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Everything posted by GeorgeLawson

  1. What's your budget each time you go shopping? As a student as well I like to keep mine down to £25 a week. Are you British? If this is the case, which is your favourite supermarket(s)? I go to mostly Sainsburys and sometimes Aldi!
  2. One thing that's constantly been nagging me in pursuing no-self is this question; 'In order to become enlightened, do I need to have so called 'faith' in it becoming a real possibility in my life?' Can anyone offer any insights? (Please note that this is not a religious discussion).
  3. Has anyone read 'Sex At Dawn?' This book goes into a lot of detail about how prehistoric humans were in fact polyamerous.
  4. Thanks for sharing the NoFap video. It's right in that porn is very much an instant gratification thing, and takes a lot less effort than actually attracting women and having sex with them. It's so easy to skip straight to the rewards without seeing all the hard work that is put in to get them.