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About MotherEve
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I do agree with them being different, since their genes will not be 100% similar to the original animals, but nevertheless it is amazing how humans will soon be able to replicate animal species other than our own. What you said about it making the past contingent on the future was very interesting, too. What they are doing is entirely against anything what would naturally occur, and that makes it a very unique topic.
What is everyone's opinions on Colossal Biosciences and their efforts to bring back extinct animals? I've been fascinated by this ever since I found out about it a few months ago. For anyone who is unaware, they are a genetics and biosciences company aiming to use genetic engineering and other methods to bring back extinct animals species, with their main focuses being the woolly mammoth, the thylacine (commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger) and the dodo. They are using whatever genetic material is still available from these species to recreate their genome, and plan to use each species' closest living relative to develop the embryo. It is even predicted that the first of these animals could be born as early as 2030! To be clear, there are motivations for de-extinction such as environmental impact. Many ecosystems suffer when animals go extinct because their niche is left unfulfilled, leading to the destruction of surrounding plants, and in the case of the thylacine, since they were Tasmania's only apex predator, there has been a whole host of problems in Tasmania following their extinction related to the unbalanced number of other animal species. An unfortunate example of this is Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease occuring at upsetting rates. In the case of mammoths, there is evidence that they could positively impact climate change. From a philosophical perspective, do you think this is ethical, and/or necessary? Will these species truly be the same as the original or will they be a brand new species which will simply mimic the extinct one? There is part of me that thinks that there is something unfair and cruel about introducing these species, especially the woolly mammoth who has not seen this Earth for many, many years, into the present day and the host of problems within it. I have worried about the woolly mammoths and how the rising temperatures will affect these animals who are acclimated, and most well known for their place within icy, snowy and cold climates. However, I have heard that they have been proven to be able to live in warmer climates, too. I am not an expert in this, specifically, it is just something I've heard. Regardless, it's definitely interesting to consider the possible ethical repercussions of a procedure like this. Another part of me would like to argue from a stance of this being a form of retribution for these beautiful animals which were wrongly wiped from this planet. It is their home just as much as ours, regardless of us taking it from them. The story of the dodo's extinction in particular upsets me, as these birds had no natural predator on their home of Mauritius, so when Dutch explorers arrived, they greeted them curiously and without fear, because the birds literally did not have fear wired into them in any capacity. Regardless, they were killed en-mass, with none of them expecting or resisting it, right up until the moment a rock collided with their skulls. The cruelty of humanity is demonstrated so clearly when one examines the history of extinction, and overall it is my opinion that de-extinction is an amazing thing because it will increase biodiversity, and to reiterate, this is their home! They deserve to be here! I will pose one more question. How do you think these extinct animals would have evolved if they had not become extinct? This question is more suitable for animals that went extinct a long period of time ago, of course, but nevertheless, it is worth asking. I am so curious to know what you all think of this because I have such a strong interest and passion in it, and talk about it with whoever wants to listen! It is definitely a deep topic, and the conversation surrounding it can go towards some very fundamental philosophical questions about the nature of our role as a part of Earth, of other animals' role on Earth, and how biodiversity works as a whole as a complex system. I would love if these specific questions and thoughts could be explored by all of you! Can't wait to hear what you think
A lot of it is societal for sure. We are told constantly that menstruation is gross and we shouldn't talk about it, often before we even get our first period. Not to mention that it comes with aspects such as changes in mood and cramping. A big part of it, also, in my opinion, is the lack of research done into conditions such as endometriosis that make periods a really horrible experience for many women, since the available treatment is next to nothing. Excluding these cases, however, there are still many women who are disgusted by their own period. The blood seems to trigger something visceral in a lot of people, specifically in a lot of men, which women then internalize from this or from other women who have internalized it first, and this creates such a shameful concept of what periods are. They're considered embarrassing; it's embarrassing if you accidentally get a blood stain on your clothes (despite every single woman I've ever met having experienced this), it's embarrassing if someone smells your period blood, it's embarrassing to walk to the bathroom with a pad or tampon in your hand. I remember the only time I ever saw a girl openly take a pad out of her bag in a public place and walk to the bathroom with it in her hand like it was nothing. This might sound dramatic but I was in awe of her, so shocked that she did it so casually and so freely. I still wish I was brave enough to do that, too. Someday. Back to the overall point, however, I have always liked having a period. I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority in this, but it's the truth. I got mine at quite a young age, and had been looking forward to it because I wanted to grow up. Despite how annoying it can be at times, I don't want it to go away. I've heard many women say they wish they could never have their period again and I cannot relate to that whatsoever. Personally, it makes me feel like a woman. I do get pretty bad cramps sometimes, some months worse than others, but, at the risk of sounding weird, sometimes they feel kind of nice? Has literally any other woman experienced that? Am I crazy? And I don't mean nice as in they're barely there, as in they are very much there but I enjoy the sensation. Sometimes. Sometimes it just hurts. The emotional aspect of it is important too though, in my opinion, because as women our bodies run in a cyclical fashion. The menstrual cycle isn't just the 3-7 days that we bleed for, it includes every other stage throughout the month, too. I'm not always 100% clued into where I am in that regard, but regardless, it impacts your mood. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. Some months the change isn't really there at all, but some months I have intense emotional changes the week before I bleed, and in those times I have had some profound experiences. I think, as women, our aversion to this pain and this change is so deeply ingrained in us that we find it very difficult to embrace it, and we see no value in embracing it because we are never told that it is something we should embrace, just that it is something we need to go through. Our hatred of our own bodies stems from growing up in a society that hates our bodies, that stifles their functions at all costs (despite said functions being responsible for the creation of the entire human population). I view it as something that connects me to my body and to my womanhood. I find it fascinating and I also reject the notion/common joke that it's my "body punishing me for not getting pregnant". It's so much more than that. It's your uterus shedding everything that it needs to get rid of, essentially cleaning itself. That is important. That is also what causes periods to be late - if you are very stressed, your body will know what to prioritize, and will conserve energy for you. I hope any woman reading this feels at least a little bit more positive about her period, if any of you are someone who really hates them with a passion. I understand, though, that every woman's experience of her menstruation is different, and it's a deeply personal matter. Every woman is entitled to love or to hate it, to anything-in-between it, because some of the stories I've heard have been harrowing in terms of pain, women with PMDD and more. It is something that's an intense struggle for some, a cause of celebration for others, but it is something that unites us, all the same. Every woman with a period, has a period story. We're in this together!!!
Men are the victims of the porn industry? An idea like this is one that requires an astounding lack of self-awareness. What you're describing sounds pretty personal and a projection based on what you perceived and assumed to be the truth from an interaction with one woman. Why do the men pay her in the first place? Is she forcing them? Is somebody holding a gun to their head? The thought process behind paying for a woman's onlyfans page is simple - a man sees an attractive woman, and wants to see her naked. He doesn't care or doesn't care enough to know about the potential of her doing it because of financial struggles, of being trafficked; an endless list of the most horrific things a person can go through. Objectively speaking, factually speaking, the porn industry is rife with this, with the abuse of women, and with the objectification and degradation of women even if they are doing it consensually. The image of women porn creates is one in which she is an object and the man is the subject. Onlyfans specifically creates this idea that the average woman can be bought, that if you pay enough money you can have access to her body, with growing instances of women being asked about this, women who do not have an onlyfans, women who do not wish to be sexualised in the slightest. The difference between women being exploited by porn and men being "exploited" by porn is that there are countless women that are victims of everything I've listed and much more - for instance, insane beauty standards that keep getting worse! Women have been left with serious injury after labiaplasties, a procedure that became a thing because of pornography. Whereas men pay money to buy access to a woman's body and then feel all lonely about it. Oh, woe is me! I'm being manipulated into paying for this woman's onlyfans and slowly conditioning my brain through orgasm to associate sex with women being objects for my own pleasure! This woman whose nudes I willingly payed for doesn't want to date me, a complete stranger! It is illogical and entirely antithetical to the reality and gravity of the situation.
MotherEve replied to strangelooper's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@OBEler I have watched it actually! I'm not sure what you mean about NPC solipsism, I was just replying to the part of the original post that mentioned it. -
MotherEve replied to strangelooper's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Yimpa 😂 Thank you! -
I wouldn't recommend committing to it as a spiritual tool because of the obvious health reasons 😆 but I am the type of person that feels overwhelming love and gratitude when drunk so I totally get where you're coming from. Still! Drink in moderation!
This was the first time I had a direct experience of something - or rather, nothing - as a result of one of Leo's videos (in this case it was 'Why is there something rather than nothing?' if anyone is interested). At least one as potent and instantaneously eye-opening as this one. As I contemplated the concept of 'nothing' and the concept of everything being nothing, something suddenly clicked in my brain and I could see it. It is tricky to explain how it appeared to me but I will make an attempt so that someone else may share my experience, too. Instead of seeing 'nothing' as some separate realm, something completely oppositional and removed from what we are experiencing right now, instead consider it as an element of it. Since nothing is comprised of literally nothing, and since non-existence does not exist, one can see that this nothingness, this non existence, is boundless and is everywhere. Since it doesn't exist, it doesn't have a form or a destination or anything to it whatsoever. It is silky dark matter without a jar to contain it, it is ever-permeating and flows like a snap of the fingers, like water, like a black hole, like none of these things but these are the mental images that the feeling of it conjures up in me so follow this feeling with me if you tend to understand things more intuitively. It is everywhere because it is a complete and total opposite, untouchable and unmovable because to touch or to move it is to change it into a component of something. I hope this has made sense! I do not know if it did, as it is something that makes a lot more sense once you 'see' it for yourself. I am also sharing this because this realization has brought me a lot of peace. Directly before this happened, I was going through what could be referred to as an existential crisis of sorts, a sudden and extreme fear of death that I had not felt since childhood. However, after this realization struck me, although I did not immediately understand why, I immediately knew that my problem had been solved and that there was nothing to worry about. Nothing cannot touch you, it has already touched you, it is already encapsulating you and because of this you will always be safe from it. It isn't scary because I know now what it is. It has been here the whole time.
MotherEve replied to Ramanujan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Unending existence. It is really that simple! A lot of people complicate it, which isn't necessarily false since it is a massive topic, to say the least; for me, personally, the thought of no beginning is a way bigger mind-fuck than the thought of no end. But at its core, that's all it is, really. What cannot die, will not die, and what is fundamental and necessary to existence is, well, fundamental and necessary to existence. And so it exists. Foreverrrrrrr!!! -
MotherEve replied to Will1125's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Aw I love you too 💕 -
MotherEve replied to PenguinPablo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Not yet but maybe 2025 is my year -
MotherEve changed their profile photo
MotherEve replied to strangelooper's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Really, man? Most people are NPCs? Adam and Eve? (Not going to get into that one. Catholicism being a totally reliable source and all.) Why would most people be NPCs? How can you verify who has their own consciousness and who is an NPC? Be very careful when you formulate ideas that they actually make sense and have substantial logical backing and/or evidence instead of just being whatever will conveniently compliment what you already believe and/or the mental structure you have began to build and who's continuation you are invested in. Not to say that other parts of your points don't have merit. And I actually have many questions about this theory since I found it to be interesting. Going with your Rubik's cube analogy, how many 'sides', or souls, are there? Is it an infinite amount? Is it a set number? If it is a set number, why this one? What is special about this number? Why is there this number instead of one number, i.e. one mind, i.e. solipsism? And if God is this Rubik's cube of minds, is there a point at which all minds connect or unify to form the 'solved' Rubik's cube? Would this one-ness be essentially the same as solipsism or is the highest or most awakened state of God to be separate consciousness awakening separately from one another? How can one verify this? And if this were the case, why and how am I this specific consciousness and why and how are you your own specific consciousness? What causes this? What causes this multiplicity of minds to exist? Why should it be fundamental? From this worldview, what constitutes the ultimate awakening? I would love to hear more about all facets of this thought process.