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Everything posted by Golem

  1. You’ll definitely get banned again. Lies and deflection are your bread and butter. You do realize everyone here knows what Hasbara is, right? Your graphomania reeks of it.
  2. Sure, Jan. A forum where 90% of posts come from the same seven NPCs repeating themselves ad nauseam, plus a severely depressed forum owner on the verge of ending it all, is "fine"
  3. He’s literally a product of this forum’s collective mental illness. Own it - and own him
  4. It's a new account, yes But I’ve been watching the forum’s decline from the start. The pearls, man… they’re just not there anymore, you know? Joined for the last whoorah before it all goes down
  5. There’s actually some truth to what another member here claimed- that Europeans support Israel because we don’t want Jews in Europe. There’s definitely truth to that. We want Israel to exist, and we sacrificed a hell of a lot of our values and integrity to make sure that happens. Meanwhile US got a whole different set of motivations- ranging from brain-dead evangelicals to full-on infiltration and blackmail.
  6. She's (?) infamous user PretyIndia, one of the most unhinged members on here. Updated her (?) persona a bit, flying under the radar with the help of LLM
  7. This has to be the most extensively and vividly documented ethnic cleansing in history, exposing its full brutality. Thousands of CHILDREN caught in pictures and videos- blown-off hands, legs, and heads. You can’t just sweep this under the rug. Once the dust settles, there’ll be documentaries everywhere, loaded with these images and gut-wrenching stories. I’d bet my left nut that in Europe, at least, they’ll be doing free screenings in theaters and public spaces. The PR disaster here is off the charts- there’s no coming back from this. The yidish pilpul in this and other threads reeks of pure desperation. It still manages to fool the blind masses- for now. But that grip is slipping, and it won’t last much longer.
  8. Nothing elite about being just an onlooker, even if your understanding is deeper and more informed. That’s the feeling I’m starting to get. The more you know, the more it becomes clear that just standing by and watching doesn’t make you special – it just makes you another spectator. What do you think?
  9. Israel as a zionist entity is a house of cards and definitely has no future, however you slice it. Unique lack of self awareness will result in more and more mistakes as we've witnessed in the past year. Sprinkle in some random whistleblower or classified information leak in US and yeah, it's definitely over.
  10. I’ve actually proven to myself that I can just be. I quit my job 1.5 years ago purely to embrace that state of being- and, honestly, it’s been great. I am, I exist, and I’m not bored or restless. But lately, a thought has crept in (maybe it’s cultural conditioning, maybe it’s just bullshit from the outside)- is this really a life worth living? Is this a fulfilled life, even if it feels like one? I’m with you- "material success, power, and fame don’t interest me". But when you think about it, "exploring consciousness" is just another damn layer within consciousness itself, no more or less real than the pursuit of material success. It’s all part of the same imaginary construct. Wouldn’t it be fair to say that the best strategy for life is to go balls to the wall on something, whatever the hell that may be? Whether it’s exploring the depths of consciousness or striving to become a billionaire CEO who steps on others to build their empire. In that sense, isn’t the life of a billionaire- one who fucks over millions of lives in the process- arguably "better lived" than that of someone like me, sitting "perfectly content" in stillness? You're a millenian, you should be familiar with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZOM6hOnEBE Maybe it's better to be Butters than some blissed out "nobody", maybe the way forward is "will to power" and domination in this world.
  11. Have you already made peace with your mediocrity? I’m asking because you used to seem like someone with big potential, but life seems to have settled you into something... average. I’m around the same age, living the standard Western life, and I’m wondering if I should still chase more or just embrace the reality of "nothing special." Or is it even possible to make myself "want it bad enough to endure hell"?
  12. @Scholar you are deeply troubled individual (as many here on this forum are), your insistance on this topic shows you desperatly seek validation for whatever configuration of incest you got going on, you should listen to @trenton and do a deep dive into yopurself, attend therapy and not seek aproval of other troubled individuals or even try and convince them.
  13. Holocaust is imaginary and yet you keep kvetching about it, what gives
  14. From an absolute perspective—yeah, sure. From my ego's perspective—hell no. And as a limited ego, there's no requirement for me to see beauty and perfection in something that's perfect only from the perspective of the Absolute (because everything is it, and IT’s perfect, duh). This would be an unrealistic expectation, and I sure hope you’re not putting it on yourselves—that would be extremely unwise.