The Crocodile

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Everything posted by The Crocodile

  1. @Ishanga Why'd saghguru have to have a surgery for brain dis-ease?
  2. No, the nada sound is not different. When the nada is actually audible it sounds audible. A lot of annoyance is just people wanting to keep their position in the ordinary position.
  3. He also said he had twenty best friends who all had stage ten cancer and they were all every single one of them cured by drinking bleach.
  4. Nah man, that'w not Hitler, that's just General Hux.
  5. I handled a six day fast even though I am very small and thin.
  6. It's not a wonder you can't handle that stuff. From your playlist it seems like you're just getting used to listening to anything at all. You could do a Leo's Music Challenge where You may have noticed that I share a some music I listen to on this blog, a lot of stuff wrapped up into a playlist. In my effort to gain a deep understanding of global music and mankind, I’ve come to realize that I just don’t have enough raw experience of how people experience music in all the corners of the earth. There’s just a lack of data in my soul. There are some genres of music which I didn’t even know exist, never mind knowing their living conditions and culture. So I’ve come up with a challenge to address this lack of awareness. The challenge is to listen to at least one album about each genre on the planet over the next 2 years, at a rate of 2 albums per week. There are 1,000 to 1,500 genres of music in the world. Most people don’t even know more than a few of them. I am taking on this challenge. And I will be starting with the most obscure and least-known genres and working my way towards the most-known genres, one album at a time. I am especially interested in learning about each genre’s soundscapes, atmosphere, culture, lifestyle, level of development, political situation, style of musicianship, meaning, and sanity level. I am especially interested in the least developed and most obscure genres. I encourage you to take this challenge with me. Imagine how much deeper your understanding of the world will be 2 years from now if you complete this challenge. All you have to do is listen to two albums per week for 2 years.
  7. @Leo Gura Watch this song all the way through and give it a review using actual points. He's a philosopher too, maybe even a better philosopher.., than you.
  8. @RendHeaven What Korean women look like when they're just being real.
  9. AI Leo disagrees.
  10. No, it isn't. If you're doing four hours of pranayama everyday and making progress that way, if you stop you will have an obvious increase in problems, because you stopped, while the body was changing, the momentum was not held. Especially if you're doing twelve hours everyday. That's what this guy got even from a tiny amount. It's very common. It's totally true.
  11. Ah, to make matters worse I actually placed a curse on him. And that's the thing about pretentious garbage like Lynch is that it has the pretense of being good or fine.
  12. @kavaris Yes, a lot of my dreams usually have a finalizing image that makes a greater imprint on my waking memory than the rest of the dream.
  13. Errrr, no. I was saying something that would resonate with him. There are infinite ways of looking at the movie and it doesn't have anything to do with thought.
  14. Maybe. It's like a counter-enlightenment, it's just very dark and there's no redemption.
  15. Have you seen the second movie? It turns into a tragedy again, or a really dark comedy.
  16. @kavaris Castaneda called it the whorl, and yes I've seen spinning. In Buddhism it's called the nimitta. When the attention can move in a clockwise or counterclockwise way, and it can get more complex or structured depending on the energy objects.
  17. Aurobindo said paranormal powers are necessary to transform human nature, the body, politics, society, the physical world, etc. in accordance with the Divine and the Truth, and that spirituality and powers complement and strengthen each other and have no contradiction. Sri Aurobindo : That evidently shows that the power working is either psychic or psycho-physical. This phenomenon is quite possible. In her childhood the Mother was able to see even in the dark and she had developed the power of sight everywhere. She is, even now, able to see from behind and this general sight works more accurately than the physical eyes. It works best when the eyes are closed. Disciple : I saw Prof. B. from behind my body when he was going away. This power, I then felt, could be developed. Is this psychic sight? Sri Aurobindo : The psychic vision is between the eye-brows, in front, above the head. In fact not only are all the senses everywhere in the body, but they are even outside the body. You can feel the touch of two different persons and, remaining at a great distance, know how they must be feeling it. Page 62 Disciple : Would all these powers come automatically after transformation, or are they to be developed by the Sadhak. Sri Aurobindo : Everything is there, but you have to organise these things. In my case I have to develop each of them. The Power is there and is working but the physical has not the faith and so it has got to work out. Disciple : Can it be said that this way of developing each power is part of the general fight with the physical obstacles ? Sri Aurobindo : Yes. Disciple : Is it not dangerous for small adhars to try to concentrate on these powers, because they may be swallowed by them? Sri Aurobindo : It may be. I can never understand that stupid fear of acquiring Siddhis – occult powers – which our people are having. Why should every one be spiritual? Those who want to attain power must do that. I mean if that is the only thing they can do in this life let them do it. He was telling me the same thing this morning. For instance, if a man is capable of writing good poetry why should he be expected to do all things in life? Let one thing be well done. That way the soul develops. Disciple : But suppose some hostile power gets hold of him ? Sri Aurobindo : That does not matter; one has to take one's chance, risk is always there. The soul develops by undertaking adventures and even stumbling often. Before that you can't hope to win the crown. It is good to have a certain protection in the beginning and to progress on the spiritual side. But one has to take the risk, reject the lower path and take to the higher truth. Besides, all these things are necessary for the divine manifestation. . Disciple : Are these things really necessary ? Page 63 Sri Aurobindo : They are. In society, in politics, in fact in every field progress is like that. That is why a moderate policy is foolish. They believe that by gradually going on they will reach the goal, but that is never the case. You go on to a certain extent and then something comes up and envelops the being. The whole of what you have done is broken up and you have to begin over again. Disciple : But the physical is simply idiotic. Another Disciple : Because it is so, the work becomes interesting Sri Aurobindo : Interesting! The vital, you may say, is interesting. But the physical is most idiotically stupid. It is full of Tamas; it wants to go on in its own slow process. Disciple : The new scientific discoveries which the Westerners are stumbling upon are bound to change their mentality. Sri Aurobindo : Of course; after the discovery of radium and the theory of light science has taken a higher step. Now it can hardly be called materialistic. Disciple : The phenomenon of eyeless sight reminds me of the case of a man who emitted "blue light". The scientists were puzzled and thought that they were hypnotised to see the light. Then they exposed photographic plates and found that the light was being emitted. Sri Aurobindo : (smiling) All these phenomena – eyeless sight, light-emission or miraculous cures-are psychic and it is absurd to try to explain them away and more absurd to doubt them. Disciple : There was the reported case of a missionary who cured a blind man, and also miraculous cures are reported from St. Xavier's tomb at Goa. Sri Aurobindo : Those kinds of phenomena are very common even to-day. In France at Notre Dame at Lourdes lame people are cured. Only, the power that is working there acts very irregularly, some get absolutely cured, Page 64 while some are not affected. But all those who want see and be convinced can see them. A friend of The Mother – a lady – was so cured. This working is due to the presence of some psychic power. There are no limits to its capacities. There are authentic cases of men effecting such cures without themselves being conscious of the psychic force working through them. Disciple : Ramakrishna felt the blows given to a bullock and there were marks of the stripes on his body. Is this action due to the kind of extended sense of which Dr. Joules speaks ? Sri Aurobindo : Yes. That kind of story is current about many yogis. It is, of course, due to the psychic sense – which is not limited to the physical body – but the intensity of it is due to something else. "It is the firm basing of the Jnanam Brahma which admits of a more & more complete telepathy.” In another diary entry we read: The whole day has been devoted to a struggle, attended by revived asiddhi [imperfection, the contradiction of siddhi] . . . to establish the organisation of the ritam [truth] in trikaldrishti, telepathy etc on the basis of entire Brahmabodha [Brahman-consciousness] including especially the jnanam Brahma. In the awareness of Brahman, if it could be made complete and constant, evidently the separative mentality that is the normal human condition might be replaced by a unity of consciousness in which obstacles to the direct communication and interaction of mind with mind could be largely abolished. Sri Aurobindo writes in The Life Divine: “If there is an evolution in material Nature and if it is an evolution of being with consciousness and life as its two key-terms and powers, this fullness of being, fullness of consciousness, fullness of life must be the goal of development towards which we are tending and which will manifest at an early or later stage of our destiny. The Self, the Spirit, the Reality that is disclosing itself out of the first inconscience of life and matter, would evolve its complete truth of being and consciousness in that life and matter. It would return to itself, — or, if its end as an individual is to return into its Absolute, it could make that return also, — not through a frustration of life but through a spiritual completeness of itself in life. Our evolution in the Ignorance with its chequered joy and pain of self-discovery and world-discovery, its half-fulfilments, its constant finding and missing, is only our first state. It must lead inevitably towards an evolution in the Knowledge, a self-finding and self-unfolding of the Spirit, a self-revelation of the Divinity in things in that true power of itself in Nature which is to us still a Supernature."