The Crocodile

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Everything posted by The Crocodile

  1. You mostly just seem to care about your own self-assertion more than Truth, which is why you're so mentally and spiritually lazy and getting into an internet debate. There is a paradox but you don't care to understand it or any of its facets. The contradiction I brought up is your inability to consciously reconcile the paradox and starting a retarded semantic debate to self-assert your own feelings like an asshole, while yourself being subject to the contradiction. I don't like using the word "enlightenment" in reference to becoming conscious of the Absolute because it just sucks and is subject to pretending. But you can become conscious that peace or intelligence or awareness is innate in everything as it already is, and yet a second order of peace or intelligence or awareness is created by that. The reason the term for awakening exists is the becoming-conscious or then the second order. Intelligent infinity is not just that which already is, its nature is infinite and subject to infinite variation. Which is why different levels of comprehension of reality can exist.
  2. Can't you see you're contradicting yourself by saying that you're enlightened and he's not, when your whole premise is that everybody is enlightened? If "awareness" is the sticking point then it's purely semantic. You could just as easily say everybody is already aware just by being a being whatsoever, they're just not enlightened about the exact nature of their awareness. The ishanga guy made a point, but [insult removed by mod]
  3. Because the supernatural exists progress can be accelerated greatly. Basically there are two or three main paths to positive human unity: 1. Earthquakes erupt at the subduction zones, megatsunamis, billions killed--humans come together out of necessity. 2. America goes down route of social democracy through AOC election + the East like Iran, China, etc. care about human rights through internal dynamics. Both blocs get over their fears and can trade and culturally merge. Once this happens the government can be spiritualized by putting awakened people in positions of high power or organization, and a world order can be established where children in school are taught healing, visualizing, meditation, trataka, compassion / loving-kindness, contemplation, God, philosophy, etc. 3. Slow, slow, slow progress. Other negative paths: 1. Unabated destruction (destruction as power-value). World ends, or becomes warrior culture. 2. Unabated manipulation (manipulation as power-value). Fascist demagoguery, world descends into deception and darkness, as if the nazis won.
  4. Castaneda and his student Lawton call that the dark sea of awareness. Let me see what Lawton says: Not really. It's [solipsism's] a totally mistaken view of reality, based on thinking you have a real physical body. By the time you can see the emanations, you realize it's all OUTSIDE us. Not at all inside us. In fact, your goal once there might be to stop trying to remember things, and to accept that you have all of the dark sea of awareness to use as your "memory". And brain also. You KNOW that's true, when you "see" something that you couldn't have known, but yet there it is right in front of you. You NEVER stored that in any "brain". And then you verify, it is in fact true what you saw. It's possible that ALL we actually consist of, is precisely what the Eagle tries to extract from us, on death. Tendencies in our awareness. Learned by living. The Eagle doesn't remove it. Just download it. But the fright of being downloaded causes us to disperse too far, into the dark sea, since we no longer have a luminous shell to contain our awareness. And we spread too thin to be sentient anymore. --------------- And the Castaneda book The Active Side of Infinity talks about death. Lawton doesn't believe in Hindu-style reincarnation, just that most people just die once the infinite ocean collects their awareness, but sorcerers can preserve their awareness because they've become experienced with other emanational systems and how things work while they're alive.
  5. I think he approaches it like art. With the best porn.
  6. No, it's 100% wrong. It's a mass hysteria demagoguery thing like Trump. Taylor Swift is better but it's the same principle.
  7. I think playing chess against a bot is like using a vibrator or dildo instead of a man. It might be bigger or faster, but it doesn't have the same realness.
  8. Ishanga 7% Partners contribute 7% of their earnings to support Sadhguru's projects, playing a key role in realizing his vision for humanity. These donations fund Isha's initiatives, fostering positive global change. LMAO What a FUCKING loser.
  9. @Leo Gura Watch this all the way through. Contorting on stage like a sorcerer.
  10. @Leo GuraThis band's entirety of works is an absolute masterpiece yet highly underrated. Contemplate it as you watch. Watch each one ten times, and it will give you insight into madness and subtle energy.
  11. Well, he does. That's the thing. It just invalidates IQ.
  12. Leo can't have that music taste for the same reason men can't cry. If he tried playing that in combat everybody would get killed.
  13. Yep, he's exactly like Trump. Trump supporters are just authoritarians that have accepted Trump as their leader. Badhguru's followers are just religious people.
  14. My problem with Fischer Random is that it's just not random at all. If it was random the piece placement would be totally random, and the piece selection would be totally random. So you might have to try to win with multiple enemy queens starting near your king or kings.
  15. It's unlikely the gentle electricity will burn you, the gentle electricity though you could use to transform your body over time. I've shared this video a few times but you can see here the same electrical effects you get from 5-MeO of electricity physically burning the body this guy demonstrates in a controlled way: Also stigmata appearing during prayer, marks or implants appearing after alien abductions, scratch marks after sleep paralysis--I think it's all related in some way, essentially the same thing of consciousness from other realms blurring over to imprint the physical.
  16. @Leo Gura also had this on his fingertips. I don't know why he's not mentioning it. It sends real energy shooting through the nervous system like bright force lightning (which you can have sober too). For me some weird stuff has been weirdly geopolitical, like Netanyahu or Bibi would show up and tell me he was doing a peace deal with Hizbollah, and then the next day is when it happened.
  17. Spirituality is about God-Consciousness and Truth and transformation. Any benevolence or peace that comes out of that is grounded in and oriented towards good things and away from bad things. It's not about being a self-flattering angry pretender and gutless brainless scumbag sucking off a guru with good vibes and then trying to tear down the real thing. You're a really bad man. You aren't a Trump supporter, are you?
  18. Aren't you like a Trump supporter or something? Trump supporters have a thing for using the light side for evil purposes. That's why Badhguru is definitely the Trump of yoga.
  19. Yeah, it's interesting. For the days that just have tarot cards I'll add specific predictions later.