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Everything posted by wolfywales

  1. Hey all , Cardiff S.Wales
  2. Happy birthday Leo .
  3. Hi can anyone help me to understand why it is when I have money I can gamble it all away and feel like something is controlling me, but when the money is gone I feel refreshed and focused ?? This has ruined my life and put my family at risk. Huge changes are required and I am taking steps to correct my life - but Im seeking the answer into why I punish myself and others x Thanks in advance.
  4. Thankyou Saarah. Gambling started at a very early age - not sure what the trigger was! Do you think self enquiry would be the first step to take ?
  5. Thankyou both for replying - really appreciate your help. Its only now that I realise there is a long road to recovery, but to be totaly honest im excited about coming out the other end and experiencing the world as it should be. Wasted 40 years - upset many loved ones etc. Live for today I guess as the past has gone and the future who knows. Cheers x