The Crocodile

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Everything posted by The Crocodile

  1. It's like UFOs where people dismiss every UFO case, even though the simplest Occam's Razor explanation is that it's just aliens. That it was built with pulleys with boulders and wooden platforms and ramps is just an absurd explanation, like how most UFO "debunks" are also absurd. And most psychicy mystical-schmystical sources point to it not being built by humans, which is valid data. If it was built by humans they had advanced technology.
  2. No, there is nothing but joy in the end.
  3. In remote viewing tests it's verified you can remote view past and future events. Or in prayer it's possible to retrocausally influence the past. Praying for cancer patients from a blind list from 20 years ago, the ones prayed for in the present day had a statistically significant higher chance of recovery.
  4. (Mother:) “Intuition sees the truth of things by a direct inner contact, not like the ordinary mental intelligence by seeking and reaching out for indirect contacts through the senses etc. But the limitation of the Intuition as compared with the Supermind is that it sees things by flashes, point by point, not as a whole. Also in coming into the mind it gets mixed with the mental movement and forms a kind of intuitive-mind activity which is not the pure truth, but something in between the higher Truth and the mental seeking. It can lead the consciousness through a sort of transitional stage and that is practically its function.”[5] (Sri Aurobindo:) “The true intuition [...] carries in itself its own guarantee of truth; it is sure and infallible within its limits. And so long as it is pure intuition and does not admit into itself any mixture of sense-error or intellectual ideation, it is never contradicted by experience: the intuition may be verified by the reason or the sense-perception afterwards, but its truth does not depend on that verification, it is assured by an automatic self-evidence. If the reason depending on its inferences contradicts the greater light, it will be found in the end on ampler knowledge that the intuitional conclusion was correct and that the more plausible rational and inferential conclusion was an error. For the true intuition proceeds from the self-existent truth of things and is secured by that self-existent truth and not by any indirect, derivatory or dependent method of arriving at knowledge. But even the intuitive reason is not the gnosis; it is only an edge of light of the supermind finding its way by flashes of illumination into the mentality like lightnings in dim and cloudy places. Its inspirations, revelations, intuitions, self-luminous discernings are messages from a higher knowledge-plane that make their way opportunely into our lower level of consciousness.”[6] (Sri Aurobindo:) “There are mental, vital, subtle physical intuitions as well as intuitions from the higher and the illumined Mind.”
  5. Generally once you start pranayama you have to keep doing it otherwise you will be subject to attacks.
  6. If you can see how to retrieve the information, there's a commonality of process. If you access the number one way the information about the nonphysical post-deaths states so and so connected to the physical is accessed the same way, it's the same principle. Remote viewing something inside the physical universe is not any different from remote viewing something outside the physical universe. Remote viewing a tree, and remote viewing what consciousness does after death, is the same thing. If you can see for yourself what happens in the incarnative process then you can see what happens, just like how you can see the physical world for yourself, you don't need to question if the physical world is "really happening" since obviously it's a process that's happening, the nonphysical part is just a larger context you can also directly observe to be true. Also a lack of reincarnation would be horribly inefficient and just not make any sense.
  7. No, if you can remote view a specific number like 163647383735019939 on a chalkboard and get it right that's a scientific claim. Which carries over to the rest of how the information works. Also if two people have an oobe and see and hear the same things, that's an empirical claim.
  8. Reincarnation is a relative reality thing. It has got nothing necessarily to do with Awakening, like a toaster. You're like saying that zoology can't possibly exist, because the zoologist is not awake, or that toasters aren't real because the guy who designed or sold toasters is not awake. Or that chemicals aren't real because chemists are not awake. Saying that reincarnation is real is like saying trump is a devil. If you can actually scientifically, logically, or experientially fault any of Tom's knowledge on this then you would have a point. said The Devil. In this video he addresses the, "How do you think you can know that? You're just bullshitting and making shit up," accusation.
  9. GET BACK IN HERE. Watch tis. All the way through. He speaks with absolute knowledge.
  10. No, you can scientifically know for a fact with logic, reason, and empiricism that it's real. It's just that all the horrible problems you fantasize about would dry up, if you knew and admitted it was real.
  11. Except we already know what happens when you die, you reincarnate.
  12. I once argued with a Chinese kid about whether the Tiananmen Square Massacre was real and even sent him footage, but he refused to believe it. Also probably stuff about the Uighur camps and Taiwan and Hong Kong and Tibet.
  13. There's a book he wrote called Boomeritis where a brilliant MIT student "Ken Wilber" studies at a prestigious Integral Institute and learns about evolution, while hardcore fantasizing about a female classmate Chloe.
  14. The pain could be converted into pleasure.
  15. That's just nuking yourself and being left with nothing. Don't do that.
  16. Look what he looks like! He's dying!
  17. Yes, I've also experienced this and tried to do it before. I'm still working on it.
  18. You learn that from Bashar? It's not true. You don't need to be happy.
  19. There is no contradiction between Jesus claiming to be an avatar (as it's written down in the Bible) and anything I said. I meant by how it actually would have worked if indeed Jesus had any physically tangible powers, if Jesus was even a historical singular figure at all. No, his metaphysics is that he's ontologically agnostic and has no gaps in his ontological agnosticism. He would say he doesn't know, but that he's had the experience of the Divine, yet doesn't know how to interpret it. I also didn't say that he specifically contradicted Christianity, I said you could have multiple different viable goals in an ontologically coherent universe. The existence of Buddhist enlightenment does not contradict sorcerers with control over matter, and the existence of Beauty doesn't contradict Truth, and so on.
  20. If Jesus had powers he probably didn't have them from "unimagining the dream" but just from access to energy sources, which could have overlap with awakening or understandings higher overall mechanics of reality, but it's not like what you're saying. It's like a real energy thing. Also Buddhism has superpowers-y stuff in it, you can see with Ingram who claims to have finished the Theravada four paths and who is also into the occult and obtaining powers, measuring altered states using scientific equipment for the medical establishment to change its understanding, and other stuff. Also things can have different goals even if they don't seem to have ontological or epistemic contradictions.
  21. What's your name and badge number? Let me talk to your supervisor.
  22. Very good, but it's also able to do infinitely other stuff.