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Everything posted by DoubleYou

  1. Good idea. It's not as "activist" as your examples but I think Pink Floyd's Animals is a great criticism of the modern capitalist system, and how we all play a role in that. The three main songs are called Dogs, Pigs and Sheep. Referring to businessmen, politicians and the people. It's quite a ride, as is to be expected with Pink Floyd. But in terms of quality I think it's up there with their more popular albums. While the album was released in 1977, here's Roger Waters playing the song "Pigs" while not so subtly referring to Trump.
  2. When after your presidency has ended, people are debating wether you were a threat to your own country or not, you probably didn't do very well.
  3. The thinking mind will never, ever, ever, ever, find an answer to this question. It will only drive you mad. Contemplate why that is, and let that be the starting point of your discovery.
  4. Thanks! If you have a newer version of Photoshop, click on the brush tool, then on the top middle-right on the little butterfly and have your mind blown.
  5. Been having a lot of fun drawing with Photoshop lately. They're not completely finished but whatever. Enjoy
  6. I love listening to her music. It really opens me up to emotions I've never felt before. Music still has so many places to go. Makes me excited.
  7. Some of you should for one week or so try to remove the words "democrats" and "media" from your vocabulary. See what that does for you. It'll be liberating.
  8. Questions like these are the exact reason people are and should be protesting. A lot of people still have no idea whatsoever about the reality some groups are dealing with. This is not about a single incident. It never was. Maybe the best thing about all of this, which at the same time is a terrible thing, are all the videos that are surfacing on social media right now. Some of that shit is as sickening as it gets, and it makes you grasp how big of a problem this actually is. Especially considering most of it is never captured on camera at all. Awareness is always the catalyst for change, and right now in the US, but also across the globe, people are starting to really see what's happening and has been happening all along. So no, this isn't an overreaction. If anything, this has been long overdue. And it's probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better. But it's always been like that, only now it's visible at surface level. It's quite exciting, really.
  9. You don't even notice how dogmatic and religious people can be about eating meat because it's so ingrained in our culture. Yet a lot of times I tell someone I don't eat meat they get very, very defensive. As if I have to explain myself to them. Or that I shouldn't feel better than them. Which I never said I did. Of course that creates a counter culture. Yet its veganism/vegetarianism that constantly gets called out on that which a lot of meat eaters do all the time, feeling better than the other. Funny how that works. But that's all just surface level. As expected. Ego's are on all sides of the spectrum. Don't worry about that. On topic: For me, it was a very natural transition. It felt like a choice was made for me in my past that really didn't resonate with me anymore. I would never kill an animal, so why let someone else do it for me behind closed doors, day after day after day? It made me feel like a coward to not own up to that fact, and so I made my choice. But it was more like an intuitive thing. Like a falling away of something that didn't feel original to me, and I still enjoy that decision every single day.
  10. Masturbation without any imagination at all. Now that's where the magic happens
  11. Also the fastest way to break open a heart. Art is a direct expression of who we are, and so the deeper our understanding, the deeper our ability to speak directly through our art. If you think the hero's journey is about butterflies and rainbows you haven't been paying attention. As a composer myself, my best compositions are a direct result of truly facing my deepest shadows. And because of this, those compositions hold a kind of power to do the same for the listener. To speak directly to their hearts and provide an opportunity for integration. And trust me, these songs are not about butterflies and rainbows. Though they can be. But even those expressions need a deeper foundation to truly work. Truth be told. I used to have the same fear as you. Especially since it's what I do for a living. I used to think I had to let go of all those beautiful emotions that I came to love in music. But to truly mature on the spiritual path, is to be able to appreciate even those. And these days I'm discovering more and more music aligned with me and my journey. So my advice would be, keep an open mind and you might discover a whole new world of music you never thought possible. But before all, just enjoy whatever feels right for you man.
  12. Yup, get used to it. It's all part of the awakening process. The moment you think you really know what's true life will show you the exact opposite being true. And so then you think that is true and surprise, it will do it again. And this will go on until you've matured enough to humbly let go of this notion of truth altogether and sit with what is actual. Or Truth with a capital T. That which is not concerned with phenomenon, or the world. It knows itself, and therefor can trust its own peace, strength and loving care to provide balance where needed, as it's been doing for millennia. It's our job to open up to this and be more and more susceptive to that healing force within. And that's ultimately where humanity is headed. It's quite exciting, really. But as long as we cling to our little truths there will be suffering. And a lot of it. But it's all part of the unraveling. The balancing act. But even that can be enjoyed. So sit back and let yourself be humbled again and again, until there's no one left to claim to know anything anymore. Just Being, contagiously Peaceful.
  13. The great thing is that, while it can indeed be a scary thing for an ego, there is also a ground to it. It's this ground, or peace, that is able to turn this fear into a kind of excitement. Like an embrace. Or an opening. That excitement itself is the oneness lighting up. Stay with that, and see how simple, safe and enjoyable it is. The more you will notice how safe you are here, the less you will want to go back to the old ways. And in time, you will start to notice yourself shifting into more comfortable ways of being. But it's a kind of trust that needs to grow over time. And trust can only grow if there's indeed something there to trust in. So don't trust blindly. Keep confirming for yourself that all is good. Don't underestimate this statement. It is the essence of our being. Oneness is not scary at all when you realise that oneness is Good. Deeply caring, loving, free and infinitely available for you. And eventually things like evil won't bother you that much anymore. These things come and go. You remain there. At peace. Loving yourself. And true love is not something you can keep to yourself anyway. It wants to share. It wants to give. Care. It is Good. And it is One. So nothing is excluded. And that's how evil is ultimately transformed as well. But it was never truly evil. It was always part of the play. Waiting for you to embrace it. To make it whole again.
  14. God does not become. God is. Take it one step further. The one that disidentifies himself to be a devil. Who is that? See, it's the devil that disidentifies itself, not God. By thinking it exists it per definition becomes a devil. A lie. God is that which is aware of that. So don't worry about the devil. Acknowledging its existence is the only thing that makes it seem real. But in truth, he's never really been here. So focus on that which is True. And all falsehood, or in this case devilry, will subside. Only peace remains. You are that.
  15. Don't do it because you have to. Do it because there's nothing else you'd rather do. How do you get there? By meditating. Because to meditate means to tune into that which you enjoy the most. Being yourself. In other words, peace. And there's nothing more transforming than that. Even though you couldn't care less about that anymore. Why would you? You are at peace already. See, these questions wether to meditate or not, wouldn't even arise from a peaceful state. That peace is meditation. So find out about the absolute joy in that. That's how you will keep coming back automatically, instead of always having to force yourself. Meditation shouldn't take any effort. Effort is what's being surrendered. Chasing higher levels or something better than meditation comes from a place that is not at peace. Something that's always looking for the next best thing. Or in other words, overlooking the peace that is already here. With meditation, this can be surrendered too. Peace is peaceful. And you are it.
  16. You speak like all of your choices have been made for you. Like there's no way out of this limbo state. Yet, suffering is here to teach you. And it has been teaching you well. Don't neglect any of this as something that shouldn't have happened, or shouldn't be. Whatever is, is exactly what should be. Otherwise, it wouldn't be. Simple as that. You've searched for happiness in objects, with suffering as its result. What a great discovery! Your source of suffering has been revealed. Now what? What does this mean for you? Don't condemn yourself to hell just because of some small choices you've made in the past. (And where did these choices came from in the first place?) There's a reason letting go, or surrender, is always at the heart of awakening. The beauty of Awareness, or Christ as you put it, is that it's available anytime, anywhere, for anyone. It's prior to all of the bullshit the mind comes up with. Prior to any choice you could possibly make. Including the choice to reject it. Even that is allowed. And therefor, naturally forgiven. Can you forgive yourself? And can you see that it doesn't matter if you do or don't? You are already forgiven. That is what Christ / Consciousness is all about. This question exposes your deepest fears. Sit with that. I could tell you, no, enlightenment does not mean death, or I could say the exact opposite. Either way, it wouldn't change a thing for you. It would just put the mind to sleep for a bit. If you want the answers, sit with it. Again and again. All these questions are only there because you haven't found a compelling enough reason to trust it yet. To trust that which is. Or in other words, to trust yourself. And by the way, are you not already the observer? How could anyone ever take that away from you? All is well, my friend.
  17. Substances can definitely be part of awakening. Though the awakening itself is prior to that, and every single second of your life is part of that process. Not just the peak moments that arise out of those substances. Or any peak moment for that matter. And while transformation can certainly be offered through these peak moments, integration is not. So, the simple (sober) moments in your life are as important as the profound ones. You wouldn't be able to handle transformation after transformation if you weren't also able to integrate them. So, while these huge transformations can definitely be beneficial, they are never the goal. That would just be another way of chasing experiences. Or objects. These peak moments are simply perfectly timed openings that correspond to your needs in that very moment. If that means getting high, then so be it. If that means intense retreat, so be it. You'll know what to do, cause you'll be doing it. So let go of what you think is needed for awakening. Whatever is needed will always occur. As it's always occurring right now.
  18. Its not enjoyable because there is a self that needs to be entertained. What would this moment look like if it didn't need to live up to someones standards? Does it always have to be about you? Can the moment just be fine as is? You say there's nothing you actively want, yet you want to escape limbo / boredom. You want the present moment to be enjoyable. This constant wanting is the cause of boredom. Its what creates an idea of lack. And this lack is what creates a self that needs to be entertained. Lack in search of abundance. Its the most liberating thing to become aware of the fact that theres no need to entertain anyone. Its fine the way it is. And that's where boredom turns into enjoyment. Freedom.
  19. Yes! Creativity is an infinite resource. And art in all its diversity its inevitable result. Art therefor, is an absolute. There's only one author. Only one work of art. And its You. Simultaneously creating and admiring your creation. Falling in love.