So to keep this simple i'm 23 and because of my struggle with dating in real life this caused me to fall down the redpill rabbit hole. This led to me going deeper and learning about the blackpill and incel culture and this led to me consuming massive amounts of content from various creators to the point where i've been starting to believe this stuff. The thing is i don't want to be this type of person or assosiate with these people however it just feels like maybe for some people it's all real, I'm pretty sure i watched every andrew tate video there is and i feel like this type of content has led me to have a very negative view of the world.
I'm making this post so hopefully you leo can make a video addressing these spaces and talking about a way to get out of it because it seems like once you get in you cant get out and others like me probably have consumed so much of this content it starts to seem real.
So in the future leo plz address the black pill and suggest soulutions on how to get yourslelf out of it, because i notice how not alot of people talk about this.