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Everything posted by JKG

  1. I could imagine that in a few years there will be specializations for life coaching in psychology degrees. Many many people have miserable lives. Maybe academics will recognize the demand for life coaches and build such specialization choices.
  2. just kidding I do not think that there exists such a university. It is possible that at a few universities are some courses regarding to personal development themes by psychology professors. But the main thing you will learn at university is building a strong work ethic.
  3. Spiritual Autolysis: Who am I? Who am I? These words and letters are symbols. If I look carefully I just see them, they have no meaning. What is 'who'. 'Who' looks and sounds very strange. 'Who' refers to a thing. What is a thing? The world exists out of thousands of different separated things. A thing is a component out of the physical and mental reality. A thing equals an object. This is the common definition of a thing. But is this definition true? Ca I experience a thing? I can only experience thousand of different sensations at once. But if I only focus on sight, can I see a thing which is separate from all other things? I see colors ordered in shapes. Can I see that the white paper is separate from the black background? There is a difference between the colors, at the edge of the paper they switch from white to black. Is this the evidence that they are two separate things? If the paper would stick to the background, they would not be separate, but the would look still the same. Through colors and shapes I cannot tell that there are separate things. And a thing is still just a concept. The other senses are much more vague, so there I cannot tell the difference either. There cannot be a 'who' who I am. There is no 'I' because an 'I' would be separate from everything else.
  4. Thoughts on my routines: I like my routines and habits at the moment. I am not getting distracted that much and eat that much as I did in the last months. All that I am doing everyday is: School, Sports, Enlightenment exercises, Life Purpose work, learning about personal development and spiritual stuff. But I feel like I just want to get all the stuff done, so that at the end of the day I can sit down in front of my computer to just research and learn stuff. I want to get done with school, sports, meditation... What I really enjoy is programming and researching. I still like sports and meditation, but I have a wrong mindset while doing it. The problem is that I 'have' to get those things done. Especially while working out I am not present at all nor really happy. i Actualism: A few days ago I found this article. It is about Actualism which I think is some sort of philosophical view "that everything there is [...] is actual". Somehow Daniel Ingram is using this as a form to develop spiritually. But I do not understand this properly quite yet. He gave the reader some points on how to use this technique. I just focused on the first two. 1) "Really pay attention all day long to just what its going on, particularly in the wide visual field and in the body". 2) "Notice the beauty and niceness in ordinary and beautiful things, sounds, tastes, textures, feelings, the body, visuals, smells and the like". If I become mindful throughout the day, I can see the beauty in ordinary sensations. But it is really hard to be mindful all day long. In the first classes of the day I remember to be mindful some times, but later I rarely become mindful again. This actualism thing could be a good technique to develop spiritually, but a hard one. I think it might be good to realize that Truth is just pure experience.
  5. What about questioning your belief system. How can one person be more valuable than another person?
  6. Just stumbled upon this video. This guy is one of the best examples of an really open-minded and critical thinking human being I have ever seen. The process of his thinking should be the way how we examine our beliefs. "Do I believe the earth to be round or flat? Truth is it doesn't matter. What makes a difference in this world is how I act on my beliefs". - Tim Shieff "Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth". - Albert Einstein
  7. @DimmedBulb Try out the 3-2-1-Shadow-Process by Ken Wilber
  8. "This video is not available in your country" - in Germany @Jackson4 Could you quickly sum up what the biggest lie of the 21st century told in this video is?
  9. Spiritual Autolysis: What is true? Truth is true. But what is true? My task is it to find out what is true. Sit down, shut up, and ask yourself what is true until you know. TRUTH. What do I believe is true? I believe that there is a think called spiritual Enlightenment. A Thing. I believe that there is a thing. There are thousands of things around me. Physical objects and concepts. I believe that things exist. I believe that a physical object exists. I believe that the computer screen in front of me exists. Is that true? I see there a black rectangle with another mostly white rectangle inside of the black one. Is that a screen? And if not what is it then? What I see are colors. Something black and something bright white, and some other colors. These colors are ordered in a certain way that they form shapes. I want to use the concept of colors and shapes to describe what there comes up in my experience, nothing else. I see these colors and shapes. Is that a computer screen? What is even a computer screen? A computer screen is an idea in my mind, it is a mental image, it is a concept. Is this concept of a computer screen the colors and shapes I see? No, sights are sights, concepts are concepts. Sights are not concepts. Is my claim that sights are sights true? It seems like its true. I see a sight, it is a sight. But is the whole text I wrote above true? Is the text true? Text equals true? Text == true? What is the text? The text is made out of markings on a white surface. The text is a sight, a sight is a sight, but is a sight true? A sight is an experience. Is experience true? Is there anything else than experience? No. So, is experience true? What is even Truth? Is Truth everything? Truth is something that cannot be false. Truth is always true, Truth is true, true != false. Truth can never be disproved. Can experience be disproved? With what should experience be disproved? There is nothing else than experience. Can experience be disproved by itself? And what if experience is false? No, experience cannot be false. Experience is Truth.
  10. First try of the 3-2-1-Shadow-Process: 3 - Face it: I feel this pressure from school. Everyday I have school in the afternoon which annoys me. Most of the time in school is wasted. I will never need most of the knowledge I learn in school later in life. I could use this time much more efficient at home. I feel like I have to be good in school. I am certainly good in school and write good exams. But I could do better if I want to. Somehow I want to be better, but I do not want to work hard to become better. I do not want to waste more time than necessary on schoolwork at home. I feel a pressure from my family that I should be good in school. They expect that I will do well and otherwise they will be disappointed. 2 - Talk to it: Me: Hey, why should I be good in school? Are there any benefits? School: Of course there are benefits. You could be able to study whatever you want in university. Who does not want to study medicine or law at the best universities? Me: I do not want to study medicine or law. I am fascinated by computer science, physics, mathematics, science... and at most of the universities I do not need good grades. Even if I would fail really hard this year, I would still be able to study computer science at a reasonably good university. And why should I care about where and what I want to study? I want to pursue my life purpose and for that I do not need a good degree from a prestigious university. I want to run somehow my own business. And I even do not care that much about money. So why should I be good in school? School: Mhm. You should get Abitur (similar to the English A-Levels) to at least be allowed to study anywhere. Me: If I would not get my Abitur, which I doubt, I would go traveling, earning somehow a little bit of money and build my business. Or I would become a Zen nun. Where would be the problem? School: If you do not need your Abitur you can at least learn lessons about life in school. You can learn how do develop a strong work ethic. You can develop your social skills. You can learn about interesting concepts like the American Dream or how history works. Me: Yeah, thats true. But still there are classes in which I learn nothing. For example I feel so bored in math, physics or computer science because the classes are way to easy. School: Then you can try to participate as well as possible. Through participation you can develop your social skills and become more confident. Me: But if I do not want to participate? School: Then just be conscious. Use all the time in school to practice consciousness. Thats what you want, right? You want spiritual Enlightenment. So you should become more conscious. Me: You are absolutely right. I can develop my consciousness whenever I want. There is no 'bad' time to practice consciousness. So, I should try to learn as much as I can in school. I can learn stuff that interests me, I can develop my social skills, or just be conscious. There is no such thing as wasted time. School: Its nice that you found a way how you can enjoy me. Enjoy tomorrow. You will have the time to learn great things from 8:05am until 17:30pm. You can practice consciousness for 9.5 hours straight Me: But what is about the pressure I feel. I feel like I need to get good grade. I feel like I need to get appreciation from my family and friends. Otherwise I get into a bad mood. Do I really need to be good? School: I just use the grade system to rate you and your fellow students. It can show how much you have studied for an exam, it shows your level of work ethic. I know that it is not that accurate all the time but I and my teachers try the best. We do not put pressure onto you. We do not even care that much about you. You are just a number to me in the system. If you fail, you fail, I do not care. Me: And why should I be good then if you do not care? School: You care about yourself. You want appreciation because you have a lack of self love. You do not love yourself enough, so you search for appreciation from the outside. Love yourself 100%ly, or just see that there is no you. There is no you that needs the appreciation. Accept reality as it is, it just is. Hold no expectations upon reality, any you will never become disappointed. Me: But what if my parents will become really mad? School: There are no parents that could become mad, they are just a concept. What could they do to you? Me: They could throw me out of the house. Then I would be homeless, but I could find friends where I could live. Or I would just become a nun. There is nothing bad that they could do to myself. 1 - Be it: I, as my school, just want the best for myself. I want myself to be able to learn stuff. I can learn whatever I want in school. If I do not want to learn from the classes, I can learn from the other human beings. I can develop my social skills, become more confident and get out of my comfort zone. All of this is good for my personal development. But I can also develop spiritually. In school I have a lot of time to become more conscious about other human beings, emotions, reactions, everything. I could even become enlightened in school. I can ask myself important questions in the lessons like "what is knowledge". I can observe the common sense about such questions. I can become more open-minded. I just give myself so much time to develop in a challenging environment. With challenge I will grow the most. I can even see where I am lacking. I can see that I am lacking in self love, communication skills, consciousness... I see what I need to work on. What a beautiful thing. Is this the way how the 3-2-1-process works? It seems like I did something wrong.
  11. @Marc Schinkel Your journaling technique sounds a bit like the 3-2-1-process as described in this article.
  12. Eating: I ate nothing until 17:30pm. I would have never expected that I could do this. I felt very good. I had almost no thoughts about food and no desires to eat. Then I ate very much until 18:30pm. Now I feel completely satisfied. I think I could have been able to eat nothing at all today without a problem.
  13. Self Inquiry: Does it matter what I do? Does anything matter at all? Does it matter what I feel? My right hand is so cold, does this matter? I do not like it that my hand is cold. When I touch with my cold hand my warm belly it feels freezing cold. But does it really feel this cold? Coldness is just a feeling. What is about coldness wrong? Does coldness matter? No. Does it matter which grades I get in school? A grade is a number on a piece of paper. It is a symbol, black markings on a white surface, something that I can see. So a grade should not matter. But I feel a strong emotional response everytime I get a better or worse grade than expected. When I have studied so much for a history exam and I only get a B I am disappointed. I am disappointed because I had expectations upon reality. I have resisted the way the present moment turned out to be. The resistance causes the disappointment, not the grade itself. So does it matter which grades I get? I do not need good grades to be able to study computer science. But my family expects me to get good grades. And I expect from myself to get good grades. I compare myself to my 'friends', two of them get better grades than I do. Then I feel bad. A feeling is just a feeling. A bad feeling is not bad. When my family is disappointed about my grades it is still just an external sensation. I see or hear them. And that is just a sight and a sound. If I expect those sights and sounds to be a certain way, I will get disappointed. But if I just let experience come and surrender to it, everything is fine. Does it matter which grades I get? No. Does it matter that I have to go to school soon? I will have to sit there and participate in class. I will have maths, physics and computer science, just classes I like. But still I'd rather want to spend the time at home working on my life purpose. Sitting in class is just an experience. If I accept the experience everything is fine. If I do not accept the experience, still everything is fine. Experiences do not matter, they just are. The judgment about the experiences make the experiences worse and cause a bad feeling. But a bad feeling is just a bad feeling. Does it matter that I still have to do homework assignments? No. Does it matter that I do not have enough time to meditate long? No. Does it matter that I could die early? Hahaha, not at all. Is there even an 'I'? Probably not, there is just experience. And there is no one who could experience experience. Cool. Now I have to go to school...
  14. Life Purpose Vision: I had a really fascinating idea this morning as I visualized my life purpose. My life purpose is to increase the consciousness of humanity through creating beauty (computer art), something similar to fractals like the Mandelbrot Set. I thought that I could create through some algorithms cool fractals that look somehow beautiful, at least to me. But these artworks alone can not increase consciousness of many people. Then I had the idea: You are looking through something like a virtual reality headset. There you are seeing a moving picture like zooming into a fractal. Meanwhile you are hearing beautiful music with binaural beats, which are changing your brain waves. Through these sensations the user becomes so conscious, fascinated by reality, in love with reality and loses the sense of self. The user will get his first Enlightenment experience, which will be the starting point for his journey towards Enlightenment. Mandelbrot & Julia Set: I did it. I created my first Mandelbrot & Julia Set. Aren't they beautiful? Just some smooth nice colors are missing. Fascinating Documentary about Fractals:
  15. @Charlotte Thanks I also saw that we have a lot similarities in our external situation as I read the first sentences of your journal About 3 years ago I started doing sports, 2.5 years ago I got into veganism, 2 years ago I discovered Buddhism and then I found Leo's first video about spiritual Enlightenment. So I started with self improvement stuff 3 years ago and with meditation 2 years ago, but really dedicated meditation only for about 1 year.
  16. Being healthy - my current ideal of health routines: Morning: oil pulling drinking 0.5l of water with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar Wim Hof breathing exercise raising the metabolism for ca. 10 minutes stretching for a bit cold shower drinking more Midday: cardio workout - running or biking for ca one hour fasting until 3pm eating something relatively low carb, raw vegan a lot of greens - pure salad, stinging nettle, dandelion, guirsch, raw green powders vegetables - cucumber, tomato, carrots, beet roots nuts and seeds - brazil nuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, walnuts stretching well, especially side and front splits eating some fruit Later that day: strength workout cold shower eating dinner - I cannot really decide that because my mother cooks it This would be an ideally healthy day for me and my current knowledge. It will be hard to accomplish these habits because of school lessons and willpower. If I would just have these habits, it would work out fine. But I also want to do Enlightenment stuff twice a day, work on my life purpose and I have to work on school obligations... I will try my best. And the food I eat at once should be compilable with this chart, so that my digestion works smoothly:
  17. What is knowledge? Knowledge is getting a certain thought as a request from another thought. requesting thought a -> requested thought b e.g. "at which time was world war 2?" -> "from 1939 until 1945" As thought a is present in the mind, the memory searches for the needed thought b. Almost everytime that thought a is in the mind, thought b occurs. But knowledge can also be triggered through something other than a requesting thought. When you look at something your mind comes up with the thought that this at is a certain object. looking at a brown high object -> "this is a tree" hearing a melody -> "this is my favorite song" smelling something tasty -> "my mother is cooking my favourite food" So the final formula of knowledge should be: triggering sensation -> reoccurring thought Difference between thoughts and knowledge: Knowledge is a thought, but a thought is not necessarily knowledge. You could say knowledge is a subclass of thought. The only difference between these two is that knowledge is reoccurring after triggering sensations. Normal thoughts occur rather randomly. Truth and falsehood of thoughts: Thoughts/knowledges themselves just are, nothing else. Their existential nature is being, existing, without judgment. the initial knowledge: sight of a green round object -> knowledge x = "this is walnut" But thoughts/knowledges are often seen as true or false, good or bad, nice and ugly. beliefs: thought t = "x is true" = "x is not false" = "this is certainly a walnut" thought f = "x is false" = "x is not true" = "this is not a walnut, this is an apple" The thought x still just exists. But another thought t/f judges x. If a thought is seen as true or false (or any dualistic judgment), the thought is a belief. New arising questions: What is a thought? What is Truth or falsehood? How do I know knowledge? How can I know anything for certain? How can anything be justified as true or false? How can I know that the definitions I made are true? Enlightenment -> holding onto no beliefs???
  18. Components of Life: Enlightenment Exercises (Meditation, Contemplation, Inquiry...) Health (Working out, Moving, Stretching, Eating healthy, Fasting, Detoxing...) Life Purpose (Creating, Learning, Researching...) What else should life be contained of? Can there be anything more important than these three things? I should only do these things. The only obstacles are obligations. School, social obligations, helping the family....
  19. This week I was away with my chemistry course in a nice city. Meditation: All my meditation time in the last weeks I have been timing with an app and wrote the exact time down in my calendar. This made me kind of neurotic. Everytime I sat down I had to start the timer and write everything down. I had the pressure to always meditate more than 100 minutes... I just should meditate as long and whenever I want to. And at the end of my life nobody cares about how much I actually meditated. I will stop this now. I will meditate, contemplate or just be conscious whenever I want. Complexity of life: Me and my chemistry course visited a huge chemistry company (BASF). It is currently the biggest in the world. I realized that life can be sooo complex. In our life chemistry is everywhere. Without chemistry life would be very very different. We got a tour with a bus through the huge production location. All these pipelines, buildings, people........ It looks so complex and expensive. All of this has to be managed and produced. Mindblowing... On the one hand life can be so complex - lets call it the orange life. The orange life is full of concepts. Science is complex, economics are complex, management is complex, everything in modern life is complex. But in the enlightened life everything is so simple - just experience, no concepts. Food: I ate so much and relatively unhealthy. All these thousands of calories. I have to eat more healthy. I feel bad eating so much. I need to restructure my whole diet. I want to get more into intermittent fasting. I want to eat less and mostly raw vegan. I want to eat more natural. I want to get more into the ketogenic diet, but still vegan. How could the people centuries ago get so much grain stuff like I do today? I see how I got into this high carb vegan dogma about two years ago. All the people form You Tube said that you have to eat soo many carbs and that this would be the best way to live. Why did I belief them so blindly? I want to try out different things now. Music: Normally I never listen to the lyrics of the songs I hear. I recognize it when the lyrics is just about drinking, love, sex and party. But I do not know the meaning behind all of the songs in my playlist. I find so many great songs on this forum I like. People say that the lyrics is great and about spiritual stuff. I never recognize that. Now I want to stop listening to music meanwhile I am doing something else. I only want to listen to music consciously. I want to understand the meaning. This could be a form of meditation. Wim Hof Method: While I laid in bed this week in the hotel I stumbled upon an interview of Wim Hof. This guy is really cool. His method contains a breathing exercise and cold therapy. I tried the breathing exercises several times and afterwards I feel so great. This can be a life changer.
  20. People are annoying, so annoying. People should be annoying. This is my Problem, not theirs. I perceive them as annoying. They just ARE.
  21. I really dislike big cities. So noisy, crowded, ful oft dump materialistic people. People in our current time are happy that they dont live in the middle ages or something like that. But when society has reached stage yellow vor turquoise they will think the same of out time. Our society is so toxic. How cant you live a miserable life with societys norms? On the bus i rewatched the Video about unconditional happiness. I tried oit to apply that, but i dislike cities and groups of people so much. I want to be back home in my room with the food that i want to eat. I, ego, me, myself... All is just experience....
  22. Beauty: Somewhen I want to be able to produce such art with algorithms. Then I would be called an 'algorist.' This could be a part of my life purpose. I even understood how the Mandelbrot- and Julia set works. I always wanted to understand them. I want to produce code, which can draw these sets.
  23. The only thing that I need to do is realizing that life is meaningless at all. All of life is meaningless. There is no meaning inherent in anything, nothing matters at all. 'I' do not matter, experience does not matter, pain does not matter, emotions do not matter, resistance does not matter, achievement does not matter, consciousness does not matter, Truth does not matter, not even Enlightenment. It does not matter whether I realize this or not.
  24. You can use it. It can make meditation easier. When I do it, I am more concentrated. Nothing more, nothing less.