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Everything posted by gengar

  1. The left doesn't have correct sense making but it is not the left who is surprised. Liberals are the ones whining and being surprised about Trump. Leftists mostly hate on liberals, which imo is 25% correct in the sense that liberals enable the rise of fascism, with their empty platitutes and defense of big capital who are the enemies of working people. big capital doesn't give a flying fuck about the average joe. Liberals also have 0 cultural narrative, giving leeway to crazy narratives like MAGA. I mean who would you pick between Trump, Harris or Sanders? I think I already know the answer, which is why I don't really see why you're hating so hard on the left. "The left" isn't just annoying marxists and revolutionaries, it's mostly people who want to make systemic change towards a stage green society. Calling it unrealistic to fight the status quo is a self defeating argument, it's like saying it's unrealistic for democratic secular people in Syria who are pushing for democracy because the status quo is Islamist. I agree that you can't just overthrow big capital and the like, I mean it feels like you've been reading some Ayn Rand lately, and I do agree that there are big realities there. But the push towards Green has to be strong, big capital ceos and shareholders have absolutely no interest in pushing the world forward in any meaningful manner, except if you count Musk going to Mars as meaningful change (lol).
  2. Why does the USA serve Israel first, when Israel is dependant on them and not the other way around?
  3. Mmm But with her it feels so crafted and calculated I can't believe she is not aware that she is constructing it, unlike a buffoon like Tom McDonald.
  4. With Tulsi I really wonder as to what degree she believes her own lies. But she is so calculated and sneaky with her rhetoric and political plays it makes me think she is doing everything consciously, meaning she is consciously lying and making everything up while knowing she is spreading absolute horseshit. It feels way more calculated than most other pundits, who often seem to be lying to themselves to not have to consciously bear with themselves being agents of falsehood. If true she'd be an exceptional case of a conscious lying evil actor.
  5. This makes me feel like we're in a DMT jester's simulation.
  6. In my opinion neoliberalism is a facade, causing people to become disillisioned by it. It therefore necessarily breaks down into insanity and incoherence that we are seeing now. Just look at Biden's exit speech that just came out, he literally talks about the statue of liberty and all that shit when nobody cares about that at the moment. It denies the egoic death drive of people instead of trying to evolve it upwards. People's egoes notice it subconsciously, and become attracted to insanity and political inchorence because their egoes ache for war and death. And some people just make buckets of money of spinning this incoherence; Joe Rogan is the prime example. He is completely incoherent but disguises it as centrism and openmindedness, when its really just an unwillingless to face the realities of politics and society and be a bit woke in the manner. And therefore his incoherence and centrism leads him to MAGA. Somehow MAGA is associated with cool streamers, podcasters and rappers and not radical conservatives and racism. How they figured that one out is a mystery to me. And with people I mostly mean men, although women are not innocent in the matter; they have contributed greatly to the materialistic drive of the west by constantly rewarding the worst of men. But men are still more responsible.
  7. Damn, an ayahuasca ceremony and a trauma-release workshop are like the exact 2 places I would not want to be recognized haha.
  8. The clips channel did bring tremendous value to me and I think to many others, just saying.
  9. Thanks for those kind words, they are highly appreciated. I know you have been struggling as well. With pursueing consciousness, do you basically only mean psychedelic work? I have been looking into astral projection, is that worth to look into in your exp?
  10. Fair and beautifully said. But if all I have is direct experience, and everything in my direct experience is impermanent, yet my direct experience itself is absolute, then the only conclusion I can take from that is indeed infinite dreaming. And if I can't take a conclusion from my direct experience, than I can never know. I have only had one mystical insight in my life and it was knowing with absolute certainty that my consciousness is invincible and absolute and therefore everything is imaginary. It was psychedelic induced. I predict it wasn't nearly as deep as you advanced psychonauts have had experiences, however those insights were absolute and I can't see how I ever thought that my consciousness was mortal and not absolute. I'll be honest and say that I'm wondering about consciousness after the physical dissolution, because there are probably not many adventures left for me in this body. My jaw is getting locked more by the day and I'm getting muscle cramps more frequently and chronic neck pain is increasing in ferocity. The relation between the body and consciousness is becoming more interesting to me. My mind wants to live life like a raging bull but my body is breaking down. And like I said I have become conscious that the body is imaginary yet the entire dream of life is the fucking body. It all feels so random and nihilistic yet I can't deny the absolute beauty of life and the world even when life and the world is becoming a horror show. And to be honest I don't even know what I desire anymore. My ego would say a life filled with adventures, sex and health, and all other ego cliches that I would list here. My higher self desires the egoless bliss free from the desires of the body. I'm confused, since both seem to be a pipe dream, at least while alive. I guess that is why I've grown to have an obsession with death over the years.
  11. Beautifully said brother.
  12. I will ask God whatever I want, since I am the subject suffering all of his constructions. There is nothing but desire in the end. All I can do is try to follow my desires, whether selfish or selfless. But God is the one who decides to create selfish creatures and whom suffer and have desires. So my concerns are valid. I never asked to be a limited creature with desires and fears, yet here I am. And now you're blaming me for wondering how to not suffer? Get off that high horse. If I throw you into hell you'll have the same concerns as me. It's as if you're saying to the victims of the LA fires, "God has a higher agenda with this". You're no different than some crazy Christian that you despise. Laughable that you're blaming limited souls for struggling with Gods infinite creation and ordeal.
  13. Stop this game of saying that I assume that stuff or something. I'm literally stating back to you what you claimed about reality and that its the same as what the other dude claimed, yet you have to denounce it all in some smuck way instead of actually discussing it. YOU are the one who claimed it. So why don't you explain why you claim infinite reincarnation instead of saying I am the one who assumes it.
  14. Holy fuck. Thats heavy as fuck man. Thanks for sharing your report. It corroborates with some of the fears i've been having about evil lately, going ever deeper, wondering where is the end and if or when God can put a stop to it all.
  15. But isn't reincarnation the same as saying; God will dream forever? From watching my own direct experience for 10 minutes I can see that all is impermanent and forms are ever changing. From this observation, plus the observation that consciousness is invincible and eternal (which i have observed) reincarnation would be the conclusion.
  16. 1. But you said in the "what is reality" video that everybody deep down knows that everything is imaginary. 2. But when God is inside a nightmare and projecting suffering on that nightmare, isn't the projection absolute? If God projects something, there is nothing outside of it to say it is not absolute. If God dreams itself as a schizophrenic patient and imagines all kinds of nightmares, at that moment the nightmares and suffering are absolute. God is projecting it, but if he's the only reality, how can you relativize that and say it is mere projection, as if there is "stuff behond the scenes"? The dream is absolute, correct?
  17. Interesting. Do you hold the position that biology is ultimately imagined though, and that it theoretically could be changed with the mind? (And i mean theoretically quite literally; i am not asking whether it is actually feasable for humans to do this, its quite clear that its not) I love your no-bullshit approach, just wondering how it fits in to idealism and non dualism and the like.
  18. @Leo Gura btw, do you think I am doing proper contemplation here like you assigned us in the latest perspectives video, or am I not? Are my questions high or low quality?
  19. You don't think that every human, including Christians, are secretly subconsciously aware of the truth of oneness, and therefore always repressing and scared of it? For me, it was extremely challenging to grok it and took me years to accept. I even considered religion simply for this fact, that it denies oneness and offers a way out of the horrors of reality. It almost cost me my mind. But maybe I am unique in that. And with ultimate liberation I mean God liberating himself ultimately, outside of the confines of illusions of human life or any creature life. I dont mean some buddhist fantasy. Essentially I mean Mahasamadhi, something you even said you were close to, I believe in the 30 day 5-meo video. You said Mahasamadhi was the end of reality forever. "There is no devil. There is only Good. But everyone is too selfish to care." Beautifully said. I guess what I meant is that if reality dreams forever, there is a perfect balance between nightmares and dreams, both going on infinitely.
  20. What do you mean specifically with "the real thing"?
  21. @Leo Gura Ironically your view of reality is pretty Zoroastrian, since you are practically saying that God will never defeat the devil, but that they are equal forces.
  22. Interesting. I am not looking for a feel good solution. Just the truth. If it is unavoidable to face the total set of potential things, including all horrors, I accept that. I just want to know the truth so I can face reality with the least amount of delusion possible. But if there would be a path to ultimate liberation, then of course I would want to work towards that. Whatever the pinaccle of reality is is what I am after. It scares me though, to think there is no way out, no matter what you do, I admit that. About the Christians, I just think in the lower perspectives video you put way more emphasis on the stupidity of humans keeping them locked in lower perspectives, instead of highlighting that it is the denial of horrors that keeps them deluded. I guess that is why Christians go to be Atheists and vice versa, both whom have a delusion to keep themselves from the horrors; one heaven, and the other the oblivion of death, which are both delusions.
  23. They hold dogma and delusion, but realizing truth is accepting the horrors, which is why they continue to hold on. Disappointing how you are dancing around the deep point of accepting oneness and how radical it is, plus its implications for society, and that the only reason you are able to reach high perspectives is because low perspectives are keeping society from collapsing totally. So according to you, realizing God is the liberation from the horrors of reality, similar to Hindu Moksha? I don't really care about the practical happiness tips, moreso about practical happiness for keeping myself away from realities' horrors after the death of the body. There is only so much you can suffer here on earth. What happens after is what worries me much more. Thanks for your answering.
  24. If you recognize the seriousness of reality and immortal consciousness, why don't you respond to my criticism of the fact that you deem the denial of oneness to be mere stupidity, or at least state it like this? "My point is precisely this radical implication of oneness. You state here that oneness is some simple truth that is easy to recognize, when you have stated the opposite in other comments and in your video titled "radical implications of oneness". How are you expecting people to grok this extremely radical truth of oneness? Christians veil the truth just like atheists do, not only because of stupidity, but in my view moreso because oneness is so fucking radical making its so emotionally hard to grok, that intellectuelly holding the position becomes extremely hard to do. It means embracing everything you hate. You know this so I don't see why you ascribe the denial of oneness to pure stupidity. To accept oneness you basically have to accept going to the depths of hell. I have had mushroom trips of occult consciousness where oneness became revealed and I has visions of baphomet, the diety of "as above, so below". It felt like pure insanity yet more true than anything else. I had thoughts of killing myself to release myself from limitations since nothing matters anyway and there is no morality since all is one. So if the denial of oneness is stupidity, and its acceptance insanity, it becomes a dichotomy between stupidity and insanity. Do you really expect Christians to accept this? The denial of oneness goes extremely deep, it is basically what keeps you alive on this planet. So that is my criticism of your video, you gloss over that acceptance like its some easy thing to do when in fact its the hardest, and its not just stupidity, but pure survival keeping humans in denial. The denial of oneness is what keeps society from collapsing and everybody dying. So you have to admit that the world runs on the bedrock of lower perspectives like Christianity (even the morality of most atheists is basically a remnant of Christian morality) , and the only reason that you are even able to access higher perspectives, is because you live in a non-collapsed society. So your higher perspectives are actually supported by the existence of lower perspectives. If everybody became enlightened in an instant, society would collapse in an instant and there would be more death, killing and despair than ever before. Which is why it's tautological for that to happen" _______________________________________ The reasons Christians hold to their perspective is precisely because they recognize the horrors that reality holds for them. If reality is full of horrors and death is not the end, what should be our position to that according to you? Are we bound to experience the totality? Is there any use in bettering our karma to experience less horrors, in this life and the next? Give your position to us straight. With all due respect I think you owe it to your audience.