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Everything posted by NewKidOnTheBlock

  1. No I haven't actually, I just mostly seen people talking about it. This mythical ugly guy who slays bitches with the power of his personality. As if that's suppose to prove something. Most of the time they have something else to compensate. People just don't talk about that shit honestly enough and people are not really honest in general. With themselves or others. That's just a feminist retardation. We are all dependent on men, in actuality. She is "masculine" just cause she has a job and pays her own bills? That's not masculine, that's just a typical modern day slavery. Yes, kinda. Women want masculine behaviour from attractive men basically. But they'll also tolerate any kind of behaviour from them, really. No, most people date their looks match. They look about the same. I just dissagree with their hopelessness and depression, mostly
  2. I don't care about posting studies anyway because I'd have to search for them forever. Cause there's only the ussual feminist narrative of black pill as them being mysogists, people obviously like to cope. Go search Youtube for black pill channels if you care enough and find for yourself, they have everything. (I doubt you'll do that cause you have no reason to) Personality not being a thing is just my opinion, to clarify. As well as what I said about masculinity
  3. @NoSelfSelf I don't think it's correct to just dismiss all my points just because I was hurt in the past, we all were hurt in the past except a few priviliged people (mostly good looking ones of course but that's besides the point). So this is completely irrelevant. Do you honestly think it is fair to bring that up? Do you honestly think this disproves literaly anything of what I stated? I was never rejected because I never approached, but some women still did express interest in me. I was kinda traumatized in other ways tho (50% of that was by women) I am not ashamed to admit it. Guys like me could benefit from some kind of approaching and I will get to it once I'll start caring enough. I do have kind of an average face but I am tall and have OK body frame so I'm should be alright. But I think it's kinda pointless to make it about me. I don't really care, but it's pointless. You're probably doing it cause you can't disprove anything of what I've said (because it's an objective truth)
  4. But you can definitely do that, you just have to be good at observing their behaviour and look at the statistics It's actually completely normal and natural But everyone is like that. Men and women. Masculinity is basically just a good looking guy wanting you and going after you No such thing as personality
  5. Yes I am locked into a paradigm of truth. PLEASE SAVE ME!😂 "Personality", whatever that means, is BS and can't replace looks. There are other alternative explanations why a woman would choose a man despite his looks being subpar and there are many of them, but none of them include personality. I won't even get into that cause I don't care. You can't even properly define these terms and all this "masculinity" BS and all of you are just coping endlessly, to try to come up with what it actually means😂 Oooh it's so complicated, we have to write a thousand books and make thousand topics to finally discover that secret formula to attract women, they're all so complicated😂 See, I don't really care to give sermons about what others should do - even if the guy is ugly, I wouldn't tell him to not approach, I wouldn't advise anything to anyone. Cause I don't really care. I mean, the chances are never zero, I am fully aware of that. I just focus on me and my life and I am fully comfortable and cozy with knowing the actual truth. But who knows, maybe if you guys grind your gears enough, you'll discover that mythical divine masculinity and femininity😂
  6. Because you are a human, and a woman at that. Coping and lying to yourself and others (as well as ignorance) is important for our pristinely clean sense of self. We like to look at ourselves as these non shallow moral beings
  7. You are either lying or it's statistically insignificant
  8. Attraction is about looks. Any other explanation found in reality is either false or statistically insignificant
  9. All of these can be found in a superior form and quantity in vegetables and animal products/meat. Amino acids? HAHAH don't make me laugh, how can a fruit be a better source of amino acids than meat, HAHAHAH Yes of course, by cooking and other forms of artificial thermal processing you're be destroying some nutrients, no matter the food. And it's not by accident that the meat is the worst food to overcook and will lose the most nutrients, because it contains the most nutrients, logically, LOL. There is really nothing special about fruit, most of it exists for a plant to spread it seeds, the reason it's so sugary is to attract various animal species to consume it (and thus spread the seeds elsewhere once they defecate) or just simply spread it period, no matter the means. Some of them are poisonous. So by consuming fruit, in a way, you pretty much serve as a plant's DNA spreader only. Or it just kills you. Plants don't ACTUALLY want to be needlesly eaten and if they do, it has to have a purpose. Otherwise they'll just develop poisonous mechanisms to keep you away. I know, shocking right? There goes your entire philosophy. LOL It's actually not necessary to eat fruit, at all. It's completely useless This part is full if pseudoscientific garbage and half truths I won't even bother responding to Ok but it's still a sugar nontheless. LOL what does it matter if it's a bit less potent kind. It contains fructose and various acids which are bad for your teeth, of course carbs in bread are also bad for your teeth but at least they don't contain these acids. But people have certainly died or are slowly dying because of this diet due to malnutrition. Threating diabetes - which was caused by abormal sugar consumption - by consuming sugar LOL how does that make any sense. Of course once you come to the point of have diabetes you're already kinda fucked and out of options anyway, but that's neither here nor there. That's probably because they life completely stressless lives, that can do a lot to extend your life even on a shitty diet. Comparing anything with a standard western diet of a standars western drone human is kind of a low bar to set, certainly. The system doesn't care about a few crazies who decided to become frutarians LOL if anything, consuming raw carnivore diet is far more threatening because you not only have to kill animals to get it (and ideally the wild ones since they are the healthiest, but of course that's not really an option) which there are very limited ammount of them left and there are too many humans. You'd also go against the slave brainwashing of society which wants to basically just eat enough calories to not die, instead of actually caring about your optimal health and actual well being. There's a reason why steaks are the most expensive items in restaurants while vegetables and fruits are dime a dozen LOL They mostly seen results because they did not ate enough quality meat and quality animal products and they were malnourished, the ones who ate the standard meat from the supermarket and overcooked it did not get much from it. Still better than eating no meat or animal products at all tho. Press f for doubt. There should be no detox phase whatsoever, that's complete nonsense. If you're lacking something in your diet and you start consuming the thing your lacking, you should start seeing noticeable positive differences in your appearance and have consistently positive blood tests. "Detox" is just a code work for toxic. Because fruit is largely unnecessary and therefore toxic. It's perfectly possible to delude yourself no matter how much "hard work" you put into something. Just so you know. This just sounds like religious nonsense Yes, the rest of the post is also full of subjective claims and religious nonsense. Best of luck with your diet anyway
  10. Please do not listen to that guy. Most fruits contain nothing but sugar, some contain a few petty vitamins but it's not like you wouldn't be able to get them from other sources. This is the type of diet you can expect to die on the quickest (followed by a more general vegan diet of course)
  11. That is way too simplistic. Cholesterol being the #1 thing that's bad for you was a theory propagated (and was originated) in the previous century, but as it turns out it's actually the sugar, or the complex carbohydrates that's mostly responsible for heart dissease. Mostly from eating junk. Cholesterol is actually good for you and necessary for your survival. And there's no way a good healthy meat and animal products would increase it to such a degree to which it would be a problem. And if it can, again - show me the proof. There's no actual study observing effects of this kind of diet. Plant based diet without meat or animal products lacks at least 5-6 micronutrients and that's just the bare minimum, it likely lacks more. Artificial supplementation is not enough
  12. @Sugarcoat So you're implying that meat causes heart dissease. Yes, the shit meat products we're consuming today do cause heart dissease because they are cooked on vegetable oils, riddled with preservatives and it's gained from largely unhealthy animals from these massive animal farms. Show me a study of people eating actually good quality meat that's at least semi raw so it conserves most of the nutrients that concludes people get heart dissease from consuming such meat. I'll wait.
  13. Ok. But you wouldn't invent anything new because you basically just described self improvement/self help LOL
  14. @Princess Arabia The pyramid is fine like I said, you just have to take out top 2 layers and reverse it, eating mostly meat and animal products, then carbohydrates (important energy source and somewhat important for the brain), and then lastly vegetables. The pyramide could be a scam but that's how most people throught history (since the start of civilization) were eating, while meat was reserved for the rich. The wheat and vegetables were for the slaves. That's how it always was. It's the only way to sustain the population we have/had so in a way it's completely understandable but if you individually still have the choice to eat meat then you should probably do so. But that's just my opinion.
  15. Just eat what the US food pyramide tells you to eat basically, but without the top 2 stages (junk food sugary shit and various vegetable oils) and in a reverse order. While consuming the most high quality meat and animal products and consuming them as raw as you're willing to risk it (the more you cook them, the more nutrients you'll destroy and the more carcinogens you'll create but at the same time if you don't cook them at all you'll risk exposing yourself to some life threatening ilnesses so it is a carefull trade off you have to make). Any recipes that would abide by these principles are basically perfect. If you can visualize the pyramide you'll know how I meant it
  16. There is no such thing as alpha female, just another retarded internet term with no basis in reality and nature
  17. @Emerald Your assumption that humans got to where they're now by being able to organize themselves into communities is laughably wrong, literaly thousands of animal species are capable of organizing themselves into communities and yet none of them achieved even 1% of what humans managed to achieve. The main things actually separating us from the rest is our superior brains and our 5-fingered hands - or in other words, our superior inteligence and our ability to make tools. And since your long posts are structured in a way in which each paragraph is suppose to be a logical continuation of the previous one, and since your innitial assumption is completely wrong, we can safely assume most of what you said in that post and in the posts following after that is also incorrect (since most of your posts are built on incorrect assumptions)
  18. It's just hard for me to imagine or conceptualize living that long, as I'm just a mere petty human
  19. One year is not big enough of a time frame for accomplishing anything worth mentioning in my opinion. I don't know why you guys keep setting up goals this way. But my significant long term goals are to live as naturally as possible (living in nature in a nice sturdy, well furnished cottage with every modern luxury that meets the eye as well) I already have a nice place in a city so now I want the opposite of that as well. I also want a good remote flexible relatively high paying job that will keep my brain sharp (but no people managment, I hate that). I want to be able to afford the healthiest and the tastiest diet humanly possible. That's pretty much it. Women are easy to get so I won't even mention that as a goal.
  20. Broootaaal. Draft inequality, oofy-doofy-esque marriage out of convenience and natural female narcisism shown all in one post. Damn. That's a hatrick right there
  21. If I was to be allowed to completely wild out without consequences for my future, I'd legit try to impregnate as many women as possible. But since reality functions the way it functions I'll have to find a compromise that would work for me
  22. Oh my oh my. Where to even begin
  23. Keep pretending that black pill isn't reality and keep being surprised
  24. Yeah but is that really "messing up" or is that just a way dating works nowadays? Especially legit 9/10 women (I don't like a rating system it's better to just call them beautiful or above average at least. In general it's best to use below average-average-above average metric system in my opinion) you know they're the ones getting the most attention (crazy ammount), how can you know whether it wasn't just her ego or whatever. How can you know for sure it was your fault. Plus if you go well above your league (althought aiming somewhat above your league is the best approach still, just to have access to the best genes in case you'd want a child with her) you're basically guaranteed it's going to be hard for you
  25. Yes there are. They are always there It's not an ideology, it's the truth. There's no need to defend a truth, just open your eyes. Actually, the only real proper question to ask is, to which degree is it true? There is no way to mess up the escalation when the girl is already attracted to you. Period. Any "messing up" that could happen in that scenario is completely outside of your control. You make this shit way more complicated than it really is.