for another hour. The point is NOT to endure pain. The point is to realise the truth.
  15. Damn, thats interesting. So are you saying that the kind of subjective reality we experience is all thought induced? Like is the ”physical” realm also made out of thoughts? Or just all the definitions and meanings and backstory we attach to it?
  16. I 100% agree with you. I had the same disagreement when I heard Leo say that. At the same time, reading deep books like book of not knowing can really open your mind to the depths of the ”maze”. Things you would have otherwise overlooked. Just depends on the book; and in the end personal direct experience is always king.
  17. Listen to your heat beating. Tune into silence, dont try to add to much shit ontop. Youll realise theres enough right there, and that the way we usually listen to music is just to distract us from the Ginormity of whats going on inside. After the trip listen to music with fresh ears, itll blow ur mind what u didnt hear before :).
  18. See in this post you are being the teacher! But you are transmitting the message purely by speaking your own truth. An empty vessel for the truth to come out. This is the best way to be a teacher, you live, breath and speak your truth as much as you can and it reflects to everyone any falsehood they might be holding onto, while at the same time opening people up to the fact that within themselves they are complete and can tap into the truth as well
  19. Phenomenal video! Highly recommend watching this if you are into both science and nondual consciousness.
  20. Tired of feeling incomplete in life. Not even in a depressing manner, but just the fact that I don't KNOW who I really am. It feels like everything I do, whether it be for personal development or just entertaining myself is a way to distract myself from the fact I don't really know who I am or what is going on. I don't wan't to waste my time distracting myself, I need to get to the bottom of this right now
  21. @pluto Energy, waves and frequency and how they relate is interesting. And you are right, everything vibrates at a certain frequency (I forgot, sorry for that misunderstanding). But it’s still such a complex subject with multiple layers to it, I just don’t want assumptions to be mixed in the way we understand reality, isnt that what we are trying to get away from? Seriously, its why the scientific method was introduced, so we wouldnt just assume these truths and assume that we know for sure how these systems work. Buddha and Jesus are not people you know, if we are honest these people are symbols. All you see is there impact and they exist in ur mind, how can you know that these ”downloads” are not just information that you fabricated from your own mind, based on YOUR assumptions. Conciousness = Energy? Are we sure, is it true? I just see too many assumptions and baseless claims to be convinced. You are right though, this is just me, maybe in your experience theres more depth and understanding in this area that im just not getting.
  22. @pluto Skeptical. Seriously why does new age spirituality need to take in this notion of frequency and vibration and butcher it. There is no inherent connection between ”harmony”, or higher emotional state and a higher frequency wave. I think weve just gotten used to using the word ”low frequency” to mean ”low conciousness” or someone who is generally more ignorant to reality. I really believe different words need to be used. Using the right word for the right thing is necessary if language is to be useful. There is a very, very specific definition of what frequency is. Leave it as the speed of the cycles of a wave, emotional aspects need to be left alone until theres concrete correlations between them
  23. The thing that resonated most in this post is the fact that ALL THAT IS, is you! I hate saying this stuff since its all over, but seriously when have you ever experienced other? Look at conciousness, it isnt even content, its so beyond material or any form that it can be everything. Leo’s video on this is spot on, and as I grow im discovering the truths in this more and more. Enlightenment isnt some far off thing, its literally right here , right now, and forever, no chase necessary, just surrender and commitment to surrender.