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Everything posted by NewKidOnTheBlock

  1. *Yaaaawn* booooriiiiiing. How can anyone take him seriously at this point
  2. Trump will help bring world unification and bordeless planet closer by conquering Canada, Greenland and Mexico. I mean, he'd literaly erase some borders. That can't be so bad
  3. Well, in any case - we can be certain of one thing - me wanting to get my stick wet and get suffocated by some boobies is not an ideology. By a large variety of them as well, ideally. That's what everyone secretly wants anyway and that's where all of these ideologies root from. I guess some men also want to be mature fathers? Best of luck to them anyways LOL think I'll pass personally
  4. @Bobby_2021 And he used to claim he's an atheist, then became a muslim to try to scam the muslim audience. Now he's anti-muslim. LOL can't make this shit up
  5. It's not that it's impossible to mantain these types of relationships for a certain ammount of time (not unlimited tho), it's that having them is pretty lame, uninteresting and inferior to a normal short distance relationships. It's also pretty unnatural, only really made theoretically possible due to technological progress. Therefore it's completely logical for them to break up due to their inner lame nature
  6. @Emerald I think you might be onto something with that hypothesis. Definitely something to take into consideration. I'd wager that this applies to many women as well, to a certain degree, who fail to fit into this sort of wholesome monogamous lifestyle and select for toxic traits, a lot of them will probably not reproduce as well, ever
  7. @UpperMaster I see. I got you. I may reconsider my stance on the matter
  8. Just like the title says, I think there should be an official collective ideology set in place that basically should dictate to you how to live your life. Whoever you are. It would be adopted as an official ideology/religion/philosophy for the citizens of the state (whatever the state happens to be). It would be an all encompassing ideology on how to live your life based on science, rationality, spirituality, psychology, philosophy, self improvement, how men and women are supposed to behave etc. etc. You name it. Best insights (only ones that support prosperity of the human species, positivity and social cohesion would be picked) from all fields known to mankind would be compacted into some sort of religious book. Churches and religious places celebrating this faith would be erected, allowing people to meet and become a part of a strong community with clearly defined values, goals and a moral code. This religious system would be regurarly updated by the power structure (meritocratic goverment established by direct democracy) in a sneaky ways that would go unnoticed by most people, so as to reflect the needs of human civilization at that particuliar time and our most recent knowledge and understanding of the world. This could erase an existential void of society created by the death of religions/Gods, technological progress and ultra liberalism that just aims to deconstruct everything while offering no actual replacements. It would have to have the same level of allure as the religions of Christianity and Islam for example - offering comforting blanket for the mind (but one that would help you live a good life in this society), and it should also be spread just like they are spreading it - by basically showing it in people's throats in schools, media, public places, anywhere online etc.
  9. They're my motivation to make money
  10. Interesting points. I think I'll ask ChatGTP what he thinks about it
  11. @yetineti big tittie women is the true weapon both parties need. If conservatives got them I be like "oh daamn take my freedom away any time baby. Yeah, yeah sure, whatever, close those borders, move out those illegals"
  12. I doubt there's any. Only ugly old men unfortunately
  13. If only all these right wing regressive parties all over the world were all consisted of big titty women. At least there'd be something to look at and bask in
  14. I also want to apologize. *laughs in McGregor*
  15. Isn't that the case for most people though? Well that's certainly not how I intended it. Well that's true, sort of. Since ideology is selfishness ultimately. But also everyone is selfish and wants to meet their needs. There is a need for a community and a collective sense of purpose in our society. Do you think it's just going to solve itself by itself naturally by people just becomming more individualized and stuffing more knowledge inside their heads? (We already have all the info on our finger tips anyway).
  16. @Breakingthewall What I'm suggesting has definitely never been tried in human history as there would be no atheism (as atheism is stupid) nor do I count any attempts of nazis, fascists or communists in any part of the world. In this religion there would be a belief in a higher power or God so to speak, but also reason, and all the things I have mentioned above
  17. All that has to happen is for this religion to serve your needs long enough and you will eventually accept it as the truth and become a follower.
  18. No I haven't but I guess what you are hinting at is that democracies have an inherent bug in the form of stupid and ignorant masses? In my opinion there are some ways to circumvent this problem which I've described in detail in other thread on other topic. Or are you suggesting something else?
  19. @SwiftQuill My response to you is very simple. It doesn't have to be perfect at all, because we are talking about a religion. I never ever said it has to be perfect, it just has to be all encompassing and as good as it possibly can be. You can still have your freedom of choice to not believe in this religion. All the other belief systems would still exist. But this one religion would be heavilly encouraged and promoted basically everywhere What you are proposing here is an epistemic anarchy and that's where we are heading right now. Everyone being locked in their own little universe of beliefs, being their own little god. Being disconected from everyone else because everyone else is also living in their own little solipsistic bubble. Also, you do know how the process of "you personally believing things that make the most sense" work? It's actually also dictated to you by the society and external enviroment
  20. The creation process of such a religion and how it should be established is not entirely clear to me, as it really can't be. It has to be a spontaneous thing and have a huge emotional component to it just like Abrahamic religions do. Think about how a Christian views a sacrificion of Christ and an early history of christianity in general. Despite being persecuted, hunted down, humiliated and offered as a sacrifice to lions in colloseums of the Roman Empire, they still endured all of that abuse and eventually became a dominant religion and the official state religion. Even establishing it's secular power center in Rome itself. Talk about the emotional message that sends. Or how about Islam, they have to view their ancestors as absolute badasses. All of a sudden they just emerged from the arabian deserts, having united the whole peninsula and utterly destroyed any armies they faced for several decades. Winning several battles they should have lost. 0 defeats. Conquered wast swathes of land. It really did seem like Allah himself wanted them to win over all these infidels. Successfull religions have a powerfull emotional messages and histories such as these. Perhaps such a message and history for this new religion can be created during some of the upcomming crisies we are going to face
  21. Maybe that was the point of that nickname?😂
  22. Yeah whatever. I'm right as always and that's what really counts. LOL just like I'm right about veganism
  23. 1. Where did I say I'm scared of homosexuality? 2. All of yall MFs are cucks. All men are cucks. Including me. It's just woven into our biology Anyone who dissagrees is a fookin liar
  24. "Artistic porn" LOL what does it matter how artistic porn is, you are still watching another people fuck while you jerking it like a cuck LMAO tbh by this definition we all done cucked many many times in our life but that's the whole point, you gotta go from a chud to a stud. Porn as a cope is understandable and that's why I'm not entirely against it, but to straight up advocate for it, idk man. Sounds kinda backwards to me