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About z3rolight

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  1. Consciousness receives creativity. Then consciousness is receptive. Without consciousness can you create, can you be creative?
  2. God is the ~totality of consciousness and creativity...The Director of every consciousness!...We are born with this consciousness given as a gift ~along with life...from God, we should be grateful!...What do we choose to become a being separate from the whole?!... Or a whole in consciousness!.If we have chosen the majority to live individually and not as a whole....It is called division. Through our division it brings social conflicts and not only; relationships between people, families, cities, countries.~We are co-creators of what we live!.God wants us to become a whole.always listened to this consciousness, it is intuitive and should be taken into account; not only does it offer to show us the path we should walk but it bears its own responsibility to choose human nature how to live. As we well know that we live a dual life, an inner and an outer one with society... The only free will we have is in your choice... which path do you want to take!. "Self-love" (seeking individual material happiness?) and secondly, "benevolence" (compassion and seeking the good for the whole) in conscience. I consider this to be the exam we give to God.