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Everything posted by DoubleYou

  1. @MarkusSweden All this anger you feel is within, and anger is a destructive force. So as long as you only act out of anger, you will simply perpetuate problems. You cant do anything about anything from this limited / separate view. Find your peace within before trying to force it into the world. You litteraly have to become the peace you want to see, so that an intelligent creative force (peace) can start to guide your every decision. You are the NWO. You are the one that's destabilizing your country. Its up to you to take responsibility. For yourself and everyone else. If its so important to you, be a leader. But first really know what it is to lead. Or keep on fighting and fighting and fighting whatever new reality shows up. Until its over. And that's all you've been doing. Theres something in you that's clearly attracted to this path, since you're on this forum. All im saying is, dont waste that potential. You can go to an alt right forum and bicker about these things until your very last breath. Or go inward, and become an indestructable force of peace in a world that so desperately needs it. Your choice.
  2. Its far from done yet, but im currently writing a childrens book about two friends exploring absolute infinity. Though it wont be called that of course. Im also writing music for each chapter. Cant wait to share it someday. And The Alchemist needs another mention. Its that good. Really takes you on a journey.
  3. @moon777light Sure, it's not too bad. The best part is, you can stop doing it whenever you want to. There's total control in that regard.
  4. Haha, Take The Power Back of RATM is actually one of my spiritual anthems. Whenever I'm stuck in ego land I put on that song loud as hell. We gotta take the power back!
  5. Results to some of us may not be results for others. For me personally, it's been surfacing a lot of deep fears. This resulted in me feeling like shit these last three days. And that's exactly the result I was looking for. Now I can work through those layers that would otherwise have been hidden from me. Furthermore, during the breathing excersise I have released tensions in the body and had a total silent mind. So yeah... I don't know what results you're looking for... But there's more than enough being posted on here.
  6. Just remember, the reason they are closed is because you are actively suppresing their energy. I recently opened the chakra in the belly and at first it felt terrible. Lots of horrible feelings surfaced. But then when I let go, you realise they only feel horrible because that's the story you tell yourself. The surrendering to these energies actually feels quite amazing. Simply because you can finally allow these feelings to be as they are. And youve been carrying them with you all this time, so it can be a great unburdening. They still feel the exact same way. Yet that doesnt bother you anymore. Its integrated, and it can now move freely. So, opening a chakra is not a simple thing. Its hardcore shadow work and you'll need to be courageous about it, otherwise youll just fight it. That said, when you're ready. It will happen. So dont worry too much about it. Keep doing the work.
  7. @moon777light Im a guy and I lost mine at 21. Looking back, I cant even imagine why I even cared about that in the slightest. Yet, it felt so important back then haha. Just remember, you are the one that's creating this social pressure. Not society, not anyone. You! Simply by believing these thoughts. You can just choose not to That's your own freedom. And its always available. And theres always a deeper fear underneath. The feeling of not being worthy used to be the big one for me. Instead of putting all your energy into worrying about some made up standards, focus on these deeper core issues. Really feel into it without judgment. Allow yourself to be as you are. This is how you take back control of yourself. Instead of letting society decide how you feel all the time.
  8. That was intense! I felt like shit all day so I knew it was going to be difficult, but when I pulled through, a lot of tension left the body. I can see how this could lead to psychedelic experiences. The whole thing feels kind of odd. Very peaceful though, especially afterwards.
  9. That's interesting. I recently had a total awakening while I was asleep, and I remember noticing there being no difference at all between the dream and the waking state. I wouldnt even call it a lucid dream, it was beyond that. I was as conscious as I am right now. Yet, in a different place, so to speak. Waking up from that was weird as hell. Its like waking up while being awake already. Thanks for this. I will try it.
  10. Marijuana is the tool for handling emotional blockages. I havent found anything better yet. Even more so than psychedelics, because its such an easy practice. As someone that has suffered a lot of chronic pains, it has been my most productive tool. Most of my awakenings / no-self experiences happened after smoking marijuana. I cant believe it isnt talked about more often on this forum. That said, it can be a very personal thing. It might not work for everyone.
  11. Life purpose flowers out of a genuine spiritual pursuit. In a lot of cases, yes, people are drawn towards teaching what they've encountered along the way. But there's no saying what else will come up. That's the whole point of it. To find out who you really are when your main motivation isn't fear-driven. And constant deep mindfucks aren't the goal at all. It just means you didn't get it yet. If anything, things will end up being a lot more simple the more you get in touch with yourself. So there will be lots of time to do whatever you love doing / being.
  12. Great video. I really loved the link he made between Mohamed unifying the middle eastern people to whats happening today with the east and the west, and how finding commonalities in Truth could lead us there. The question I have is, how conscious are the modern day muslims of the non dualist nature of Islamic teachings?
  13. @vanish Its funny that the way you describe the self-destructive path is the way of keeping the self alive. That's no self destruction. If you really want some hardcore self-destruction, start being selfless. And that transcends self-improvement too.
  14. Hey man, hang in there. We've all been there. Sometimes these things tend to surface all at once. It sucks, but these are the moments where your meditative 'skills' can really start to shine. Try to detach thought from feeling. You're not suffering the 'bad' feelings, you're suffering your thought about these feelings. The same way you are suffering your thoughts about other thoughts, like the suicidal ones. This creates feedback loops. Try to become aware of that by the simply being the observer of them. The moment you can observe a thought, you can consciously choose not to believe them. As long as you know you can handle it, I say explore these thoughts and really feel into the areas of the body that they point to. Whenever you find resistance, just feel it out. Feeling is healing. These things come in waves. Don't worry too much about it. Good luck.
  15. Hehe, sounds awesome. I've had similar experiences. When I fall asleep during a meditation I sometimes wake up blissed the fuck out haha. It's like the body wakes up but the mind is still sleeping. Pretty amazing. Enjoy.
  16. But why do we want sex so badly? Maybe its the closest thing we know that resembles a true connection with being. We're always chasing being, wether we know it or not. Sex, food, enlightenment. Its all the same.
  17. Definetely. Look at Chakras like looking at the current in a rivier. Theres not a thing there that we call current. Yet its there, as water itself. Chakras are like that. You can observe them by looking closely at all the different facets of life. Interact with them and watch the patterns/outcomes change. Like a current, life starts flowing in a different way. But the current itself is of course always invisible. Its an aquired taste, and youll never be able to proof their existence to others. Which is fine. Yet intuitively they become visible in direct experience, as direct experience only.
  18. Awesome, looking forward to it!
  19. The problem would be that the concept of 'I the person' is an identification with something, whereas infinity does not require identification to exist. In a way both ways point to the exact same thing, but ultimately identification as a concept has to be dropped entirely.
  20. I remember having had a 'space cake' when I was like 17/18, (about ten years ago) but it was waay more than I could handle. I went straight to my bed to lie down for a couple of hours because it was so intense. Ive had shroom trips before but this wasnt anything like it. After struggling a bit I remember how I was suddenly able to control my entire experience. Visually, but also my feelings. If I wanted to feel sad, I could. If I wanted to feel the most intense love I had ever felt, I could too. And so I did. At this point in life I wasnt even interested in anything spiritual, I probably didnt even know about it at all... But here I was, a 17 year old kid blissed the fuck out by accident. I dont think it was anything like samhadi or whatever, but I remember feeling like a God. I could imagine anything and then instantly experience it within my mind. As an artist, I have never again been able to express my creativity so clearly. It was like a lucid dream. But more lucid than a dream could ever be. Like, imagine the most beautiful painting there is, and boom... there it is. Right in front of you. Really profound.
  21. This shit is difficult. After a couple of weeks I keep forgetting why I started this in the first place, or some thought convinces me its not that important and there I go. What are the main reasons for doing this for you guys? I need some legit motivation. Personally I just want mastery over my body. But then again, After a while I forget why I would even want that. Haha, the mind is tricky. I need some new defenses. And would this help with overcoming premature ejaculation? That would be worth it if so.
  22. Watch Season 2 Episode 3 and you'll know what a bad trip is really like. That episode fucked with my head haha.