The Crocodile

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Everything posted by The Crocodile

  1. Alright, I don't feel bad for you anymore, nor can I any longer feel bad for anybody who likes Badhguru. His fans are not just sadly misguided, but are actually evil, slurping up Badhguru's urine and feces like it's precious gems and gold and silver medicine. Bahguru is a complete fake. Thinking Castaneda is fake is understandable. You thinking Daniel Ingram is fake is nonsense since you don't even comprehend by what criteria he would be fake. Thinking Aurobindo is fake is inexcusable and retarded. Obviously Vivekananda is fine, but even he has more resonance with real yogis, rather than fake yogis like badhguru. In fact Vivekananda visited Aurobindo when he was at the Alipore Jail. Your evidence that Mo Pai Nei Kung was fake is probably just some guy saying, "He's fake!" And same for the others. Well, you could find more cases of people saying Badhguru is fake, and those people would actually be right. With the other thing do you mean Tom Campbell or do you mean the seeing-without-eyes documentary? Because Tom Campbell is not fake and the documentary you could just watch for yourself.
  2. Prediction about first two days have come true. Specifically related to "car crash deadly" and Cairo, as today on Jan 2 there was a diplomatic mission from Hamas to Cairo.
  3. Grand? Maybe you admit you moved to a fake scam city artificially contrived in the middle of the desert for the sole purpose of drugs, gambling, prostitution, debauchery, and alcoholism, just so you fulfill your monkey needs for a few years before being stranded there.
  4. You can just cyberstalk to see what's going on and message him eventually. If you don't know what this channel is for, you have to do some work to figure it out. It's access to the only REAL magic known at this time. Taught for free, works fast, breaks the laws of physics. Brings tears to your eyes. But you'll have to find your way to the source. Our teacher was trashed and indirectly killed by attackers. And we come under attack weekly. But if you find the source of this and practice it, you'll find what you never thought could actually exist. This level of magic even puts Dr. Strange to shame. At least, for visible special effects. If you came to complain because I called out your favorite pretend magical system, you ought to instead take a closer look, and free yourself from that delusion. The real thing is so much better and it's always free. No one with real magic will take money from others while teaching it. It goes against the rules of reality.
  5. Daniel Ingram of claims he's moved fire with his mind. I've also talked about this with him on the phone about our magical experiences. I told him how Daniel Lawton claimed that all Buddhists were child molesters and scammers, with rare exception such as when Lawton was at an airport in Thailand trying to see energy worms in women (Castaneda claimed existed due to sex) when he saw a BRIGHT white light. He thought the police shined a spotlight in his eyes, but it was actually a monk who smiled at him knowingly and then walked over to another group. This monk had energy raised all the way up. At another point he saw a monk with energy raised up to the knees. (this has significance in the Castaneda mythology) In response to this story Ingram said, "Some of these monks' power levels are not to be underestimated. In Thailand this bhante could not only read my mind but also give real-time energetic healing effortlessly in seconds. And we had conversations about powers and energies and entities, like it's just normal there." Also Daniel Lawton says he's levitated, he's seen objects moved by sight, his wife (who was put in an arranged marriage by Castaneda), is a real witch, he was pushed under the floor at Castaneda's private classes, etc. Also he sent the spirits, Carlos' allies from the books to me, or I called them. And they showed up visibly and tactilely. They are REAL. Such as if it attacked it would create a boiling water sensation on the body, and overpower the consciousness with the most intense physical sensations and loudest screaming ever, even create disturbance in the plumbing of the house physically manifest from the intensity. It's not only in sleep, in hypnagogic or hypnopompic states but also seen fully clearly with eyes open and awake, standing up. In lucid dreaming after finding my hands in the dream and running down a fractal energy tunnel it created an eight-foot-tall humanoid bear creature form that intercepted me, with the other ally as an insectoid fairy standing behind it. It merged its lower body with me and tried to merge the upper body. The dream lasted too long. Taking on a xenomorphic voldemort-like snake-demon form. Taking on the form of weird people or boys. Also some of the most intense physical and vital energies, etc.
  6. Oh, I thought you wanted to leave it on a good note, that sad helped you with your life, which he did. All my statements about him still stand.
  7. @Leo Gura
  8. Do you think you would like listening to Molchat Doma on psychedelics?
  9. That's all very fine and good. It's like being starving to death stranded on a desert island, and then all of a sudden you find a big pile of Happy Meals somewhere on the island. Which is good. It's really a good thing.
  10. Nope, again, this is a problem people have, that paranormal stuff is literally just real, but people's worldviews can't handle it. With Ralston I think he's saying he knows it's possible even if he himself can't do it. Don't you like Journeys Out of the Body? What do you think of the Monroe Institute's spoon-bending program? You also said you like the Vishudimagga and the Vimutimagga, which Daniel Ingram has experimented with extensively. He also says he's had telepathic communication with monks, and not just done telekinesis himself but seen other people do it , seen poltergeist activity, seen entities, etc. Quite simply he's in a milieau where people have powers and this stuff isn't unusual at all.
  11. @Ishanga For best information about yoga Sri Aurobindo was the best. Specifically for getting physically tangible superpowers The Shiva Samhita. Swami Vivekananda could be good to research. Even Osho is better than badhguru. I suggest checking out: and Also @Leo Gura's videos and comments could be a great resource even if he's been fooled by badhguru too. Also Vivekananda's encounter with a telepath: Aurobindo's encounter with a wizard setting rocks to attack his house: In this video he electrocutes people and sets newspaper on fire, genuinely: Study with children being able to see with increasingly impaired physical view:
  12. So people actually think they are gonna be immortal just by sucking Sadhguru?
  13. You can know it's not a belief system since gnana is literally a real thing.
  14. Why do people like fellating this man? What he's offering isn't that good.
  15. Leo could literally just become a wizard if he wanted to. He would just need to buy some robes, learn sigils, learn archetypes, learn how to see and feel energy, etc. He already did magical stuff on 5-MeO altering the future generations of babies to be more open-minded. But he should do it without 5-MeO. He could grow a lot from it.
  16. It is real. It's literally factually just real but it's socially unaccepted to say so because of the scientific paradigm. Leo could literally just become a wizard if he wanted to. He would just need to buy some robes, learn sigils, learn archetypes, learn how to see and feel energy, etc. He already did magical stuff on 5-MeO altering the future generations of babies to be more open-minded. But he should do it without 5-MeO. He could grow a lot from it. Leo would be less fatalistic about politics if he knew he could influence it remotely.
  17. Remote viewing. Tom Campbell talks about this for example. How if someone wrote a random number 162635363737 on a whiteboard in another room he could travel out of body and successfully write down the number, and he could do this repeatably. It's not necessarily the same as intuition, but it's becoming conscious of some information you wouldn't otherwise be able to just by intending it and receiving it telepathically or even directly such that you're there. You could also use it with feelings or how somebody feels, what somebody's nature is, by "resonating". The intent makes it necessarily the case. And then you just feel the genuineness or sincerity of the resonation with accordance with Truth, but this may be difficult if there are other forces at play like mental biases, biological biases, physical biases. Maybe @Leo Gura should become a wizard.
  18. One of them is direct consciousness of Truth using intent. The other is a deviation by lower principles such as mental biases, biological biases, the laws of physics, etc.
  19. Just sounds like a lot of assumptions to me. Also it is not "the mind". I disagree with you that Consciousness is the same as the mind, the mind is a lower principle of Consciousness. You could be pre-mind or post-mind.
  20. If it's false, then it's not an intuition, according to my definition of what an intuition is. Instinct is something else. Lazy logic is something else. Intuition by my conception of it must be true 100% of the time.
  21. If it's false then definitionally it's not an intuition.
  22. Don't be so mournful. I love the black stuff from Prometheus. Because I've seen it in a psychedelic state. It's real, bro.