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About Seeker123

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  1. Why are there so many religious scriptures and I don't understand that if they try to preach the same truth why are do they completely contradict each other ? Even scriptures which are said by the same person of the same religion contradicts his/her previous teaching or saying. Why so much contradiction and confusion and complexity in spirituality ?
  2. @Salvijus If you'd read the rational wiki page on Leo, then you might understand what I am trying to say
  3. @Exystem Rational wiki not only debunked some stuff but also debunked the claims of Leo
  4. Hello, I am quite new in my spiritual journey. Recently I came across rational wiki which supposedly debunks all spiritual stuff, that website has pages on many true masters with the website trying to debunk them. Since I am new I don't have much knowledge. So I got confused and yeah pls help