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Everything posted by gengar

  1. (First of all I would like to apologize for my previous posts. It was way too crazy and I was not in a good state.) That is not at all the tone of how you had described it in your blog post. The worst part about it is how you described it as a justification of elite corruption and oppression of the weak. Now you're suddenly painting a picture of some utopia where the strong elites take care of the weak and therefore are in the elite position to run the society for the sake of goodness. This is a 180 from how the elites have used their position and gifts in the past and present. So much torture has been going on and you justify it by saying it is the reality of life. This intellectual giving in to the "reality of life", is despicable IMO. No matter how empirically true it is, it is not "the reality of life". We are still in the dark ages and what is the reality of life can be changed tomorrow or in ten thousand years. Calling it reality and justifying the elites (because in that post you ranted against revolutionary ideology) is siding with the elites. Imagine if we were stuck in a cosmic salvia prison being tortured by aliens. After a few thousand years you would be the one to call it reality and call all hopes of goodness and peace a hippy fantasy. This is exactly what you are doing here. Notice your lowkey edgelord persona of being a knight of truth, callously slicing through the cope of people's fantasies because "truth is above all". and denouncing them as unreachable and not worth fighting for, because you as the warrior have empirically found blackpilled truths that you think no one else has found. Of course everyone knows that disabled and gifted people exist and that this is unfair. But you are justifying the current system of exploitation by calling all calls to change the system, fantasies, simply because the exploitative system has worked for so long. But calling it the reality of life in your position is deeply wrong, precisely because reality can change from a salvian prison to a heavenly utopia, because consciousness has the potential to be both. In your post you completely denounce this possibility and call it fantasy. I hate your intellectual hatred for hippies, because they are the only ones pulling us towards utopia, although ever so slowly. Their fantasy is not simply a fantasy. Jesus was such an anarchist hippie raging against the machine, and his followers actualized his hippieness into stage blue from stage red. Although still corrupt, we can all agree that Christianity is better than Roman paganism, where darwinism was embraced as "the way of the world" just like you are doing in that post. Jesus realized the cruel nature of the world but raged against it, while your post reeks of a subtle perverse enjoyment (evident in your explicit mention of traits like physical attractiveness) of the fact that the dumb non elites are inferior and therefore deserve their oppression because they are not wise and not thinking. Jesus realized that the non elites were sheep, but loved and guided them while you see them as unredeemable. It is truly wrong in my opinion. Just because you are pissed off and disappointed by the dumb nature of the non elites, does not mean. You can make Randian points like this and call it Truth. It is only true in the sense that it has been for past human development and evolution. There is so much potential which when reading your post you do not recognize. You have to admit you are not thinking about such possibilities, true good for humanity, when writing such posts. You are simply bitter about Trumps win and the like and have denounced the non elites forever, to not ever be released from the elites grasp. That is what I make out of your post. There is zero talk about a vision to lead the non elites towards truth. You see them as evil, stupid and unredeemable, like fish in a tank, always to be exploited by the elite. And everything else is fantasy. It made me so angry because you do it under the name of radical truth, but this is wrong, because even though (in Jesus' words) Satan is the god of this world (the gargantuan nature of human ignorance and selfishness) this should never be accepted in the name of radical truth. Satan is gargantuan, but Love is Infinite. Imagine a utopian that we can reach in a million years, lasting a billion. That is radical truth and spirituality, and by leaving this out of your narrative, you are siding with the devil. No matter how much evil there is and has been, you cannot leave the real truth out when discussing the nature of the world in name of the ultimate truth. It's extremely sneaky and unspiritual fo you to do this. Why can't you just drop your blackpills but also give a message of hope at the same time, even if it will take a million years? I can't believe you did not think of this but instead just drop a blackpill without any counter narrative of redemption, even if it is only found in death. That a spiritual leader like you would not think of this, never giving a sidenote of hope when dropping your blackpills. What hope is there for a disabled person reading a post like that? Will he ever be elite or redeemed? (According to you he will in some lifetime, but he can't find that in your post). You callously drop blackpills in the most aggressive way possible. It's also wrong in an intellectual level because why is God putting people through being nonelite? What is the other side of the coin? No hope or spiritual guidance from you, that we all have to figure out ourselves, if we ask it from you. But for a hearty dose of blackpills you are happy to deal them out. It truly hurts me that you are like this, you are the most spiritual person on earth, having unearthed for many people the deepest guidance towards Shiva, yet about worldly life/Shakti give no hope. If I were to believe you, life is one big blackpill and that's it. You used to give life motivation in your older videos like the motivational speeches, but now it seems such lives are only meant for certain people. Even if that's true, you should side that dark truth with practical advice for people undergoing inferiority. If we were stuck in a salvia prison together, in the worst corner of infinity, being tortured by aliens, what hope could you give me, with all the spiritual knowledge you have right now, what hope could you give? What is a wheelchaired person to do in his life? Is there any sense in doing good karma for the next life? Should he just kill himself? now that is something serious for a spiritual leader to contemplate. Why are you keen on sharing blackpills, but when we ask for hope it is all fantasy and we have to figure it out ourselves? imo its an obvious flaw in your whole persona. Sorry to dish it out so harshly. This is literally the only dark thing about you imo. For the rest you are already extremely caring and christlike, like how much you care about that dudes dog etc. but when it comes to your truth dealing it is way too dark and you don't want to give us spiritual hope and a vision for redemption for humankind. I don't understand how you don't see that that blog post is the most offensive thing you have ever written. It could be true, but what makes it so offensive is that you don't side it with the things that could redeem such a dark reality, even if its at the other side of the universe and time. Radical darkness and survival needs radical light and hippieness to fight it, always. This leaving out and dropping such an absolutely cosmically atomic blackpill without any solution is so wrong and unspiritual. That is why I think you partly wrote that post with a gripe against the littlefolk and their inferiority.
  2. Biden is horrible (had internal polling at the time of the horrendous debate, indicating a trump landslide even bigger than we got, still didn't want to leave the race) , Dems are horrible, but Trump literally does not give a fuck about anything at all whatsoever except fucking shit up. It's a big difference, although I understand your frustration with the Dems and their corruption. But the republican corruption is so much more vile and deeper. Dems basically handed trump his victory. They are entirely soulless and people trust an evil soul more than a soulless person.
  3. Claiming the true existence of genetic superiority is absolutely a huge thing.
  4. One thing I hate about Liberal woke people in Europe is how they love to preach extremist postmodernist things like gender-neutral raising of children, and a true despising of traditional gender roles, while they have no qualms about the fact that the people dying in Ukraine are mostly men that are forced to join the army while the women get too flee. They somehow don't see that this is the material reason of traditional gender roles in the first place. They literally don't see the hypocrisy in it. They are embodiments of millennial woke liberal memes of soy milk drinking people with strongly explicated subversive ideas about society, and they have an intense hatred for Putin. But they don't see that raising your sons that they can wear dresses and all that stuff means less defensive power against a potential enemy like the Russians. I wish I was exaggerating but I'm not, I empirically found that this is the level of left leaning liberals in western Europe, they are living memes. This is why I have more respect for true socialist types like the Black Panthers where women also have to fight the same way as men. They were true egalitarians and not some elitarian twisted "woke" shit like the libs. But they came with their own universe of bullshit but it's more ideologically bullshit and not hypocritical like liberals are and also don't even exist anymore.
  5. This was one of the best and most profound episodes yet, although subtly so. It was a sophisticated and nuanced exposition of what proper sense making and epistemology entails in the worldly/Shakti sense, which is a lot more messy, detailed and twisted than in the realm of Godhead/Shiva. A contrast to this episode would be the "what is reality episode" which is entirely in the realm of Shiva. Although that episode was extremely profound of course, it is basically about one truth, since the realm of Shiva is absolute oneness and therefore simpleness; the entire video was about the one radical truth of infinite imagination in this very moment. Very abstract and spiritual. And actually a lot easier in a sense to make than this video. In this video Leo really went into the nitty gritty of sense making of the world and you could see him struggling because so many points are so nuanced and complex, and hard to explicate properly, in contrast to saying "everything is fucking imaginary and there is no past or future, you are imagining everything right now". This video really went deep into the structure of our fractal worldly consciousness and not the ultimate structure of Shiva consciousness which is ultimate radicalness, oneness and transcendence. No one has done this so far. This video has profound implications and is a piece of art imo. But its subtly this way because it seems less radical than the "Shiva" videos. It's hard for me to explain why it's so good but this one is a huge one. The person complaining about some style mistakes or repetition imo does not really get how advanced this vid is and how much it integrates his previous vids with the real world. My critique is that instead of making the distinction between 1st order truth and 2nd order truth, this naming is not accurate because it implies that there can be more orders of truth above level 2. It's not about orders of truth, it is not an increasing hierarchy, but actually a binary between Shiva and Shakti, or Godhead and world, whatever you want to call it. Shiva is absolute truth while Shakti is infinite relativity and worldliness. The postmodernist recognizes Shakti's nature but not Shivas. The naming of 1st/2nd order truth implies an ordinal sequence which is imo not correct. What still baffles me is that in this Video there is such a loving Leo with very positive energy, talking about spiritual values like sovereignty of all consciousnesses, etc. while on the blog and forum he talks about things like genetic superiority and empirical justification of worldly elites and devilry. We would never hear about such stances in his videos and there is something deeply sinister about that.
  6. "genetically inferior". You should have a 10 hour long video to even begin to try to justify this stance but you just stuck it in so sneakily.
  7. calling it nonsense when my points are so deep, exposing the Saruman bullshit you've been spouting to your gullible audience. Horrible.
  8. Ban me g. You know I'm right. Your rhetoric is horrible. Ban me pls.
  9. If we follow Leo's rhetoric there is literally no reason not to kill yourself if you are "genetically inferior" since your value as a human being is all just a hippie fantasy.
  10. "we will never not have elites" , hey thats precisely something an Archon would say. It would be better to blow up this world in its entirety than to submit to this.
  11. Empirical truth is not true at all. There is no world, and that is the only reason the world can be harsh because in truth there is no harshness. It is our duty to smother this world with Love untill it vanishes. and fight against the eugenicist like Elon and now also Leo, who submit themselves to the non-intelligent forces of survival and darwinism, claiming Love is a fantasy but harshness of the world is true, when in fact it's reversed. The intelligence of survival is emergent from evolution, meaning it is actually limited and non-intelligent. Real intelligence is infinite, real intelligence is Love. Never EVER EVER let someone tell you you are genetically inferior. A devil like Leo is the worst, saying that after all this unbiased truth seeking he came to the conclusion that genetic inferiority is real thing, and not just an insult a dumb nazi would say. That the more you find truth, you more come to the conclusion that a schoolyard bully is upon truth for punching a kid with glasses, and that this is the highest, non-biased perspective. We're gonna break it down layer by layer. He won't get away with it. Bully aligner. Eugenicist. The light of consciousness will shine upon you and expose your devilry, and hippie fantasies will come true, even if it takes a hundred thousand years. Your rhetoric is literally like that of an evil-wizard, careful and meticulous, precise and non-biased, except conveniently forgetting your genetic superiority and empirical findings is just as imaginary as fantasies of Love and equality.
  12. The sickest part of all is that it's done under the guise of "hardcore truth seeking". The blackpilled analysis would be true if it is done to see the state of the world for what it is, so we can better it, but Leo doesn't do that. He truly believes it is good because it is the way it is. This is submitting yourself to a potential demiurge. You have no clue whether we are in a simulation right now that doesn't reflect the highest God. The highest God resides in the realm of potentiality (Fantasy) and Love. If I would make a cat torture cellar right now the cats would deem it to be true, and cat-Leo as well, not seeing that it is not a reflection from the highest God, but made by me, a demiurge-torturer. Leo does not accept this truth, and actually thinks the empirical truth of the world should not be fought against with consciousness and love. instead we should accept that elites are superior because they have empiraclly more survival power. Nowhere in his blog posts or forum posts does he say we should use Love to fight the world and it's darwinistic nature. It reeks of submission to what has already been; namely a harsh world. This is the sneakiest self-deception he has ever done.
  13. "You could start a $1B AI company today. But you won't. Because you have neither the vision, nor the skill, nor the intelligence, nor the work ethic" "It means fucking survival and power!" (Like survival and power is not a fantasy, lol) "Elites are physically stronger, more physically attractive, more ambitious, more intelligent, more talented, healthier, better educated, more responsible, harder working, and even genetically superior to non-elites" Notice how he is surely turning into a eugenicist, under the guise of "truth seeking". He pretends that the truth of the world, evolution and darwinism are true because they are empirically true, and if you don't deem weaker people to be genetically inferior, you are upon falsehood. This has nothing to do with spirituality. The empirical truth of the world is not the whole truth, it's only what has worked in the past. People like Jesus understood this, that you have to fight the darwinistic original sin with the power of imagination, to transcend selfishness. Spiritual leaders fight against the current of the harsh darwinistic world, using the "fantasy" that all people are equally valid and are not inferior because of genetics. The darwinistic world is fake and not true, just more peristent than a hippie fantasy currently is. Concsiousness can grow a hippie fantasy into a real reality, but Leo only deems things true if they are already so in the world. If I would make a simulation right now where shitting on people's heads gives you more survival power Leo would deem it to be true. He's growing a green shadow. There is nothing inferior about someone in a wheelchair, and this is true because all selves are equally valid to God. But Leo somehow forgot about this, drowning himself in the darwinistic nature of our world, and seeing it as truth. He's becoming a servant of the Demiurge now, no longer to God. All his values he talks about in this thread like survival and power are equally imaginary as a hippie fantasy, except that a hippie fantasy is based on the truth of universal love, and Leo's worldview on the lie of matter, material superiority, which culminates in the eugenicism of "genetic superiority". Survival is absolutely not true and any spiritual leader fights against the beast of pure survival drive. We came from this drive, but our compass should always be to completely transcend it as much as we can. Leo has the balls to claim a hippie fantasy is more imaginary than evolution and genetics. The balls! and to beat your more developed forum members over the head with it, claiming they should instead submit to the fact that elon musk is somehow a value bringer because he shoots rockets into the sky and brings survival power. We have all the survival power we need already, there is enough food for everyone already. Nobody cares about your eugenicist futurism fantasies except fellow eugenicists. Even a nazi is better than a eugenicist, since he simply finds his own people to be superior, it's just classic survivalism. But a eugenicist like Leo truly aligns himself with the harshness of darwinism and sees it as true. deems weaker humans to be inferior. It's the worst of the worst. Let's repeat this quote that I just read today, infuriating me to levels beyond belief: "Elites are physically stronger, more physically attractive, more ambitious, more intelligent, more talented, healthier, better educated, more responsible, harder working, and even genetically superior to non-elites" "genetically superior to non-elites" "genetically superior to non-elites" "genetically superior to non-elites" "genetically superior to non-elites" I guess it's true you either die a hero or live long enough too see yourself become the villain. And I mean that absolutely unironically and literally. There is nothing funny about what's happening here. The fucking balls to claim genetic superiority and align yourself with evil, submitting yourself to them even. This is literal LOTR Sauron shit. The fact that he doesn't see this obvious grave mistake is fucking baffling. It makes me physically sick. If we want a world free from the darwinistic drive, where people like Elon musk shit on the little folk and "spiritual", "truth-seeking" people like Leo deem him to be genetically superior, because of the past success of devils like him, fantasy and consciousness is exactly what we need to transcend it. Everything good created in this world was once a fantasy. A human like Leo has absolutely no clue what's possible for the future, yet pretends he does, simply because evil people have ruled the world since the dawn of time. This is sick, sick sick what is happening here.
  14. I don't think the 500B is all coming from taxpayer money.
  15. Plus, you're doing a trick even older than moral grandstanding, namely distraction. Notice that. You're not even engaging with my argument whether debauchery has anything to do with MAGA morality or whether an ethics teacher like you (which you most def are) should engage and promote such explicit venturing. Stage blue had a marital system because of it's collective nature. Orange doesn't because of its individualist nature. Green will move back in to it.
  16. It's cringe, but the only way I can make my point, which is a moral point to explain the rise of MAGA immorality. The only way to speak up against you is in such a way, since you wave everything else away. And you're not really the one to call other people cringe, believe me.
  17. In some spiritual and political things I believe you. When it comes to Murican debauchery, where your survival bias is heavily invested in, definately no. Imagine being a 40 year old and preaching slut chasing in Vegas. Deep inside you there's a Trump wanting to grab em by the pussy and you know it. The only difference between me and you is that I advocate for morals and politics against such debauchery, recognizing its destructive nature. You turn a blind eye to it, somehow imagining that your debauchery is different than Trumps behaviour. Its only in manner of magnitude. Its the eros drive unchecked. And if we all misunderstand it anyway, thats even more of an argument to not share the fa***** calling tip. You're not some wizard where it takes decades to understand you. Crazy for you to say to me with such arrogance. If we dont check the debauchery, every mans ego will fuel a Trump ruled land because our egos all want to be Trump deep inside, grabbing them by the pussy whenever we want. I recognize that such a force runs in my devilish ego, yet I guess it will take you another 3 decades to understand that. "Decades to understand" is Leo's shadow, seeing himself as some kind of wizard decades ahead of the rest. Any deep criticism he waves away with it. Everyone is retarded except him; MAGA, The Left, you name it. Yet he doesn't even see that his juvenile pickup artistry is absolutely incompatible with all the wise words he likes to spout against the Devil.
  18. You dont cry loudly but still do it apparently, and feed into toxic masculinity, calling your friends fa***** when they dont approach promiscuous women in Las Vegas. And share it as a 40 year old on your own forum as a good tip for young men when approaching. It's the mentality that fuels young men to vote for Trump. Why shouldn't I vote for Trump when doing so lessens feminist power and I can get laid more? Yet you cry a waterfall about Trump. Maybe you should delete that pickup rant video, you don't seem to live by it. "If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery/fornication or nudity common in the young generation." -Saladin This level of truth perversion in the west is only possible in the lands of debauchery the West currently is, when people only care about getting laid and getting money and use the rape of truth as a means to those ends. But most of you Americans are too libcucked to ever see it. Any defense of a marital system is seen as uptight ridiculousness. In 30 years you will all realize I was right. You'll scream "muhh freedom" until freedom shows its true face, and still dont see it. I hate to say it, but Donald Trump is exactly what you deserve; a true reflection of the face of the American Spirit.
  19. I was being semi-ironic. It's not a bad thing to do.
  20. So you mean conserving and burying rice and beans and other survival gear?
  21. Why he has to use a homophobic slur is immature to me, for a person who cries a waterfall about Trump and the like.
  22. @Emerald would you recommend the teal swan workshop?
  23. And the undermentioned elephant in the room: men can't get sex, both because they are worse at socializing but also because women are gaining socioeconomic status at unprecedented rates. There was a serious TV discussion in my country where highly educated women were still living at their parents, because they couldn't find any men who are also highly educated. Lol. As if men ever thought that way, that your partner has to be of the same education level as you or higher. Huge sexual market failure causing frustration, causing abandonment of epistemology and ethics, causing shit like MAGA. If I look around in my generation most of my peers are enchanted with incoherent anti-govrnment narratives, salad-bar narratives (taking from far left, far right, religious, conspiracy, esoteric, like a salad bar of bullshit), giving them a feeling that they are not responsible for all the bullshit. Its the new opium for the masses.
  24. Look at the status quo pushing us off a cliff with climate change. It's unrealistic to stand up against them but also immoral to not do it.