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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. I wonder how much money they're spending on this war on ghosts. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-migrant-crackdown-has-more-bark-than-bite-experts-say/
  2. Ya, so prove to the believers that he lied to them. People aren't going to keep following someone that they know lied to them once. Prove to moderates that he's a dangerous liar. Seems to me like he tee'd us up for an easy slam dunk campaign, it's so thoroughly disproven, instead of doing that though progressives just cornered deniers as cult members and racists, and then wanted to imprison and prevent their politician from even running, that's ABC authoritarianism from progressives that Trump voters saw. You can overlook a lot of things in a candidate if you feel oppressed by the other party. Even just you wanting him in prison, look at their perspective, voting for Trump is voting against authoritarianism that even you have said the u.s. could easily fall into.
  3. No. 23–939. Argued April 25, 2024—Decided July 1, 2024 "Held: Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts. Pp. 5–43. (a) This case is the first criminal prosecution in our Nation’s history of a former President for actions taken during his Presidency. Determining whether and under what circumstances such a prosecution may proceed requires careful assessment of the scope of Presidential power under the Constitution. The nature of that power requires that a former President have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office. At least with respect to the President’s exercise of his core constitutional powers, this immunity must be absolute. As for his remaining official actions, he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity. Pp. 5" Official acts are immune, unofficial acts like election interference or assassination are not official acts. Ya, so just debunk his claims, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona elections were ran by Republicans even, it's easy to debunk the election denial, Trump himself had his chosen forensic auditors that found no problems, just say those things.
  4. I don't support Republican policies, but I think it's important to try to actually understand their perspectives rather than just attacking them, the U.S. debt is monumental, they're trying to cut spending, they believe raising taxes slows the economy, this is not a far-fetched belief and slowing the economy would make it harder to reduce the debt, the U.S. is essentially a ponzi scheme where the dollar would crash if economic growth doesn't continue.
  5. Nothing that happened on january 6 threatened the election, even if they would have killed pence and pelosi it would not have made a difference. I'm not referring to an insurrectionist, by rebellion leader i meant if the election really was rigged, the people at jan 6 thought it was. I mean someone that verbally protests the election, that is the extent of what Trump did, all he's done is said the election is rigged and from that you want him to not be able to run, so if trump rigs an election no one that claims it's rigged should be allowed to run unless they have good evidence? Say they speak at a protest at the capitol that gets violent like jan 6, say they call a secretary of state like trump did in georgia. To me it's obvious they should be able to run in a free country, election denial should be allowed, If it's so obvious that it wasn't rigged then put forth the evidence, shoot down their evidence, that's it, to me allowing that is an advantage to the peoples-will party, it should be easy to show how corrupt he is, show it to the people, you said "overwhelming evidence" about his criminal case, you could easily just campaign on that and should easily win if it's "overwhelming evidence", I don't believe it was even evident he committed crime myself, and I campaigned against Trump all three elections. Trump is not granted immunity for crime in office, that is more lying rage bait you've been listening to. What political commentators do you listen to and read?
  6. What political commentators do you worried people listen to or read?
  7. But it is something that people should avoid? And the thought of something being "mad, sad. self harming", that's not illusion?
  8. I don't like Trump at all, I think he should be impeached for pardoning jan 6ers. I think it's important to allow a criminal like that to run, for instance if they were right, obviously the election denying was all a lie, but reverse the rolls, say Trump rigs the election, should the leader of a rebellion like that not be allowed to run for office, you're suggesting doing something that you appear to be afraid of Trump doing which is preventing a political opponent from running for office. America voted for Trump, he should be President, you're supporting what you're afraid Trump will do, opposing the will of the people. There is a chance you're wrong about your interpretation of these events, and in the case of criminal prosecution with Trump you have to give the benefit of doubt, it has to be beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed a crime.
  9. Doesn't this imply that "unhappy experience" and trying to follow an illusion are bad?
  10. I don't think Trump did anything illegal, he said he heard there was fraud in the election and asked for it to be looked into. Jan 6 there was nothing that could have happened that day that would have overturned the election, at worst they would have killed pence and pelosi, that would not have changed the election. The fake elector thing was an alternative slate of electors for contested elections. The only thing Trump should have been convicted of in my opinion was what he was in new york, and then also the impeachments including the one that just started, but even if he isn't it's not bringing us any closer to dictatorship. I think you're getting some rage bait media about the u.s., most Republicans are good democracy loving people, good people, not hateful or nuts, the people you see and converse with on news or social media are not representative of normal people.
  11. Aren't you creating an illusion of separation with God No one was ever actually separated to be able to return right? The separation you're describing is an illusion itself isn't it?
  12. Isn't this thought right there illusion itself, that following illusion is bad, that unhappiness is bad?
  13. Here's possibly the most extreme Trump has been, and he doesn't even outright tell the Republican to cheat, and he only offers veiled mild threats. After listening to this, do you think even Trump feels like he is in a position to assassinate or wrongfully imprison political opponents. This was after he had already been impeached by the house the first time. Not only would he need a corrupt justice department, he needs a corrupt judge, a corrupt appellate court, a corrupt supreme court, and an oblivious or corrupt congress to wrongfully imprison, of which he would also need to do to several people, and then he needs oblivious or corrupt voters next election. To assassinate someone, he needs someone that would actually do it, and he needs oblivious or corrupt voters next election, not only that he also needs to win the election otherwise, which he barely even did this time without going Dictator. To rig the election, you need an oblivious or corrupt congress, and then proceeding oblivious or corrupt voters. The swing states this time were actually Democrat ran states even, Democrat ran elections would need to be rigged.
  14. I'm sorry to hear how little you think of your fellow Americans, that would be very scary if I believed that. You think Trump will kill or imprison political opponents, and Republicans will go along with it. If you feel that way then you don't believe in the nation any way, you think that if a charismatic Republican is elected that they can be dictator if they choose. Essentially, you've already been living in a sham nation then right? A used car salesmen can come along any time and swindle away the biggest nation. Why do you think this isn't done more often, especially in smaller presumably easier to target nations? There are complete brainwashed idiot Trump supporters, and they are prominent in the news and you see them a lot, but that is not the average Republican voter. I suggest socializing with some, I think they will surprise you. I think you're victim to a social media induced illusion by being bombarded by cringey MAGA.
  15. Then isn't not following God, an illusion, therefore the name God unnecessary. Isn't it not only completely unnecessary, but believing an illusion, to try to lead people to God, or even you yourself to "follow God" like it's possible to not follow God?
  16. Democrats need 3 republican reps and 20 senators to remove Trump. 7 Republican Senators voted to convict Trump in 2021 for comparison by the way, he was impeached by the house twice. It's unbelievable to me that there wouldn't be 13 more Republican Senators vote against dictatorship, vote against election interference. It's unbelievable to me that most Republican voters wouldn't oppose it, the military, SCOTUS even. I'm disturbed that you people are disturbed by those thoughts. Rich people would also not want to disturb democracy, what has made them their money, they just want de-regulation. Why would anyone besides the sole dictator want a dictatorship, even republicans? Why would they want to give up their vote? Not only that, this would completely shut off the U.S. from the rest of the West, all of the rich people would lose their international business. In dictatorships the dictator steals the rich's money even. My point about Trumps approval rating is that he is doing what most of his voters want, I doubt they even read project 2025 but I think they knew he wanted to do those things, he himself has explicitly stated he was going to do these things.
  17. Can you know that those are from God? Or are you just using the term God as a name for what everything comes from, something you don't understand?
  18. Did you believe trump when he said he wasn't associated with 2025? This video is a year ago of him talking about shutting down these departments 7 years ago, he says he will disband fbi Where are the Trump voter calls for impeachment then? They don't exist, Trumps approval rating is like 80% amongst Republican voters after implementing these policies. Where is the Trump voter outrage, I have not seen it. What are you afraid of he or musk will do, I don't understand what you think he can do, eliminate elections? Republican Congress will not allow that.
  19. You don't claim to know God or know what God is?
  20. Isn't it really the foundation of Democratic policy to fight those things; cheating, lies, voter suppression, and minority rule? Healthcare and tax reform are targeting cheating, the thought is the current dynamic is unfair, the rich are cheating. Pollution, climate change, these are both about the same kind of cheating and lies. Taking power aggressively or suppressing votes would be oppressing the people, not doing the will of the people. ETA; It's funny how socialists exclude Democrats from the left until they want to criticize them for not being oppressive.
  21. But do you understand what God is, can you explain it, or is God used as a term meaning what you don't understand and can't explain? You say creator, but do you understand how God is the creator, or are you just admitting it's just a hopeful belief and that you don't actually know or understand, the term God is just a placeholder for what is not understood? ETA; What exactly are you trying to communicate with the word 'God'?
  22. It's not authoritarian, it's oppressive. You cannot have authoritarianism while you have free elections, Trump has not corrupted any election, Biden was in charge during this election, why did democrats hand over the presidency without any fight at all actually if it was corrupted? Has congress convicted Trump with impeachment proceedings to remove him? No, and congress is the elected representatives of the people. Trump and Congress are doing the will of the people, Congress has approved these department heads, congress elected by the people, an election that happened under Biden. All of the departments are under the President, the entire executive branch. There were constant lawsuits under Biden too, look at the student loan forgiveness lawsuit, lawsuits on him not enforcing immigration laws. The "deep state" has no check on the president, he can fire anyone in the executive branch, this has been done before and affirmed by SCOTUS, the only check is by congressional impeachment, and election by the people, he clears both of those. Washington Examiner https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/1763880/biden-admits-he-is-proudly-and-deliberately-breaking-the-law Biden admits he is proudly and deliberately breaking the law Aug 4, 2021 · When asked about the legal obstacles this policy would inevitably run into, President Joe Biden admitted that what his administration is doing is illegal, but he said he doesn’t car https://www.yahoo.com › news AOC Renews Calls for Biden Administration to Defy Federal Court … Apr 22, 2023 · Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has doubled down on calls for the Biden administration to defy federal courts, including the nation’s highest, which she
  23. That's not authoritarianism, a president is over the entire executive branch, every presidency appoints their chosen officials to head departments. Authoritarianism would be doing away with or corrupting elections. Removing what check on power? The only check on a president's power is impeachment. It's the president's discretion on which laws to execute and which not to, for example the keystone xl pipeline was approved by congress in a previous administration and when Biden came in he unilaterally cancelled it. A president has the ability to not enforce any law, he can have elon do whatever he wants and pardon him so even future administrations cannot prosecute him, the president himself is the person in charge of enforcing the laws. Just like a president's ability to veto any law can be overridden with a supermajority of congress, the same amount is to remove a president with a conviction from impeachment. There's no destruction of Democracy anywhere in sight, what are you referring to?
  24. How is it authoritarian if the people elected him to enact the exact executive orders he's enacting, project 2025 was public and Republicans have always supported dismantling all of these programs. America elected not only him as president, but a republican congress, this is the will of the people you're seeing, every single act.
  25. They can walk on their own, I don't know of any grand claims about them you might be referring to. https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/10/reports-teslas-prototype-optimus-robots-were-controlled-by-humans/