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About gengar

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  1. His anarcho-capitalist business endeavors were also an attack on the people. Yet libs never talk about that as a threat, they're fine with it. Now we see what late-stage capitalism leads to, oligarchy and erasure of democracy. It has everything to with his business endeavors. You either become insanely evil like trump and musk, or so lazy and compromised to not be able to stop it like the dems. All what is happening now is the inevitable conclusion of a country like america, the Nash equilibrium of the American spirit.
  2. @Quest Man, I envy your health. Go get em bro. I'd invest in pure mastery of the field you want to master in, since it doesn't sound like you're in any trouble in a field. invest in coaches and courses, but do extremely careful research on them before investing, some very expensive coaches might be useless.
  3. To be real, I'd short the AI market, I think there is a big bubble. But I'm not an expert.
  4. I'm launching my own crypto and I would like you to invest your whole 165k into it.
  5. At the very least he killed his ego, that's what I think. He literally sat under a tree to die or "reach enlightenment". To me that would mean the ego killing itself and the human would then be free from the ego. whether that means enlightenment i don't know.
  6. You might be right about that. However he posted whlie sober, which should mean he was not in that state. You're right that I don't know what it's like to destabilize your mind to that degree. Moreover, I'm actually really interested in supernatural things. But precisely in the supernatural should your inquiry be highly skeptical and scientific. And I just don't like the fact that he swept it under the rug like it never happened and never came back up upon it.
  7. See this is what makes me think you never thought that you would be able to make the video. If you care about your life posting a video of yourself transforming into an alien is one of the most dangerous things you can do. It just doesn't make sense.
  8. It's not about being a freak or human understanding, but about the world plunging into chaos upon seeing your transformation. How could you even contemplate sending it out? Being the biggest freak in the world would be detrimental to your survival. Dutch colonists used to put South African women with "freakishly" big asses in cages like they're animals in a zoo. Being a freak is not about being misunderstood by lowly humans, its about the survival of you and your family. Transforming into an alien would get you killed by evangelicals, hunting you down with guns, for in their mind they've seen a real life demon transformation. Do you really not get what I'm pointing at here?
  9. Okay, but did you not think of the ramifications of that if it would work, that history would change in an instant, and you would be the biggest freak in the world? that people would go looking for you? If I thought I could transform into an alien, i'd keep it a secret purely for my survival. Thinking of sharing it is more bizarre than thinking you are able to do it IMO. This is my last question. I'll stop hammering about it, I understand it's not the most gentle way of going about it, but the scope of the claim does warrant this amount of scrutiny.
  10. I haven't, but I am assuming Leo was posting while sober about his alien transformation (posting sober is a rule of the forum), so it doesn't make any difference. I'm extremely open minded but also extremely skeptical. The deconstruction of sober consensus reality is something entirely different than going through insane stuff while tripping. "That said, I myself wonder what makes the manifestation of a psychedelic state into baseline so hard, even with Leo's level of Awakenings. My current understanding is that each level of Consciousness has a certain coherence to it, accessible only from that particular state of Mind." My theory is that the body is in itself a psychedelic. The paradox of realizing that matter is unreal, on psychedelics, is that you are having such an awakening only because you ingested a certain piece of matter, namely the psychedelic chemical. this would explain why Leo doesn't understand why he always comes back even when going into entirely bodyless states. the body still exists because he is it. only upon physical death is your consciousness fully released. Leo still being alive in our dream means it'd be impossible for him to have gone fully away. What do you mean with "each level of Consciousness has a certain coherence to it, accessible only from that particular state of Mind." ? and with this "The "if Jesus/ aliens appeared, you wouldn't even know it" type thing. The dynamics between states, i.e the relative ontology, is highly non-trivial. " ? It seems like you're saying some profound stuff here, but i'm not sure how to read it.
  11. love and empathy is scrutiny of bizarre claims that were never followed up upon. Transforming into an alien is a claim a 1000 times more bizarre than landing on the moon. Afaik, our consensus reality still beholds to the laws of physics. it's precisely what makes the dream feel real. transforming into an alien on camera would break all notions of physics and consensus reality and change history in a second. we would basically start living in an irl fantasy world. its incomparable with landing on the moon. shaming me for criticizing bizarre claims is an awful argument. I don't care the forum is free. conspiracy theories online are also free. Poison is free. I'm actually doing proper scientific inquiry here. The forum is amazing and I'm actually showing it respect by bringing up these topics.
  12. Interesting take. However it doesn't warrant claiming to be able to transform while "sober" (assuming Leo doesn't post while tripping) , and also gives more credibility to the materialist paradigm, that all those hallucinations and states of consciousness can happen in your consciousness but never have the power to make others experience it too in the "real world"
  13. I am not entitled, I just state standards that are normal for students to have. Do you understand how open minded you have to be to even listen to your work about consciousness, God, all that stuff? with your friends and family ridiculing you for it? only for you to state you have literal transformative powers and end up not going through with it, feeling like I should not have been open minded. Thinking that chaos wouldn't ensue around with the release of your transformation video is not a high state of consciousness, but a low one IMO. It's not mockery, but a critique of someone with educational authority, which by default is the relation between a student and teacher. You critiqued Connor Murphy when he went through his stuff (rightfully so), even calling him a zen devil. But with your stuff we're not supposed to criticize, because you project is as mockery? It didn't write it as a mockery, I guess you still don't realize how bizarre those claims were. You never addressed them afterwards, so a critique is warranted. I'm not entitled to any of your work. It's a mistake and a projection to assume that I think I do. When someone is clearly teaching stuff which isn't true and thus misleading, I am entitled to speak out against that though. I am still very interested in what made you think you could transform. It's so radically different than anything you talked about prior, which basically didn't envolve any powers in the dream. Was it just delusion and bad judgement on your part? did you actually reach a stage where such magic was possible? I'm still open minded about it, but since you never addressed it afterwards and just swept it under the rug, is what makes me suspicious and irritated. It's extremely sloppy and treats us as a gullible audience, like we are just some Sadhguru followers listening to our guru and not question his bizarre claims, and just forget it ever happened. It would be epistemologically sloppy of me to not question it. You are a teacher telling us that behind 200 trips lie something that noone has ever seen. If that same person makes an extreme claims of alien transformation and then fails to do it, why would I trust him with going to do 200 trips? It's like a medieval Portugese man pointing at the Atlantic Ocean, and saying there is an entire continent on the other side, and the next day he claims he can turn into a dragon. Why would I still try to cross the Ocean? Why are you mad at me for criticizing your bizarre claims? You were the one who posted about it. You could have easily waited till it worked out or not and then posted it (even though posting it would be insane in itself). Instead you sloppily posted around the forum with insane claims. And you never retracted it or talked about it, what happened during that time. A simple "Forget about what I said, I was in an unstable mental state" would have been enough. By not doing that you are basically saying that it's still possible that your transformation etc might have been valid. So hence my critique. And you're getting mad at me for questioning this? What, I'm supposed to just be a gullible little boy and let you make all these absolutely bizarre claims without questioning you on it? such gullibility goes a 180 degrees in to what you have always taught us. And you criticize Sadhguru's followers and other new age followers for it. Saying it's just mockery feels like gaslighting. And again, we're not talking about some vague claims of telepathy or remote viewing here. We're literally talking about a physical transformation into an alien being here. Hollywood stuff. What do you expect of me? Instantly calling me entitled is such an empty argument. Of course we as your audience are not entitled to anything. Yet we are also the only reason your entire business exists. In the same way you are also not entitled to not be critiqued by your audience. Not critiquing your episode is actually the biggest mockery of your work, because it's like a fly in an otherwise great soup. Leaving the fly in there would be not doing a serious investigation into your work. You have shared some of the best wisdom I've ever read in my life. A critique like this is a respect of your work, not a mockery.
  14. I've come to the realization that all gurus are not for the real, capital Truth. They might know higher truths and wisdom than what you find in non-spiritual, secular society, and that is why people gravitate to them. For me, it was more about finding meaning, and holding on to reality, having some sense of discipline, and more earthly spiritual things like good morals, meditation etc. More than all they were a way for me to not kill myself. This is one of my favorites that i watched: But like i said, it's not about finding the absolute truth IMO, all gurus come with cultural and religious biases. But when you're all alone and looking for a reason to live your solitary mind is probably not the best place to be. Note that your most devilish thoughts come when you are alone; this is why sufi orders like the one above emphasize to be in companionship and association with other sufis, to keep the devil away. It's not so much a spirituality for the absolute truth but more a hearty, moral based spirituality, slowly cleansing your heart as you remain on their path, while still living in society (marriage and being active in society is recommended by them). But they are still entrenched in dogma so it's not really a spirituality of the mind.
  15. @CoolDreamThanks what you wrote in that post is one of the most deluded and dogmatic things I've ever read. you literally postulate not-thinking as the only spiritual state, this is bastardization of the fact that not-thinking leads to the realization that all is divine, including thinking. thinking is not merely concepts. I've had very spiritual connections with God through thinking. 10 years ago, thinking about math and the number e lead me to breaking out of my atheist paradigm. And thinking about consciousness, and "why is there something rather than nothing" led me even further. Thinking is not seperate from consciousness. Living in the dream is not being unaware of how the dream works (not that i think Leo knows that all, but it doesn't exclude it) Gandalf still fought in the war against Sauron. not that I'm any better, since I can't stand this nightmare anymore. Claiming his diseases come from his non-no-mind spirituality is a vile move. If it is all a meaningless dream you can still act out however you want and act like it is all real. actors in movies do. what do we think of actors who act like they think it's all not real? we think they're ass. but both the bad and good actors know its not real. you claiming that the only true way to live is in some non-attached state is just pure dogma. although you do make some good points about Leo's awful arrogance and bombastic claims of knowledge.