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About Tonyb

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  1. Ok. Maybe you don't need to be enlightened to be conscious during sleep but that would be enough to suggest to me at least that there is something going on here beyond a "normal" persons experience. All that would need to be done is to have a person with this ability fall asleep. Have something happening in their environment while they are asleep and ask them to recall anything that happened around them while they were asleep. Has anything like this been done?
  2. I think this is an important question. Not being sure if it is a real possibility will affect a persons motivation to do the work. Is anyone on this forum actually enlightened and have some input? Is it true enlightened people are aware of their surroundings during sleep? Seems to me this could be easily tested and would show people it is a real thing. This would motivate the world to do the work. Has anyone heard of any tests like this?