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  1. Hi, I would like to share this interview with you. It's very interesting to see the reactions from both sides. The interview begins at 8:52 Enjoy.
  2. That's a pretty difficult combination to find. But it seems that some great scientists grasped it intellectually, I guess. Here are some quotes from great physicists, for instance : “What is done by what is called myself is, I feel, done by something greater than myself in me.” - James C Maxwell “There is no out there out there” - John Wheeler “If the moon, in the act of completing its eternal way around the earth, were gifted with self-consciousness, it would feel thoroughly convinced that it was traveling its way of its own accord…. So would a being, endowed with higher insight and perfect intelligence, watching man and his doings, smile about man’s illusion that he was acting according to his own free will.” - Albert Einstein (The image was taken from Wheeler's book "Gravitation")
  3. Leo's blog video "Life Lessons From Life Below Zero" remembered me of this amazing documentary. Enjoy.
  4. Ram Dass said his guru (Neem Karoli Baba) once gave him instructions, to tell the truth, and to love everybody. When I've heard this, I thought, "Yeah, that's nice. I'll try it later". Today I realized how superficial my interpreting was. It is not about to be a hippie and try to love every son of a bitch you interact with, it is about to be true to yourself (really, really true). And when you are true to yourself, you suddenly realize how much love you have inside you and you stop "fighting" yourself. When your ego finally admits (truly admits) that it is trying to do something to achieve some realization, even though it knows "it is not the way", it drops because you cannot stand the struggle anymore. And then, you become immersed in love because you told the truth. You also realize that by lying to others you create untruths in their minds and that may cause conflicts in them, and they cannot find that love because they are immersed in illusions. And then, you begin to tell the truth out of love and compassion with the hope that, one day, other people become free of the untruths they carry inside them so they can experience the same love. So, it is not a matter of TRY to love everybody and tell the truth. It is a matter of being real with yourself and with others.
  5. "When you're in Detroit you don't need to take a bus to Detroit"
  6. @Leo Gura , you should put together all this practical material that you're writing on this forum in a book. It would be fantastic
  7. Yeah, its amazing how IBM can do this. You can "see" the electrons as the ondulations around the "solid" particles. It's incredible.
  8. @Rainbow33 , according to the models we have developed in order to best describe nature in a scientific way, electrons, protons, neutrons (or, in general, quantum objects (QO)) are not particles, they are excitations of quantum fields. Scientists will never "see a particle" (in the sense of a tiny rigid ball or something similar to anything we know), because it doesn't exist as such. The best we can do is to make the QO interact with some specific apparatus in order to use the captured information to make an "image of the QO". The image obtained would not be the real physical form of the QO, it would be something like the probability distribution of finding the QO in the measured quantum state. Here is a prl paper where you can "see" a Hydrogen (H) atom : . Actually, as the authors explain, you don't see an atom, you see a statistical average of many measurements over time of the electronic charge distribution of the electron present in the H atom. It is not what an atom looks like. In fact, to say that they are excitations of quantum fields is too abstract, I know... but, how to explain that in a simple way without loosing information of the REAL model? It is not a matter of develop radical theories that people would give up trying to understand, it is a matter of develop the field as accurate as possible with observation so we can gain insight into the world and to have technological advances. Scientists are not concerned if theirs models are difficult for people to understand or not. If it is difficult to understand but the model works, its ok. I agree with you that science should be understood by more than a selected few groups of people (If that is what you mean), but it doesn't means that the models should become more psicologically easy. If the simpler model that works is difficult to understand, what to do? discard the model? Throw away a possible scientific revolution? People should work hard if they want to understand the jewels of science. By jewels of science I do not mean the models, but the insight it can give you. It is not to difficult to have the knowledge, it is difficult to have the understanding. Hope this helps!
  9. @Prabhaker , thank you Every time you listen to it you learn something profound. This is so paradoxically beautiful and brutal.
  10. I reminded of this lovely response given by osho to the question "How to stop thinking?".
  11. @Lorenzo Engel Basic string theory?? hahah
  12. I know that. I used to experience that same fear during the first few weeks when I just started to meditate. It simply disappeared with time... The practice of mindfulness, as described by leo's "Mindfulness Meditation - A Complete Guide With Techniques & Examples", in your daily routine can really help.
  13. "Let go of the effort to control and manipulate our experience" (-Adya) is one of the most effective techniques that I've used.