Norbert Somogyi

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Everything posted by Norbert Somogyi

  1. Because it has to feel real. That's how we've learned to survive and operate in the world for countless millenia. People with an unstable sense of reality do not really have desirable outcomes, not without the real world taking care of them (psychiatric institutions, supportive family backgrounds or loved ones, healers etc.). Awakening and the level of God-Realization that is promoted here, is not going to stick for most. Especially not through words, it is something that has to be experienced to start to make sense of. Forcing it results either in reasonable resistance, or endless bickering between fragile egos confusing surface-level experiences with the real deal. You have to build the foundation, strengthen your sense of reality, explore it all before you can transcend and move beyond.
  2. Being able to agree with others kinda necessitates to me to have a relatively strong worldview, that doesn't feel threatened when its' met with other worldviews. The ability to entertain other perspectives without malice or self-validation, just sheer curiosity. The more I think about it, the less common this ability seems to be. If I were to think about models, it appears towards the top of Maslow's pyramid (self-esteem and actualization), a healthy Orange/Green (leaning towards Green or Yellow) in SD. We all come different family backgrounds, cultures, have different living conditions and the list goes on. The internet just shows you millions of different worldviews (99% without background) often simultaneously, so you can think about it for a few seconds with the attention span of a goldfish (meaning social media). Radicalization, chaotic geopolitical situation seemingly threatening the survival of millions of people, as well as foundational societal structures that hinders people's feeling of safety. We developed technology that interconnected the globe, but kinda at an evolutional point we were not ready for. Now we are facing the consequences. It can take more than a century for us to be able to start once again being able to listen to and understand one another on a bigger scale.
  3. There are a lot of ways to be creative in this world, drawing is but one of million. Music, gardening, woodcraft, electronics, DIY projects, writing, dancing, videogames, photography, painting, heck even self-expression etc. The way I see it, creativity shines brightest when there are no expectations at play, your survival is not threatened, no daily life problems - you can just tune into a flow state and do your thing. It is easier said than done, however. Sorting out your shit, processing trauma and healing your body are great foundations to me to flourish creativity. Ensuring your body and brain works at its' best. Of course many famous creative people have some (or lots of) issues, but that's not the only (or ideal) way.
  4. This substack post highlights some of the potential reasons why Doctors are reluctant to test and recommend optimizing important biomarkers (such as vitamin D) to patients. In short, to avoid throwing themselves out of business. Personal note: When I tested my levels at my own cost in a lab, 25(OH)D cost 18-20x times as much as other markers I was interested in. Clearly not supported by my local government. Here's a case of Dr. Dave McCarthy who optimized his patiens' levels (to around 80 ng/mL) and had to retire early due to a lack of visits in general. Summarization of the interview's transcript can be found below (DeepSeek). Full audio podcast can be found here - LINK. Key Takeaways: Vitamin D’s Critical Role: Dr. Dave McCarthy, a retired family physician, emphasizes the widespread deficiency of Vitamin D and its impact on health. Optimal levels (80 ng/mL or 200 nmol/L) are far higher than what’s needed to prevent rickets (20 ng/mL). Deficiency is linked to muscle pain, autoimmune disorders, heart failure, seizures, sickle cell crises, and more. Case Studies Highlighting Vitamin D’s Impact: Sickle Cell Patient: A 21-year-old with frequent crises had undetectable Vitamin D levels. After supplementation, he remained crisis-free. His sister, who consumed more dairy (Vitamin D-rich), never had a crisis. Seizures in a Child: A dark-skinned child in Montana with unexplained seizures improved dramatically after Vitamin D and magnesium supplementation. Heart Failure: Correcting deficiencies (Vitamin D, magnesium, thiamine, Vitamin C, CoQ10) significantly improved cardiac function in patients. The "Panacea Paradox": Vitamin D’s broad benefits seem "too good to be true," leading to underutilization despite extensive research (4,000+ studies annually). Supplementation Guidelines: Dosage: 5,000–10,000 IU/day for most adults (higher for malabsorption). Team Approach: Nutrition is a "team sport"—magnesium, thiamine, and other micronutrients are often needed alongside Vitamin D. Challenges in Medicine: Traditional medicine focuses on treating diseases rather than addressing deficiencies. Many physicians overlook micronutrient testing, despite evidence of their impact. Thiamine (B1) Deficiency: Common in heart failure, neurological disorders, and alcoholism. Anti-thiamine factors in coffee, tea, and beer can block absorption, even with adequate intake. Call to Action: Dr. McCarthy advocates for widespread Vitamin D testing and supplementation, especially in high-risk groups (dark-skinned individuals, elderly, those with chronic illnesses). Final Thought: The podcast underscores the transformative potential of addressing micronutrient deficiencies—often overlooked in conventional medicine—to improve healthspan and treat chronic conditions. Listeners interested in learning more can visit Dr. Gillian Lockitch’s website ( or explore her book, Growing Older, Living Younger. The more I do my research, the more I realize how much of a global exploitation healthcare and modern medicine usually is. I guess it makes sense from a capitalist perspective, but it is just so angering. Realizing how free I can finally feel after optimizing my biomarkers, a feeling I haven't reached through years of therapy, retreats and inner work. It is so hard to digest that so many people are robbed of this feeling (from even institutions that promise healing). Is there a way healthcare and modern medicine can be transformed to be pro-humanistic and preventative instead of focusing on treatment (maximizing profit on treating intentionally inflicted and sustained diseases and disorders)? A way healthy forms of alternative medicine can be combined with the merits of modern medicine? In this century?
  5. Hey all! I've been experimenting with supplements for a while, with D3 becoming the most promising in my experience. I've been taking 5000 IU at first, then switched up to 10000 IU for months and these days (as there is a serious flu floating around, everyone around me is getting sick) doubled up to 20k. I will measure my blood levels this month or so. I've been taking K2 and Magnesium along with it, because first it uses the magnesium storages (especially at such higher doses) and K2 helps to avoid calcification by directing it to the bones & teeth. Ever since I've gone up to 20k things have been truly transforming. My anxiety is largely gone, I feel great and at place in my body. I stand up for what I think is right or express if my boundaries are crossed. I can finally give myself what I need and no longer need to solely rely on people for this, such a peaceful feeling. As if I finally know what it truly feels to be a man. I'm not saying it is the sole factor causing this as I've been working on myself for years, but it definitely contributed. I also dream almost daily which I gather as effective subconscious processing, helps a lot with therapy too. It happened like once a month or less frequently in the past. Kinda diminishes my sleep quality over time, but I accept it for what it is. Bonus effect: I've had a (potentially) Vitiligo spot growing on my shin since 2023 summer, slowly and steadily up to 10cm2 area or so. I've checked it 1-2 weeks ago and it seems to be shrinking, and these days it is almost if not entirely gone. I didn't document its' progress nor visited a doctor with it (since I took it as incurable), but things may be different. I also found a corresponding, seemingly legitimate study that examines this for Vitiligo and psoriasis - STUDY I also got out of the flu in one night (at least that's what I thought I recovered from, feeling low on energy and heat the afternoon before), while others take off days or even weeks with fever, cold symptoms etc. My local medical guidelines states that it is safe to take up to 4k IU a day, which I can't help but see it as underwhelming. It is the bare minimum to be able to function, but far from thriving. Furthermore, 30 ng/mL seems to be okay and 50ng/mL and above there is a risk of toxicity. I wonder about that, seems rather low. I'm also not sure if vitamin D presence in blood by itself can generate symptoms of toxicity, or is it the potential of hypercalcemia that can happen especially at higher doses? In my opinion the pharmaceutical industry seems to be doing everything they can (besides outright banning it) to downplay the potential it has. Understandably there are cases like gut issues, genetic factors etc. when taking vitamin D seems to cause issues, but I believe once (most of) these things are taken care of and the body can accept vitamin D artificially healing can begin. If capsules are not the answer, drops can be a suitable alternative, plenty of sunlight of course. IV if nothing else works. Here is a resourceful website with thousands of articles, references, studies and some anecdotal evidence - VitaminDWiki , furthemore a book many people found incredibly helpful. I'll be buying it too, soon. P.S#1: I'm not advocating vitamin D to be a savior, but at sufficient levels it can definitely help your body battle a myriad of diseases or issues. Things like skin-related diseases, autoimmune-diseases, cancer, depression, anxiety - it just seems to revitalize the body and helps it utilize its' resources properly- I'm not an expert just reading these stuff and experimenting with my body, with great results. Hope you can find some improvement in it, too! Looking for some professional input, as well. I'm also supplementing with Zinc, C, B-Complex, Copper-Complex etc., aside from the aforementioned minerals. I didn't do drastic changes in my lifestyle (I hydrate myself enough, eat semi-healthily, try to sleep enough and that's it) yet, wonder what will change once I do.
  6. Had my blood levels checked recently, the results came back at 200.6 nmol/mL (~80.24 ng/mL). Magnesium and Calcium are also within the optimal range. Incredibly happy with the results! I will be experimenting with increasing the dosage (from 20,000) up to 30,000 daily (Optimal Dose according to Dr. Judson Sommerville's research and book with an identical title) along with adjusting the cofactors I currently take. I am curious to see if there are further improvements to experience. In case things stay relatively the same with my blood levels increasing (gonna test again during summer) within reasonable margins, then I will be using it for prevention potentially for the rest of my life as long as I don't experience bad symptoms.
  7. I lost my virginity at your age and it wasn't really satisfying (not in a romantic relationship). Sex itself was not really satisfying unless it happened in a relationship for me. I was glad it happened but it didn't turn out to be as special as I initially imagined it to be. When it comes to your thousands of approaches, I can tell you have perseverance. It is a great quality and not to be dismissed! I also tried to use pickup to solve my loneliness and confidence around women but it didn't really bore the fruits I was expecting. I have given up on it for a while now. Maybe there are underlying issues for you too that pickup is not suited for. Self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety etc. As long as you are not comfortable in your skin it is going to be a losing battle. For some pickup helps with this, while for others it is too painful and they just end up running in circles (like I did for 1-1,5 years). In my case I did years of inner work, but the biggest trigger was recently optimizing my vitamin D levels. It kicked away my depression and anxiety by 95%, and now I feel amazing and rather comfortable in my skin. I choose not to seek relationships because the desire is currently not there. The interesting thing is that women appreciate my presence more and more lately. Giving me the looks on the streets or bus, wanting to get close to me in social situations etc. The vibe thing really works, blackpill is a dead end. Maybe you can do something about these underlying issues instead of trying to dismantle a huge wall with nothing, but a screwdriver. Good luck!
  8. Dr. Cicero Coimbra's Presentation to Jen Aliano Grassrootshealth (transcript, pdf - video not found yet) - 2025, March 2nd Publically available PDF containing all the 81 slides displayed at the presentation (Available at the bottom of the VitaminDWiki website linked above - if this direct link seems suspicious) Summarization of the transcript by DeepSeek: The text is a detailed transcript of a discussion with Dr. Coimbra, a neurologist renowned for his use of high-dose vitamin D to treat autoimmune diseases, particularly multiple sclerosis (MS). Here’s a summary of the key points: Dr. Coimbra's Background: Dr. Coimbra graduated in 1979, completed residencies in internal medicine and neurology, and has been practicing since. He developed an interest in vitamin D's role in treating autoimmune diseases after observing its effects on a Parkinson's patient with vitiligo. Vitamin D and Autoimmune Diseases: Dr. Coimbra discovered that high doses of vitamin D (10,000 IU/day) significantly improved autoimmune conditions, especially MS. He references studies showing reduced relapse rates in MS patients with vitamin D supplementation. The Coimbra Protocol: This protocol involves high-dose vitamin D (up to 1,000 IU per kilogram of body weight) tailored to individual patients, monitored through parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels to avoid toxicity. The protocol also includes dietary restrictions (low calcium) and supplements like magnesium and omega-3s. Vitamin D's Role in the Body: Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin via UVB sunlight exposure. Deficiency is common in urban populations due to limited sun exposure and sunscreen use. Vitamin D is crucial for immune function, and low levels are linked to various diseases, including tuberculosis and autoimmune disorders. Immune System and Vitamin D: Vitamin D enhances the immune system by activating immune cells to destroy pathogens like tuberculosis. It also inhibits TH17 cells, which are implicated in autoimmune diseases. Historical Use of Vitamin D: Dr. Coimbra references historical treatments, such as Dr. Rollier's use of sunlight to treat tuberculosis in the early 1900s, highlighting the long-standing recognition of vitamin D's therapeutic potential. Stress and Autoimmune Diseases: Emotional stress is a major trigger for autoimmune diseases. Managing stress is crucial for treatment success, as stress reduces magnesium levels, which are necessary for vitamin D activation. Vitamin D Resistance: Some patients with autoimmune diseases have genetic resistance to vitamin D, requiring higher doses. The Coimbra Protocol adjusts doses based on PTH levels to ensure safety and efficacy. Case Studies: Dr. Coimbra shares success stories of patients with lupus, psoriasis, and MS who experienced significant improvements with high-dose vitamin D therapy. Safety and Toxicity: High-dose vitamin D must be carefully monitored to avoid toxicity, which can occur if calcium levels rise too high. Patients must follow a strict low-calcium diet and stay hydrated. Toxicity is reversible if caught early. Vitamin D in Pregnancy: Adequate vitamin D during pregnancy (7,000 IU/day) reduces the risk of complications like autism, MS, and asthma in offspring. Children born to mothers with sufficient vitamin D levels show better neurodevelopment and higher IQs. COVID-19 and Vitamin D: Dr. Coimbra's patients on high-dose vitamin D either avoided COVID-19 or experienced mild symptoms. He recommends high-dose vitamin D during pandemics. Aluminum and Autism: Dr. Coimbra links the rise in autism to aluminum nanoparticles in vaccines, which can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause inflammation. He uses silica to help remove aluminum from the body in autistic patients. Training and Protocol Adoption: Dr. Coimbra trains other doctors in his protocol at no cost, emphasizing the importance of individualized treatment and monitoring. Global Health Crisis: Dr. Coimbra warns of a global health crisis due to the increasing use of aluminum in vaccines and the rise in autism, depression, and other neurological disorders. He advocates for replacing aluminum with safer adjuvants like calcium phosphate. In summary, Dr. Coimbra's work highlights the critical role of vitamin D in treating autoimmune diseases and the importance of addressing environmental toxins like aluminum in vaccines. His protocol offers a promising, albeit carefully monitored, approach to managing these conditions.
  9. Thank you! Great share and can really relate to your explanation. I did some digging and found some other pieces that sound less like a primordial soup of sounds, but more complex and sophisticated - way ahead of its' time - Tom Dissevelt & Kid Baltan - Song of the Second Moon (1957) - Sounds of Jarre 20 years before Jarre did it. Someone in the comment section there (or some other video) mentioned the Variophone, an electronic musical instrument invented by the Soviets in the late 20s/early 30s (!!!). I was awe-struck when I heard what they were capable of. Generatingchip-like sounds (that would fit 8-bit videogames like NES) decades before actual soundchips were invented. Furthermore it works conceptually similar to a Vinyl (Phonograph record) - A photoelectrinc sensor reading waveforms drawn/etched into celluloid film strips. Furthemore it was one if not the first polyphonic instrument, being able to layer drawn tracks and create complex compositions. Here is an example P.S: How do you actually embed clickable videos into posts?
  10. Thank you, this worked!
  11. I admit I don't really have direct experience on this topic, but I have a question: Isn't the awakening process kind of an upward/downward spiral (depending on how you want to imagine it) swinging between realizing the illusionary nature of reality and then the reality of the illusion? Going back & forth as you go deeper potentially into infinity. Total mindfuckery.
  12. Thank you for pointing that out, those cofactors are important. Not only in reducing risk factors associated with D3 supplementation, but furthermore increasing absorption and utilization by activating D3. Here is an overview - Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell | VitaminDWiki Furthermore here are some optimal levels based on the research of Alex Vasquez (DC, ND, DO) - Optimal Vitamin D level: 50-90 ng - Dr. Vasquez | VitaminDWiki
  13. @Leo Gura Thoughtful input, thanks! I've been doing the work for years, but there are always moments where I look at people without much self-awareness just going through the waves of life. Not knowing where they are supposed to go themselves, just enjoying the simple things in life. There is something envious in this blissful ignorance. Some people had the ability to build a solid life from the get go, I guess the urge to developing inwards (not just outwards) isn't as strong with them. While others, including myself, had a rougher beginning - however this rougher beginning itself gravitated me towards self-development, and I don't know how I would be able to live without it. The fruits of this labor are just so tasty!
  14. Oh boy, this thread could go on forever! Currently listening to this - Terry Riley - Persian Surgery Dervishes - Full Album - YouTube Been interested in the origins of electronical music for years, there is something ethereal in these pieces. Stuff including Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Jean-Michelle Jarre, Popol Vuh, Ash Ra Tempel and the list could go on. The consciousness-expanding psychedelia of those years definitely had a large influence on these artists.
  15. That's what I am afraid of, as well. Cheers for mentioning Solarpunk, though!
  16. Thank you for the detailed report and congratulations. This sounds like something I wish to experience in the future, but not yet. Good luck with the integration!
  17. Looks mean little if your 'game' is shit. Vibe appears to be much more influental, in my experience too. Furthermore I don't think even those with proper game and vibes can just get any girl. Rejections will still be the majority, however you can use those as stepping stones in building state and eventually accomplishing something.
  18. Vitamin D Research Update: PLUS The latest use of the disinformation playbook against vitamin D Dr. Coimbra talks about how he came to develop the Coimbra protocol, treating people with autoimmune disorders (mainly Multiple Sclerosis) with vitamin D3 - controversial in the medical community, understandably so. However the first video goes into detail why RCTs (randomized controlled trials) for D3 are not currently properly designed. Video from 2014, English subtitles available.
  19. Nice clickbait, but it seems to work. I like how he advocates for minimum 10K/day, which I tend to agree with (for most it seems to be enough to sustain a 50+ ng/mL / 125 nmol/mL levels) Regarding inactive D3 present in the blood, I guess that's the only current way to provide an approximate measure of what levels of vitamin D3 can be present in the body. Since that amount is currently not being used. Higher levels usually correlate with higher concentrations (and with benefits), up to a certain point where the returns can be diminishing and point towards toxicity (the threshold of which is complex and multifactorial, but I guess the currently established ratios are downgraded for safety concerns). It's interesting how he is being clear with some things (like the potential of healing MS with high doses of D3 (~20-150K IU/day - Coimbra protocol by Dr. Cicero Coimbra), while being vague with others (D3 shrinking tumors with therapeutic doses - for which there are hints). Whatever therapeutic doses mean, however if I were to guess something like above 20-30K/IU (as in the link before).
  20. I have no diagnosis that it was actually Vitiligo, however do you mean Tinea Versicolor? I'm just reading up about it, and it seems to produce roughly the same symptoms as Vitiligo (with the exception of additional dryness&scaliness and itchiness&sweating - none of which I experienced). My spot has always been a few shades lighter than the surrounding skin (regardless of seasonal tan), and burnt really easily (due to a lack of pigments in that area), and it seems to be shrinking away since I've been dosing with vitamin D3 (this aforementioned study also confirms the possibility of Vitamin D-assisted repigmentation).
  21. 400 IU is equivalent to 10 micrograms, barely able to make a measurable difference unless you are severely deficient (~5-10 ng/mL). There have been products with 50,000 (! - 1250 mcg) IU per capsule with 60-120 capsules since 2000, which are meant to be taken weekly or bi-weekly (7700IU/day and 3750 IU/day respectively). Let's say we add up 80 capsules' worth of Vitamin D3, which is 4 million IU (it would take 10,000 days (roughly 27,4 years) to consume that much at the aforementioned dosage, way beyond the shelf-life of the product). They are severely and intentionally downplaying the potential of D3, since it is so cheap and generally much more effective than other much-more expensive methods. Furthermore, it does not guarantee repeated admission of patients. Here is an overview of clinical trials addressing this for multiple conditions with incredible benefit. In short, feel free to up the dosage slowly to 5-10K/IU while also addressing other cofactors such as Magnesium, Omega 3 (each have incredible benefits alone - but they work synergistically with D3, activating it and helping you absorb and use it more efficiently) and K2 (standalone vascular benefits), which in combination with D3 is also for avoiding hypercalcemia. P.S: Test your levels and experiment, different bodies react differently to different doses.
  22. 5k IU/day sounds like a good maintenance dose, but sometimes 10K+/day is needed (including adjusted cofactors such as K2, Magnesium and Omega 3). Here's an overview of 50 ng/mL (125nmol/mL) and corresponding effects, furthermore this overview of how much you may need to take and/or what blood level you need to reach depending on risk factors (both including many referential studies and other information). Still, do your research - test your levels and experiment. Risk of toxicity does not really appear below 100 ng/mL
  23. 60+ is pretty good (if ng/mL, barely adequate if nmol/mL), what's wrong with it? How come you decided to reduce it?
  24. @Human Mint I am from middle Europe, it is not so sun-deprived but far from better parts of the world like around the equator. Most people if not all would benefit from supplementing vitamin D.
  25. You mentioned survival and striving for significance, great topics for contemplation. How does one go around to transcend either of them (or at least striving for significance, which sounds a touch easier to accomplish)? Since SD is an integral (pun intended) part of the conversation, I think it's something akin to a Turqoise society that has integrated the previous stages (including their shadow manifestations). Where we have moved beyond competition, everyone gladly plays their role according to their talents and life purpose. A generally pro-life behaviour celebrating the wonders of life. Can we reach it? Perhaps, but it will take centuries (and/or one or two reboots). As long as the foundation of society is run game theoretically, a competitive 4D chess for resource-accumulation - we have little to no hope of moving beyond hiearchies. I think it is a combination of greedy Red, and a manipulative Orange with the help of Blue's structural integrity that is wreaking havoc throughout the world currently. None of them are integrated properly at a sufficient scale, just look at how different parts of the world can be seen behaving at such different stages of the model. We have to move beyond at least Orange (not just in small communities). Furthermore, Spiral Dynamics barely touches upon spirituality (that's where Wilber came in), which I don't think can be left-out/skipped when it comes to transcending hierarchies. Experiencing the inter-connectedness of the world, being able to truly see the good in others, unconditional love and other transcendental experiences are needed imo. You can also think through the lens of Maslow - the majority of people are operating from deficiency needs. As long as we don't change that, it is rather difficult to appreciate the joy of others, and wish for it regardless of character. Furthermore not many of us are able to cultivate and actualize our inner potentials - transgenerational traumas (shame, violence and/or missing parents, lands acquired through violence and bloodshed) poverty, capitalist greed, pro-profit infrastructures of physical and mental health care, cultural differences, bias and self-deception of humanity and the list can go on. If most of us were to fulfill our deficient needs, we could gain motivation for growth which eventually goes beyond focusing on the self. I apologize for the babbling, but thank you for reading. This is such an interesting topic.