El Rizzidente

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About El Rizzidente

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  • Birthday 03/06/1990

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  1. @RawJudah I've done a fair bit of traveling in my life, and others might disagree- devoting a life to travel is a waste of time if you're doing the standard "take my 2 weeks of work vacation to go to italy" or that kind of nonsense. You eventually come to realize that any of these "coveted" vacations spots end up being the same (structurally): a main party street, a few contrived, local tourist spots that the city builds or advertises, and COUNTLESS npc tourists and gravitate to these tourists spots like fruit flies toward rotting fruit. NOW, if you move to different parts of the world and IMMERSE yourself in different cities (hopefully culturally different to your own), that is absolutely worth. That enriches you in a way that spending 2 weeks in Paris or Italy never will (in fact, these vacations make you feel a bit empty, both spiritually and in your wallet......)
  2. Currently enrolled in a masters in data science, which admittedly is a piece of shit curriculum (all remote learning, course material seems wholly recycled from year's past) i'm think of transferring to another uni to obtain this MSDS, but perhaps somebody with expertise in this field can give me insight as to whether it's a worthy a pursuit at all (given factors like the high tuition cost, tech job market, AI taking away jobs, etc.) appreciate any feedback
  3. @Rishabh R nihilism motherfucker life is a game, and you can choose to make the pursuit of pussy either a main quest, a side quest, or leave the quest on the job board and think about this- you have such a limited amount of time on this earth, why sulk for even a single second , for ANYTHNG? You're basically outsourcing your happiness to the women you approach- why give them that control????????? you should either continue approaching and use their rejections as feedback/signals, OR just go cold turkey monk mode but you should not allow yourself to be embittered by women also, be persistent with the game, NOT with any one interaction. If she shows disinterest, move on to the next approach IMMEDIATELY (exception being is if she's not opening up due to a visible lack of trust, which you can assuage)
  4. @rd5555 that's probably not going to be true And even if it is, your dating life should not hinge (no pun intended) on whether nightclubs and their shitty business models shut down or not Your game should get to the point where you can go to a grocery store and get a solid number that can reasonably lead to a lay (or if you wanna get advanced, pull from said grocery store)
  5. @Leo Gura I don't see evidence of ethnic cleansing. Are the IDF's campaigns are scrupulous as they can be? Probably not. And the environment that israel is battling hamas in (i.e. one of a supremely high population density) makes it almost unavoidable for there to be anything but a high death toll that outrages most ppl my mind is amenable to be changed, but compared to sudan or even china (with the uyghurs), it's child's play
  6. @r0ckyreed to further add to my point, try this- go back to approaching women, but do it with the mindset that you are just as happy being the "virgin" you claim you wish to be if you need any pointers, DM me
  7. @r0ckyreed This is not at all true. but approaching women with bad vibe and technique is I promise if you fix at least the vibe, you will do a 180 on your position almost instaneously because let's be honest man- nothing is more important than anything else (meaning is all relative). and you do not want to go thru life without getting your dick sucked. So don't be ashamed about "chasing pussy"- this is just a cope that we adopt from society, to motivate ourselves to "contribute meaningfully" to society