I'm looking for an experience to help me reset. I know and can feel past trauma almost like its a tumor in my brain. currently I'm only able to give about 40% of the potential that i know i truly have. I need a break from technology and weed. i dream of going off grid or moving to an eco village, something slower. Right now my business is stable, but the past 4 years were ruthless. to be honest I've achieved every goal I've ever set, now no goal seems impossible, but now i just dont want to put in the effort. I don't want the stress or the burden that will come along with that goal/life advancement. life just seems like its 95 percent unenjoyable and 5 percent enjoyable. nothing truly excites me anymore, i dont look forward to things, i dont like being with family, i just sit an watch tik-toks for hours. what im looking for is a place that i can go where they understand why im there and will guide me with meditation, drugs, wizards dust or some experience to help me reset and gain a clear picture. Also in these past 4 years I've learn that i do have autism, and i found that out at 36. i feel like i might have just rambled a lot here, but i dont know how to help myself at this point and im just seeking help.