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Everything posted by JKG

  1. The place where the answers are shown looks a bit confusing. Almost everything has the same font and it is just written one above the other. I would write "Guest name: xxx" above the answer, in a bold font and maybe with a darker background, so that you can clearly differentiate it from the actual answer. And I would make "You must login to post comments" smaller and put it at the bottom of those single answer sections. And "Guest answered x days ago" should also be somewhere at the bottom on the same height of the "You must login to post comments". But I really like the rating function on the left. That looks cool. It just does not function. Do I have to be logged in for rating answers?
  2. It seems like you are hating your current situation in life, and this is probably the problem. You do not accept your situation. You need to let go of the need to change your life, 'just' let go, just like in the last weeks episode. Do his guided meditations a hundred times in a row or guided meditations by other spiritual teachers. You are resisting your situation, and only the resistance causes the suffering, not the situation itself (this video might be helpful). Apply what Leo said in the episode about morality and removing should statements. Do not try to change, accept your situation as it is, and your genuine desires will figure everything out for you if you have enough patience.
  3. Thursday, 16/08/18 Enlightenment Work: 70 minutes of do nothing in the morning and before lunch. My mind somehow does not want to meditate much longer than this, and when it does, it is a real challenge. I am just thinking "when will the bell ring, I want to stop, I could do this and that afterwards...". I could let go of that, of that what my monkey mind is telling. I finished watching the video by Adyashanti. I really like his way of teaching. Life Purpose Work: Nothing again. I thought that I could use the time that I am alone at home better. When my parents are back tomorrow I will program more again. Things that I am grateful for: sun getting clearer about my sexuality getting my values sorted out Sometimes I love eating, sometimes I hate eating. I hate it especially when I eat too much. And yesterday was one of those days. I could have been not eating for all day today, but there was food that would have been taint...
  4. It is totally worth it, at least for me. I was in pretty much your situation and have now a clearer sense of direction. I know what I want and know how I could get there. I still don't know how exactly I will get there, but your mind will figure it out with time. The most important thing for me was to get my ultimate goal figured out. Now I am on my path to get there. It is totally worth the money, because you wouldn't get all the resources and experiences Leo has for just 250$ somewhere else. It is totally worth the time, because you will save a lot of time going after 'wrong' goals and groping in the dark. Later you will know how to invest your time much better. The course will also help you to make big decisions like what you should be doing after high-school.
  5. Stopping to care about others opinion: Yesterday I went to the supermarket to buy some fruit and that was really funny. Let me first describe my physical appearance: Right before going there I was running, so I wore my running shorts and my neon yellow running shirt. I probably also looked really sweaty because of the running. My legs were really hairy because I didn't shave them for a month. My hair was really oily because I want to let it become healthy again. And on my back I had my sexy red backpack. Everybody else I know at my age would never go outside looking this way. They are so limited by caring about the opinions of others. I never cared as much as them about my physical appearance. I just wear clothes that are comfortable and look okay. But a year ago I wouldn't have went outside the way that I did yesterday. So I went into the supermarket and bought like 2 watermelons, 4 honey melons, 3 mangoes and a pineapple. And then I saw a 'friend' from school. I hope she didn't see me. The cashier looked at me weird and I just had enough money with me to pay. Then I had to transport all the fruit somehow back home. I was there just with my bike and a backpack. I managed to put 4 of the 6 melons into my backpack, two melons and the mangoes had to go into the basket at my bike. And the pineapple was half inside of my backpack, but the bushy top looked out of it. I had to look really funny with all the fruit. There was an old man sitting in a cafe nearby laughing at me. And almost every biker I passed on the way back home smiled. I also had to laugh about me so hard. I think this was a good step to stop caring what others think about me. And I will challenge me even more when school starts again. I think I will start wearing more comfortable clothes that are not looking so 'normal' or socially accepted in my school, like my hiking trousers or running shirts.
  6. Wednesday, 16/08/17 Enlightenment Work: 66 minutes of do nothing in the morning and 72 minutes of do nothing and self inquiry in the afternoon. I felt that I am none of these sensations, but somehow I ended my meditation session there. I watched this video and it is a really good summary of all the spiritual teachings. I feel like I really understand spirituality, but I know that this is not really the case. Life Purpose Work: I programmed for about 2 hours and am really confused with all of my code. I continued doing the value assessment exercises and the list I am coming up with feels much more authentic. Things that I am grateful for: the life purpose course all spiritual teachers melons I could write today much more but at the moment I am feeling so sick. I am having a crazy headache and feel like I could puke all of my dinner out. I just want to go away from this computer screen. But somehow I am grateful for these sensations right now. I could practice equanimity right now...
  7. @Extreme Z7 I would recommend to you reading the book Psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. I think it will help you a lot in your current situation. And good luck for your next 22265 and more days
  8. Tuesday, 16/08/16 Enlightenment Work: 60 minutes of letting go with the guided meditation in the beginning in the morning, 60 minutes of do nothing after lunch and 20 minutes the guided meditation of letting go to show it to my best friend. And when the sun goes down I will go outside and meditate there for a while. Isn't letting go, accepting everything, letting go of should statements etc Enlightenment. If I let go of everything, everything will go away and just reality remains. Sounds plausible. Life Purpose Work: Nothing really. I didn't desired it, so I didn't do it. But I probably would have, if I didn't met my best friend. But I started to redo the value assessment exercise of the life purpose course, because it feels like my current list of values are not 100% authentic. Something there is wrong. Things that I am grateful for: baking with my best friend the lentil-broccoli salad by my grandma the sun
  9. Just start do do a very little project, and see how much time and effort this little project already requires. By a little project I mean something like making a little button and write a heading. Then you will be able to estimate it better.
  10. I am currently in the same situation. At the moment I have a lot of free time and do mostly just meditation and programming (skill development for my life purpose). But this won't be possible anymore as soon as school begins again. The best thing for me would be to remain very aware and conscious throughout the whole day in school, so that this would substitute a big part of the meditation. But my experience shows me that it probably will not work out the way I want it to. My impact statement entails helping others to develop more consciousness. And my hypothesis is that with the time everybody, who is on a spiritual journey or who is already enlightened, will transform so that their life purpose is also centered about spreading more consciousness, whatever it will look like practically. And if you are 'lucky' you will have a life purpose like Leo where you do your life purpose work through doing the enlightenment work. In the long run, everything will work out fine. If you stick to it, you will find a good balance between enlightenment/consciousness and life purpose work. Your subconscious mind will work it out for you. And some time enlightenment and life purpose will merge together. At least I hope so...
  11. Should statements I am making often| and their opposite: I should meditate longer | I shouldn't meditate longer I should eat less | I shouldn't eat less I should move more | I shouldn't move more I should spend more time outside | I shouldn't spend more time outside I should stop criticizing other people | I shouldn't stop criticizing other people I should work more for school | I shouldn't work more for school I should read more | I shouldn't read more I should figure out my exact life purpose | I shouldn't figure out my exact life purpose I should eat less grains | I shouldn't eat less grains I should visualize every day | I shouldn't visualize every day I shouldn't fall back into bad habits | I should fall back into bad habits I should look happier to other people | I shouldn't look happier to other people I should be more grateful | I shouldn't be more grateful I should work out harder | I shouldn't work out harder I should go to my limit | I shouldn't go to my limit I should have more equanimity | I shouldn't have more equanimity I should stop surfing on the Internet | I shouldn't stop surfing on the Internet I should watch less You Tube videos | I shouldn't watch less You Tube videos I should help more | I shouldn't help more I should stretch more often | I shouldn't stretch more often I should be more conscious | I shouldn't be more conscious I shouldn't go into monkey mind mode so often | I should go into monkey mind mode often I should contemplate death | I shouldn't contemplate death I should stop judging anything | I shouldn't stop juding I should stop making should statements | I shouldn't stop making shouldstatements I should be enlightened | I shouldn't be enlightened I should give more | I shouldn't give more I should spend less time on this forum | I shouldn't spend less time on this forum I shouldn't sit so much | I should sit so much I should be selfless | I shouldn't be selfless I shouldn't be so selfish | I should be so selfish I should absorb more vitamin d | I shouldn't absorb more vitamin d I should be more concentrated while meditating | I shouldn't be more concentrated while meditating I should meditate more effectively | I shouldn't meditate more effectively I should watch more spiritual videos | I shouldn't watch more spiritual videos I should be 100% vegan | I shouldn't be 100% vegan I should have more willpower | I shouldn't have more willpower I shouldn't watch the Olympics | I should watch the Olympics I shouldn't eat snacks so often | I should eat snacks so often I should loose weight | I shouldn't loose weight I should talk more | I shouldn't talk more I should spend more time with my sister | I shouldn't spend more time with my sister I should show more love | I shouldn't show more love I shouldn't be neurotic | I should be neurotic I should be normal | I shouldn't be normal And now I should stop this...
  12. Monday, 16/08/15 Enlightenment Work: 25 minutes of letting go in the morning, 60 minutes sds before lunch, 60 minutes sds after lunch and 46 minutes sds after dinner. I need to develop more equanimity. I need to surrender to the pain and let it go. But thats hard as long as my ego is resisting. . . . . Life Purpose Work: I only programmed for 1.5 hours today. I rather wanted to do other stuff. And my code becomes slowly but steady more and more confusing and unclear. But today I learned how to use Key Bindings in Java, I wanted to learn it for a long time but I procrastinated for the whole time. School Work: I do not want to do school work. My intuition didn't wanted to, so I didn't. I still have eight days left. And soon the weather will become rainy again, so then I have more time to do school work... Things that I am grateful for: being born into a family that is able to afford a lot of great food. being more independent for a week my intuition My parents and my sister are away until Friday. That will be great, because then I can meditate where and whenever I want to, and can eat what and whenever I want to. Right now I just feel a bit lonely. This day my intuition guided me most of the time. I recognized a lot of should statements, mostly ignored them and simply did what I desired to do. I'll see what this will lead me to this week. I began to watch this weird lecture. It really challenged my open-minedeness, but those alien things seem possible. Well, I don't know what I don't know.
  13. Saturday, 16/08/14 Enlightenment Work: 37 minutes before lunch with the new guided meditation from Leo, I will call this meditation 'technique' now 'letting go'. After the guided meditation was over, I continued for a bit. Then in the afternoon I did another 75 minutes with 2 interruptions of letting go and self inquiry. I also rewatched the video about how to stop moralizing which brought me into a meditative state. Do I exist???? If I do exist, I have to be located somewhere and I have to be some-thing. Where am I??? Everywhere? Nowhere? But what am I? " 'I' 'should' 'do' 'X' " 'I' -> a concept 'should' -> not accepting the reality 'do' -> not being 'X' -> another concept When I thought about this stupid phrase I had to laugh so hard. We are conceptualizing about stupid concepts which have nothing to do with reality and so make out of our lives a hell. No wonder that we live miserable lives. Life Purpose Work: I programmed only 2 to 3 hours because I rather wanted to spend more time outside and cooking. The best ideas to some problems I am having with my game I get in the middle of meditations. The subconscious mind is tricky Things that I am grateful for: watermelon reality being almost alone at home next week and having so much time to meditate without interruptions Ways that I could have made today better: today was already great Now I am watching the Olympics again, just because I want to. I do not care about my mind telling me stupid should statements anymore
  14. These a great tips in general but what does this has to do with the eclipse season? Why are they so powerful?
  15. "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari I read the German version and it was very easy to understand and interesting. It is not about a certain event in history but rather about all of humanity. I highly recommend it.
  16. Saturday, 16/08/14 I wanted to edit the post above now, but it seems like I cannot edit it a day later... Enlightenment Work: 1.5h mostly do nothing in the morning and 43 minutes in the afternoon outside in the garden. I looked at wood, heard the neighbours metal music, birds and cars, so I spontaneously decided to try the mindfulness meditation. Normally I don't like this kind of meditation because I drift away so often. But today it worked really well and I became so relaxed. If non-duality is true, where can be there a difference between all those kinds of sensations. Where is the difference between knee pain and a sound of a bird? There cannot be a difference, because duality does not exist. The difference just lies in the meaning we interpret out of the sensation. And the meaning is also just a kind of sensation. I got the idea that the human being is just a machine. And somewhen the machine realises that it is just a machine. The machine is taught inside of a loop, it cannot really excape of, a loop with a lot of unpleasant things. And when the machine breaks out of the loop, there is no code anymore that could cause it suffering. boolean ego_exists = true; while(ego_exists) { do_this(); change_that(); interpret_sensations(); feel_emotions(); } //and somewhen the 'intelligent' machine finds something inside of one of those methods //... ego_exists = false; //the machine escapes from the suffering loop //maybe this is the concept of samsara Life Purpose Work: I programmed for like 4 hours and dealed with problems with Layout Managers. They just don't want to function the way I want them to... School Work: None Things that I am grateful for: spending more time outside apples from my grandmas garden salat Ways that I could have made today better: not watching the Olympics not being at the pc while eating In the morning I had to work in the garden of my grandma for like 3 hours. It was nice to be more outside and move. All the time today I spent at the computer I started a timer. This prevented me from surfing too much shit on the internet.
  17. Goals for Saturday spending less that 4 hours on electronic devices 1.5h meditation in the morning conscious eating with all electronic devices shut down
  18. Friday, 16/08/12 Enlightenment Work: 60 minutes sds in the morning and 47 minutes in the late afternoon. I looked the whole time at a dried pineapple and tried to become one with it. Did non really work, because I drifted always away with my thoughts. I recognize that so often I complain internally about my family that because of them I couldn't meditate as much as I want to. But when I actually have the time, I don't meditate so much like today afternoon. And somehow I resist meditating much longer than 1.5h. This time is like a mental border. Life Purpose Work: I programmed like 4h. It makes fun but I dislike so much being all the time in my room. Maybe I could do everything else outside my room. School Work: I finished with the reaction meachanism sr and started with ae. And I remembered that I still have to read a drama for English class, shit. I will probably do that on the last day before school. Things that I am grateful for: a bit warmer weather, not it are 21 degrees again a watermelon Ways that I could have made today better: surfing less
  19. Thursday, 16/08/11 Today I have almost done just meditation, programming and eating (except from 1h of biking and a lot of useless surfing on the internet). Enlightenment Work: 60 minutes sds + self inquiry in the morning, 73 minutes sds + self inquiry in the afternoon, changing posture and another 40 minutes of self inquiry, and finally 31 minutes self inquiry in the evening. The Ego 'exists' nowhere else than in the mind, in the perceptions of thoughts. And from there it influences the other forms of perception. When we do 'Flattening the Illusion' with thoughts and the Ego, the Ego will dissolve. Could that be a good technique towards Enlightenment? Life Purpose Work: I programmed a lot today and make very good progress. I love it so much. The only annoying thing is that I have to stay in my room with my noisy computer. I'd rather want to move and be outside. School Work: None. Programming was too exciting. Things that I am grateful for: dried apricots so many bananas actualized.org Ways that I could have made today better: spending more time outside surfing less, way less...
  20. Wednesday, 16/08/10 Enlightenment Work: Until now I only meditated for 60 minutes in the morning. I will do more this evening with an open end. EDIT: I didn't meditate in the evening, instead I watched the Olympics... This afternoon I was pretty aware and in a spiritual mode, very calm... My best friend was here, we have been taking a long walk in nature, talked... I tried to explain her the concept of Being- and Deficiency-Cognition. I have found a cool mantra. "Be here now". Life Purpose Work: I only programmed a little bit. School: Today in two weeks the school will begin again. And I have to revise a little bit for my advanced classes chemistry and maths. Now every day I will revise a little bit. Today I started the reaction mechanism called radical substitution. Things that I am grateful for: walking and talking to my best friend buckwheat porridge with cacao being here now Ways that I could have made today better: why should I do things better when there is no duality? And who could do those things better?
  21. I hope this will happen a bit earlier. But first she has to learn a lot of English
  22. Update on the meditation in the evening: I did 77 minutes of sds and then another 17 minutes of unconscious sitting around and waiting. At the end of the sds it was very uncomfortable and painful, I could have sat there longer, but my ego wanted to go to sleep. Then the ego won the battle with my higher self. I see how I am creating again should statements for myself. "You should keep on meditating, you should beet the pain, you should not move"... Maybe I 'should' stop challenging myself and just going with the flow, meditating whenever I want to and as long as I want to.
  23. I just recently read a book about Zen. The Author talked about that in some Zen traditions Koans are used as a tool for reaching Enlightenment. It would be very challenging for the students to grasp the meaning of the Koans due to the fact that they only can be grasped with a non-dual awareness. Koans seem interesting to me, but are they really effective? Or are the 'normal' methods like do nothing, strong determination sitting or self inquiry better? Has somebody experiences with Koans?