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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. That's not a good reason to let them take over your country, the opposite actually.
  2. Ukraine has only lost 43,000, from an army of 2.2 million, Russia has lost 850,000 with only 1 million left. Russia's economy is on the brink, they're bound to overthrow Putin at some point, and end the war.
  3. As unstable as Trump is, as soon as prices start going up in the u.s. he will obviously cancel the tariffs. The threatened countries shouldn't flinch, Trump is a political suicide bomber with tariffs, he'll blow himself up. This is a legal way for foreign nations to have influence on U.S. politics.
  4. Here's part of a good quote from another current thread on stage theory.
  5. Which is obviously judgment. You've lied this entire thread, impressive.
  6. 'If everyone would just lay their arms down to dictators the world would eliminate bloodshed'. Russia has lost multiples more people than Ukraine has, so by your reasoning Russia should capitulate to Ukraine and Ukraine should take over Russia.
  7. Trump supporters are hardly political by category, they're more of a religion than what major religions are to most religious people. Being a Trump supporter means some specific things and values, it's nothing like a sports fan or typical political differences, a couple can disagree on welfare and tax rates, even abortion, but you can't disagree about lying and respect for others.
  8. And what was the point of publishing the nugget of wisdom?
  9. I myself wouldn't even date someone who's family are Trump supporters. I'm dating for marriage this only applies because of that, but there's definitely a no go with it for me. It's a giant red flag, sure there's a possibility you could find someone you enjoy being with but the tendency in my experience is overwhelmingly a conflict in basic and important values like compassion and greed.
  10. He also just "mudded" PurpleTree instead of "respecting his discernment" just 5 minutes ago.
  11. "tolerating worldviews about harming others" was my comment your reply was to.
  12. You thought they bragged about accepting and tolerating worldviews about harming others? You've never heard them for example condemn white nationalism, nazism, zionism, racism?
  13. You know how the MAGA argument against trans women in womens sports is that it disenfranchises women because male is the superior sex in sports, that's MAGA DEI right? Giving women scholarships for sports even though if they competed against everyone for the scholarships they wouldn't get them.
  14. @Shodburrito Very insightful. Wouldn't the elimination of sex segregation make it objectively fair? In regard to scholarships, just make a certain level of college free, for example 2 years of community college and do away with scholarships, or have other types of competitions that are more favorable to females, for scholarships. If you were to try to level the playing field in any sort of competition, even in competing for jobs, there's no end until everyone scores the same amount of points, You can always find a disadvantage to compensate for, Have basketball divided up by height, sex, race even, and hormone levels, divide job applicants up by parents IQ, what neighborhood they grew up in, medical history, and how clean their drinking water is. You could argue scholarships going to better student athletes is more fair than free community college because college may be a waste for some people, but colleges could also create courses that would be helpful for more types of people.
  15. You didn't offer any worldview, despite being asked quite implicitly for one, you just said you voted for him because you were told to, a fairly suspicious response about a candidate that wants ethnic cleansing. He explicitly stated he doesn't really mind Trump supporters. The left does not brag about tolerating worldviews about harming innocent people, they're quite openly and vocally opposed to those actually..... this is another very suspicious comment, a bad faith strawman that's frequently promoted by fascist propagandists.
  16. For those of you who live somewhere other than your ancestral region, do you feel more connection to your ancestral cultures or to the cultures that previously inhabited the area you call home? For those who live in their ancestral area, do you feel much connection to your ancestral cultures? Everyone's ancestors moved around a little bit, but some a lot more than others. I've lived in my region my entire life and I spend a lot of time enjoying nature and learning about how people lived with nature here, I feel connection with previous inhabitants of my home and despite having an extensive genealogical record I do not feel much connection with my ancestral cultures. This appears odd to me on some level but makes perfect sense when I think of living in the same location as others that have lived so intimately with nature here. I suppose we're all ultimately from the same original ancestors anyway, but do you have a stronger attachment to your location's history than your genealogy?
  17. I'm waiting for someone to start one that would end global poverty instead of building palaces, do they take suggestions?
  18. Aware of how social structures affect people. For example, people tend to have more productive lives if they're raised in safer and healthier communities. Another big one is how the prosperity of everyone is in a large part due to society as a whole and not just due to the individual's actions.
  19. https://www.firstpost.com/world/trump-tariffs-wont-go-unanswered-says-eu-as-it-prepares-firm-and-proportionate-retaliation-13862041.html He does more to hurt his own presidency than anyone else. The economic fallout should help the environment for long after he's gone, if anyone wants a bright side take.
  20. Do you know of others that have reached the level of awareness you refer to?
  21. With all these religions helping us, why isn't everyone enlightened? It appears that only the creators of the religions are the only ever enlightened ones, and they became enlightened without the religion in their life, being they're the ones that create it. To escape suffering, Venmo me $5 and take a tablespoon of salt in the name of God, you're welcome.
  22. And you don't think this thought right here is illusion? "Mistake" doesn't imply bad or something you shouldn't do? What does 'bad' mean to you, it doesn't mean undesirable, something someone doesn't like?
  23. I think there's always good reason to have a years worth of food, and a decent amount of basic supplies and tools on hand. Droughts and natural disasters still happen even. There are some really good preserved foods like pickled eggs, sauerkraut, sardines, and then there are things that store forever, wheat berry stores for 30 years or so.
  24. People wouldn't need to follow you if it made sense, the confusion part is what allows you to control people.