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About NewKidOnTheBlock

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  1. Same with me. And then there comes the mind with thoughts such as "Aaah, I'd been doing that XY habit already and ended up giving up on it, now I'm suppose to do start doing it again", etc. etc. In my opinion, there's really no piece of wisdom or information from an external world anyone can give you, that would result in you being more disciplined. It is an internal change and internal battle, something you (hopefully) will figure out for yourself. I surely hope I'll be able to
  2. If that's the case, then that should be a good thing for you, no? Seeing as that would mean less competition for you. But clearly this isn't the case for you since you feel the need to mention it, that means you are probably struggling or have struggled with some of these qualities you've mentioned as well. You're probably on the same or similiar boat as these guys. LOL see this is why giving advice to men or judging men for not getting laid, as a man, doesn't make any sense to me. Because what do I care if you get laid or not? In fact, if it really is the case that so many men are so unnatractive then that's a good thing for me, because that means more women for me. I don't want other men to be successfull. LOL It is one thing for a woman to say that most men are weak and unnatractive, this I would understand, but I don't understand other men giving advice to men or judging men in this regard. What do you care if other men are successfull or not? Anything to not put responsibility on a woman for their choices, I guess
  3. Best argument against prostitution is not a moral one, but that you shouldn't give woman a single penny of your money. That's why I'd never do that and neither should anyone imo, just for that singular petty reason
  4. I think you have enough things to worry about from your own people, no? Instead of worrying about empty threats and fearmongering of Donald Trump
  5. You will always struggle with being disciplined because that's what being disciplined entails, literaly - doing something despite not wanting to do it (emotionally, bodily sensation-wise etc.) just by consciously leading yourself with pure will. Forcing yourself to do something = discipline. The process can become somewhat easier (depending on the task) once you've done that same task several times, perhaps several houndred or thousand times or you are more skilled at it than you used to be before (meaning there's less negative emotions/sensations and resistance associated with that activity) but that need to force yourself will never go completely away. There exist activities that you're doing on a regular basis, without needing any discipline whatsoever, and in fact there is something enjoyable about them. You should find out why they are enjoyable as opposed to activities that you need to be disciplined about, using some introspection. But the bottom line is, even if you do what I've said in the previous paragraph, you will always need discipline with many tasks and it is always going to be a struggle. However, the biggest struggle is to begin with the task and then staying with it for the first 30 minutes-hour (again depends on the task) then after that the perceived effort you're putting in lessens somewhat, but some is still there and needed. Lastly, you should use your own mind and your own experiences, instead of internet videos or advice. From whoever. Doesn't matter. You should be your own authority at the end of the day
  6. Also would you consider humans that are mentally challenged your slaves just cause you are restricting their freedom to take care of them? For example, people with severe autism. I don't think so. Potential is clearly an important factor to consider
  7. @RendHeaven @Leo Gura Unless there's a bad treatment involved, it cannot be considered slavery. Restricting freedom of another human being is not the same as restricting freedom of an animal, because for example a well functioning normal human, even if you are taking good care of him/her, you are still doing that human harm by vastly limiting their potential. Animals don't have the same potential as humans, not even by a longshot. Humans = potential, animals = no potential. That's the real difference. In the latter case restriction of freedom should actually be defined as a symbiotic relationship because we are offering value to the animals and they are giving us some value back, and there's zero harm being done to either side. Yes, farming animals would be slavery. Animals in zoos could also be considered slaves because their real potential is actualized in wild nature. But the kind of animals @Daniel Balan was showing us on photos would die on their own (with the exception of cats, which is not a slave even by the standard definition of slavery, as in, being restricted freedom, because cat can escape from you at any time if it wished to do so. They are with you voluntarily) Bottom line is, I feel the topic is a bit more complicated and nuanced than you guys portray it to be.
  8. @The Renaissance Man I am not saying it would happen instantly, it would take a couple of months or years maybe, but they'd eventually get that ammount. Couple of houndreds or couple of thousands. Most channels can try for years and years and they'll get nothing LOL Especially vlogs. There has to be something very interesting about you otherwise your vids will get no views. Noone cares about average person's boring existence and thoughts LOL
  9. Everyone wants an easy life. Hypocrite Maybe you should take your own advice every once in a while and worry about yourself. LOL
  10. That's facts. But it's still tailored towards women. The advice she gives wouldn't do jack shit for any man watching her LOL That's a female pivilege not a pretty privilege. If you are a woman, actually showing your face to the camera and just speaking anything. It could be anything. You are guaranteed a baseline of at least couple of thousands of subscribers. And I'm talking about any woman here. Can't think of a single example where that isn't the case. Actually, I challenge you guys to find me a single example where this wouldn't be the case. I'm curious
  11. I know that. My beef with them is purely ideological. Of course I'm going to be using some of their products for the rest of my life and trust me it is a very annoying realization. But what can we do. I bet I can still manouver my way over not using some of the products tho. I'll see what I can do
  12. @nerdspeakNah, it's good to have it even then, somewhere in the back of the mind
  13. Whatever you choose to do, the best attitude to have is "bitches aint shit" not in an angry way tho, but in a way that you genuinely don't need them for anything. As long as you think like that you cannot lose
  14. Yes, one less Chinese garbage on the market. That's the way to go! Rest of the world should follow
  15. Well yes, I know that is a reality, for me. I don't know about other people tho But who cares anyway