The Crocodile

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About The Crocodile

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    Newburyport, Massachusetts, New England, U.S.A.
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  1. Oh okay, from that perspective you are right. This person doing more psychedelics is probably an awful idea.
  2. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Yes, a lot of depressed people are selfish bastards. And they cannot imagine that other people have different situations than them. Such that somebody, somewhere could take psychedelics, including a terrifying warping one like salvia and just get better from it. Considering there are over eight-billion, over 8,000,000,000 people on the planet, over 8 billion people. You know psychedelics are used to treat depression, right? You heard of that? That's a new one. Are you doubting the veracity of the story? 1 person takes salvia --> thinks life is meaningless, gets depressed, kills himself. 1 other person takes salvia --> gets scared, gets shocked, stops being depressed, life is rendered more meaningful. Both of these stories are totally true.
  3. Wow, you know how every case of depression works.
  4. Does Leo wanna do it? Should Leo go on if he gets the chance?
  5. Salvia was banned in Delaware after some guy smoked it and then committed suicide. Though I've also seen a case of someone who used to be really depressed and numb, but when they smoked salvia they felt the extreme fear, and it was good because they felt something for the first time in a long time. And they ended up appreciating their little human life a lot more, not less.
  6. Step 1: plan a special dinner with your immediate and extended family. Step 2: once everybody has arrived and they are all seated at the table, begin accusing them of not being real. Step 3: if they give the wrong answer and claim to be real keep insisting and arguing with them until they admit they are not real. Step 4: write a book about solipsism and sell it to other people. you can even have a book signing convention where you inform people how you are the only person who really exists.
  7. I had a teacher that had a pair of blue glasses with "ALIS" engraved on it for All Life Is Suffering, and the assistant teacher pointed out he didn't seem to ever quote any of the other four noble truths. You could also strawman Buddhism as well as steelman it. You could say the four noble truths are delusional and wrong, and are only coherent within a limited unconscious view of reality.
  8. No different than Biden or Trump talking about God in their speeches.
  9. Yes, except when elon is assassinated he will just die immediately, he won't have badass magical powers to save himself.
  10. I've seen my face in the mirror during lucid dreams multiple times and didn't attribute any serious significance to it. It's like it as just a double copy of my perception, and I had to merge with it to physicalize myself in the dream. I think to get use out of lucid dreams like paranormal powers or dream yoga you have to be 1. genuinely lucid enough to be rational, remember your purpose for being lucid, find your hands and other body parts to use in the dream, etc. 2. able to get that to last for hours, every night, indefinitely. Otherwise it will be random uncontrolled experiences rather than a controlled method. After doing DPT Leo had a profound dream where he realized he was not alive and that the children in class were deluded that they were alive, and then he saw one of his old role models in a really physically muscular form and tried to shake him awake, only to fully become him. But obviously this was just an uncontrolled experience, as anything like it hasn't consistently repeated every night.
  11. The epistemology is actually relatively good for a devil like Tucker, since he said he doesn't know what it is and doesn't understand any of it. Basically he woke up with scratch/claw marks one night. Though he says he slept with his four dogs in the bed.
  12. @Carl-Richard Is this true?