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Everything posted by gengar

  1. I am saying i think it was in cahoots with the eu gov to make a shitshow out of it and scare the public. Telegram has always been working with the feds. I work in infosec. The facts just dont add up. But who knows.
  2. Elon is so autistic he thinks he can have other people boost his diablo account to insane heights and then play the game without preparation and still have it look like he is the real player of the account. The fucking arrogance. Dragging items from his inventory with his mouse like my mother would do.
  3. @Leo Gura Telegram has been working with feds from the beginning. Do you really believe a russian tech billionaire with his brain would travel to europe for no reason when he knows he would be arrested? It smells of theatrics.
  4. Judging not also means not judging a rapist when he rapes your mother. Are you really up for that? That was my point.
  5. My point is precisely this radical implication of oneness. You state here that oneness is some simple truth that is easy to recognize, when you have stated the opposite in other comments and in your video titled "radical implications of oneness". How are you expecting people to grok this extremely radical truth of oneness? Christians veil the truth just like atheists do, not only because of stupidity, but in my view moreso because oneness is so fucking radical making its so emotionally hard to grok, that intellectuelly holding the position becomes extremely hard to do. It means embracing everything you hate. You know this so I don't see why you ascribe the denial of oneness to pure stupidity. To accept oneness you basically have to accept going to the depths of hell. I have had mushroom trips of occult consciousness where oneness became revealed and I has visions of baphomet, the diety of "as above, so below". It felt like pure insanity yet more true than anything else. I had thoughts of killing myself to release myself from limitations since nothing matters anyway and there is no morality since all is one. So if the denial of oneness is stupidity, and its acceptance insanity, it becomes a dichotomy between stupidity and insanity. Do you really expect Christians to accept this? The denial of oneness goes extremely deep, it is basically what keeps you alive on this planet. So that is my criticism of your video, you gloss over that acceptance like its some easy thing to do when in fact its the hardest, and its not just stupidity, but pure survival keeping humans in denial. The denial of oneness is what keeps society from collapsing and everybody dying. So you have to admit that the world runs on the bedrock of lower perspectives like Christianity (even the morality of most atheists is basically a remnant of Christian morality) , and the only reason that you are even able to access higher perspectives, is because you live in a non-collapsed society. So your higher perspectives are actually supported by the existence of lower perspectives. If everybody became enlightened in an instant, society would collapse in an instant and there would be more death, killing and despair than ever before. Which is why it's tautological for that to happen.
  6. Question on that video: you mentioned as an argument for why demonization of others is always a lower perspective, that there simply are no demons so demonization is always false. This seems to me as an ungrounded argument, you dont actually argue why it is true that there are no demons. This is a much deeper point than you make out to be. If reality is like you describe it (and i would agree, that all is mind), there are definately demons and evil, and the mind contains a pandoras box of evil. Evil and suffering is a great reality, and many christians would argue that the existence of evil is what causes them to believe in their religion and thus demonize "evil". You can say its only relative, but if all there is is experience, an experience of evil is truly evil, since there is nothing outside of it. Your point that all evil is actually good, including all forms of suffering and horror, you make that point like its a simple truth, but most people would not accept that point, that there is no difference in moral quality between a knife in the gut and a hug from your mom. It's even less so in an "all is mind" paradigm than a materialistic paradigm, because a person like Neil Degrasse Tyson, could argue that both the stab wound and the hug are both simply materialistic states that have no inherent moral difference, but if all is experience, their difference would actually become real, simce their opposing qualities (horrible pain vs good feeling) are actual things in experience and experience is the ultimate reality. You can never convince a Christian that evil is not real because of this radical implication. And if God is real and good and evil are also real, demonizing evil actually becomes a good position to take.
  7. It is imagination because all is mind. Mechanical and chemical things are just too hardcore to change with our limited imagination. With nervous system stuff less so. Its not about literal pharaohs, i use that term to denote super human states that are able to handle horrors and emotions a lot more than humans and simply are a lot more conscious, and are extremely intelligent. I doubt your far fetched claims that magic healing is so easy to do. If it was it would be well known by now. And if you can really do it i invite you to help me because i have a lot of issues.
  8. If your body is up for it, ascend to occult levels of consciousness and you'll be able to grok and maneuver in it. Not that I would be able, my body can't contain it. If you can however, you can alter your consciousness to be pharaoh-like and grok the corruption and darkness of the world. It requires ego death and deep acceptance of suffering though. Only pharaohs can realize the truth of the world and still live. Puny humans cant. Do mushroom trips and enter occult versions of yourself in your inner being. Imprint those states into memory and use kriya/kundalini yoga to move into them as much as possible when sober until your baseline changes. Still ofc much depends on your body. I'd say the nervous system is pretty maleable to your mind, since mind can control energy, but of course mechanical and chemical parts are not. Mechanical and chemical issues with the body are almost always unfixable with mental stuff. There might have been alchemists in the world who have healed some stuff but i even doubt that. Mechanical and chemical parts are simply too strong and real to be altered with imagination.
  9. Why do you think these days they struggle more than before? My jaw is permanently locked making it impossible to kiss and hold conversations. Is it over for me? Do women have an internal drive to not be with me? You talked about genes making you incel. What do you mean by this?
  10. You sure enjoy seeing those kids scream dont you. Even call it glorious. Apathic liberals like you are the reason we're now stuck with Trump, because you don't realize these institutions are one side of the coin and the other side is fascism. You love to whine about Trump being so inhumane and corrupted when you don't realize your bigoted and senseless boomer politics are causing the enivornment that allows a figure like Trump to rise when the pressure gets too high. You call leftist politics pipedreams when they are only so if you don't take in account the possibility of radical action and change. There's nothing glorious about police force and the institution that is the police. Sure, they had to have existed since society is a ruthless zero sum game and policing can be effective to run a state. That doesn't mean there's anything moral about it.
  11. Why do you get such sadistic enjoyment of those people being subjected to police force? Sure, they're retards and have it coming. Guess what; cats and dogs are also retarded. Do you also enjoy videos of cats and dogs being subjected to force when they try to steal food or something? Why do you enjoy watching those retards get punished? The punishment is only because they are dangerous to society. Not to bingewatch their punishment. They are retarded and deluded creatures who probably suffer a lot. They dont deserve hate and ridicule, you taught me that.
  12. @The Crocodile @Leo Gura How crazy are their claims compared to the claim of turning into an alien on camera?
  13. The amount of manipulation done in those conference rooms is of a sickening level. They basically led the way to redpill and blackpill becoming popular, by selling pipedreams to impressionable lonely men, who then, when it turned out that not everyone can win using their method, turned to darker ways.
  14. I used to look up to Owen. Now I realize he has a miserable life and a despicable ideology.
  15. @Leo Gura why do you think intelligent people like Schmachtenberger do not understand the gruesome exploitative, competitive and zero-sum nature of society? It's a pretty obvious realisation if you look at the game theory of it all, and not only that, but the kicking and screaming ego that is always afraid of the underlying reality that society might collapse, that stage beige reptile brain is obviously present for everyone. Hasn't Schmachtenberger contemplated how afraid and selfish his ego would be if it would be confronted with dire survival situations?
  16. @Leo Gura You mentioned that, in Consciousness, sanity is an island inside insanity. Could you elaborate on this? Is there a relationship between the duality of sanity/insanity and the duality of ego/death? The ego is usually described as an insanity instead of a sanity. But is it also a form of sanity to keep itself together and not fall into insanity? Upon physical death, do you think you are released into sanity, or instead plunged into insanity? Sadhguru also mentioned something like this. I am having huge spiritual trouble with accepting God as the totality and that all things are good, and reconciling this with the fact that Consciousness is everlasting. It feels too disgusting to be true, yet it is also the only thing that doesn't contradict the thesis that everything is imaginary and thus is totally Good.
  17. How do you know they're not infected? Hint: you don't. I wouldn't take advice from Leo on cybersecurity stuff. I remember him saying all security updates are bs or something. A bizarre statement coming from him, because it is factually and clearly false.
  18. What mind are you talking about that you have total sovereignity over? The human mind or, the actual mind which according to you is the only thing in existence? If you have total sovereignity over that why can't you cure your diseases, if all that is imagined by the one mind anyway?
  19. Why did you still give him a privileged position of being "awake" compared to other teachers then, if he didn't even realize this relatively basic insight?
  20. My "gripe" is in genuinely trying to understand why a skeptical and critical person like you is so lax with the police and sees the corruption of the police as merely incidental and not systematic. Mind you I come from a bit of a lefty-conspiracy type of environment and I'm trying to correct course on that with proper epistemology and research. You work has been an amazing resource for this, and your epistemology is very clean; that's why it surprised me that you are not as skeptical of the police as you are on Israel and the finance world for example. I was raised to be skeptical of the police because they have a monopoly on violence, meaning the public should have an inherent distrust of them from the get go. I don't really see how this logic is wrong since we have seen many examples of police abusing their power en masse. But like I said I'm trying to find truth and that's why I asked you why you think what you think.
  21. May I ask why you have such a non-skeptical stance about the police? I never see you point out the deep issues with the police, almost exclusively defend them. Them having a monopoly over violence should make us very distrustful over them (when critizing and analysing their behaviour). The way you currently post about police makes it seem like you're perfectly fine with how the current usa police operates. We as citizens should be focusing on surveilling their behaviour skeptically. We are not the ones killing police.
  23. Elon musk deleted the perpetrators twitter account, and later reinstated it but with all the pro-zionist and pro-afd tweets removed. We're entering a new era of foolery imo
  24. It's so sneaky how Rogan steadily convinced himself of more and more bullshit. He used to be open minded and way less biased. It's all about him slowly catering to the people around him who all started becoming pious MAGA followers. I know how this works from experience. It feels like you're raping your own mind but you're turning a blind eye to it. Before you know it it feels impossible to be truthful even to yourself and you have to drag yourself out of the swamp. Truth is not really a generous God nowadays it seems. Being faithful to truth has a high cost.