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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Lets go I want in on the action too hahaha!! Yeah to those who claim they can do anything etc, pls do that, its infinitely possible that me and Raptorsin get 5mil each... But why end at 5mil.. Can be 5 mil per day? I am eagerly awaiting. oh no, I just remembered , this desire is way too egoic and polluted with my own survival stuff so its not gonna work. It is infinite possibilities, but take out the egoic possibilities. So instead of the 5mil lets make it from today no cancer to anyone yesss and covid is DONE. No more viruses. For the greater good of all. Tomorrow we watch the news and celebrate. <3 luv Masks will be banned, for the greater good of all, Amen. Now we can breathe again and not get injected with dodgy stuff to protect us from our own imagination.
  2. That tetherball analysis is fun. I am sure you experienced something profound and it made a lot of sense to you, but you have no way of knowing what is outside of your direct experience... So claiming there aren't any other bubbles is the same degree of mistake as saying there are other bubbles. We can say "We do not know if there are other bubbles, but we can assume from experience there are" I know that you, right now, are looking at a screen to read this comment, yes? I am looking at a screen to type this comment. I am using hands to type up this comment - you are using your eyes to read it. That is an interaction between 2 distinct entities - with different experiences and different ideas and different insights. These are two completely different experiences, yes? You have access to one of the two yes? My experience of typing this comment is never going to register for you, for you, this experience doesn't exist, but for me it does. And vice versa, I don't haveaccess to the experience of you reading it, but I know/assume such an experience exists. Only you can verify that for me, but I would have to trust /believe your word, which I would. We might be the same non-entity, the same emptiness at the root of consciousness, but when you say "I", it is not the emptiness that says it, it is you, through your bodymind organism that says it. And that one is different to this one, even though connected by the only real space of Now. Our ultimate/absolute identity is the Now, so as that we can say there is only One, but, on the relative level there are more than a trillion different bubbles of experience within that Now...
  3. Hang on just another second.. So you assumed I dream just like you.. Why did you do that? You can only do that if you assume I also have experience of the 3 states waking dream and sleep such as yourself? I thought only you have an experience! Do you think im just pretending and saying things when in reality only your experience now is real? Cmon bruh! It's nice that I can be tricked in a dream state, but even having the dream proves I have direct experience, so your example falls flat on its face!
  4. But I cannot have such a dream. I know you say "imagine" but In dreams, unless its a "dream" in the spiritual plane, characters trully do not have a direct experience and hence cannot give me such deep account of what direct experience is like. If they did have a direct experience too, I would've already met another "dreamer" in my dreams and lucid dream together and then meet in real life.... Or if not a dreamer, I would've known they have direct experience by the way they act. They do not. Thats also why in dreams I can with clear conscience kill someone and I've done it - and I know I did not cause harm. Or sleep with someone in public, or get naked without being ashamed.. The dream analogy is just a diversion, a way for your false belief to keep its power.
  5. That's the solipsistic madness. Yes its true you cannot verify others have direct experience like you, but you can notice it in others. I can easily test any robot by asking questions and know if they have direct experience or are just programmed to respond. If you don't see others have a direct experience also, whats stopping you from killing them? That bunny over there, it doesn't have an experience, why not torture it for the lols? No man you can easily see others have direct experience also. For me I cannot verfiy that you have a direct experience through my direct experience, but you see that I am wrong if I say "you don't have a direct experience, only me" - right? May I ask you, how can I write these words and know they are accurate if I didn't know what direct experience is like by experiencing it? You don't have a direct experience over globular Earth, but mosy likely you believe it is globular as they say, right? Ps: your experience is what is relevant to you, so by all means don't think about other's experiences, but you can't deny they exist, even without first hand evidence. You have to really overthink and be radical to say your experience is the only reality. It is the only reality FOR YOU, but everyone else has a different one lol. All of our different experiences are connected by thw same field of Now, thats the One Reality without a second - not your point of view only.
  6. @Inliytened1 with trillions of different experiences (that we know of, when we include animals and insects, and when we include animals who are now extinct or are yet to evolve), can we really say the words Experience is king when we know King is The One, not the many? If there is only One experience I could agree. Might be more right to say Being is King.
  7. Hallelujah ? Then you check your reputation and nowhere to be found ?
  8. How do we reconcile "experience is king" with the idea that "there are no separate selves". Experience itself claims there are 7billion different experiences happening simultaneously within this One reality. So any single human experience / Awareness cannot be the One reality- it could well be part of it. So experience is not king? If you program an ai environment and make it so the robots have a direct experience of what is happening, their reality will be totally different than the reality seen from your point of view as the creator of that system. And their first hand reality would not be "The One" reality, the entire simulation with all the different points of view within it Is The One reality.
  9. I welcome anyone to take over this bod here! But I am pretty sure there can only be one here hehe
  10. I think that's a bit of a solipsistic view and I do not follow that. You, as an observer, make possible to "collapse the wave function" by observing whatever you do wherever you are. Leo is doing the same "collapsing of the wave function" but in a different location and so do every other being on the planet and out. Reality only exists as we see it for us. If there is no observer to view a table, it is not a table, but a collection of atoms and molecules with no intrinsic meaning and use. And quantum physics proves that without a conscious observer, at the subatomic level, matter acts as waves and not as particles when not observed. (see the famous double slit experiment) I don't know what Leo said exactly, but there are many different, separate observers from our human point of view. For example, if I do not see behind me, is it a soup of potential like quantum physics says? Perhaps it is, but if there is another observer there, it is not, even if I am not observing it. Perhaps if we manage to get rid of identifying with that observer we will see what Leo means with "There is only you". When he speaks in those videos however, he must realise he is talking to awareness identified as an observing entity and hence what he says translates in solipsism (such as only I exist, you are figment of my imagination). Perhaps only emptiness exists and observers are figments of It's imagination!
  11. I've had a dream in which I checked my hand from both sides and it transformed into a fish. It is a way to check if one is dreaming and then proceed to lucid dream. But it also shows what you say, the dream body was shown to be created there and then, but perhaps the pinch of logic was missing to keep the hand a hand and not make it a fish!
  12. In direct experience now we can see that what we have of brain is the sensations and thoughts\images about it, all those are mental / in the realm of experiences, so within mind. Brain is a physical organ, mind is the actual thoughts, sensations and appearances. You have a brain in the story of time, but right now we don't actually experience "brain", but sensations/images of one.
  13. Ive had dreams in the past which had deep spiritual meaning and feel. Some include Leo, others were with Eckhart Tolle. I guess figures which I have faith in that speak Truth and I would "believe them" a little even when I disagree with what they say, because at the back of my mind I know I might be missing something. In short, in the dream with Eckhart I was at one of his talks, then went to speak to him behind the scene and he gave me his time. He touched my heart and said some encouraging words. I could physically feel that touch. In the dream with Leo, I was talking to him through skype and he was showing me his normal life - wife, apartment, ukulele or some other instrument etc.. He looked like one of those Enlightened people who have extra-ordinary lives. At the end of our little chat, he guided me to realise that I was not the character speaking to him, but the entire dream. I then merged with the dream and moved as the whole dream, not as any character. It was epic. Today I had a dream with another such character - my mother. We were standing there and talking about something in the dream environment and I was inquiring about Heaven. She told me - you are in heaven now, but only as a guest. You will be kicked out. I didn't like these news, I started "stomping my foot" and act like an entitled brat, because I wanted to stay in Heaven - why do I not deserve it and others do? Then I ran away from her and started running through some dark corridors... I did that to be alone, and once I was alone I started praying ?.. After the prayer I continued running and realised I am dreaming.. but everything around me was dark and I lost the dream, maybe I was "kicked out" because the part of me that doesn't deserve to be there had awoken. Could heaven actually be that dream plane I was in? Or perhaps it was just a dream with a message about the actual heaven. Either way, it was the first time I prayed in a dream - ive meditated before but never prayer. I was running away from a vicuous monster, then i realised im done for, I climbed a tree and meditated on one of its branches - the monster never came. What do you think/ do you have any of your own Spiritual dreams / dreams of Awakening / dreams with deeper meaning? Do share, I am very interested
  14. Yes but these dreams I explained were old, from more than a year ago.. Now was the one with my mother. The Leo dream was profound, but I havent had such a waking experience where I become the whole waking reality and move as it.. I guess the dream really is all me, but waking I am yet to realise that even if I might conclude it by reasoning and intuition. The monster obvs wanted to destroy me ? it was a representation of my fear if pain/death. Sometimes vicious dogs appear, that time it was a monster. It was very interesting how when I closed my eyes to mediate in the dream, the monster no longer felt real. Lol, it seems to me the dream was just trying to make me surrender and stop running. I often remember dreams (i remember those vividly and they were a year ago). Not sure how your tip would work, since I will just be imagining it as i have done countless times. Its really just a memory, I cant go back to the exact images, it forms a new image when I remember it, no?
  15. in my view the only way to stop anyone from seeking revenge is to make them believe there is a higher power who will enact that revenge when time comes. Aka God
  16. Hi there. First off I love your username a lot. I've had experience with trapping some of the Sun's light in my eyes and when I stared at it with closed eyes, it started vibrating and a little tiny angel popped out of it and flew away (my eyes still closed). Now I've also had an experience with tunnels as you mention. It was again in the park after sungazing. I had an experience of these tunnels I was travelling through, but I did not see light beings as you mention. So I can't tell you what your experience means really but I've had a similar one, so I don't think you're crazy at all. PS: I want to add that Im not lying about these, that's actually what was experienced. I dont know the meaning behind such an experience. Maybe some answers can be found in quantum physics about this perhaps?
  17. @Growly You can also try this visualised meditation using the Mandelbrot set
  18. In the Quran is clearly written that oppression is a no-no. Many so called Muslims have oppressed others in the past in the name of their God. Oh dear, they have done a no-no in the eyes of their own God there... All shall be dealt with accordingly. Idolatry is also a no-no in many sacred texts, here referencing the Bible, but people following religions all the time fall for this Idolatry trap. This building/location they are fighting for is yet another example of such an Idol. They don't have God in their hearts, they have God in their minds, will pay accordingly. I kind of believe in Judgement day...
  19. well you can say what you think? Do you have the truth or are you just in general talking about not wanting the false?
  20. I've had a similar experience by "tapping into" "heart is everything". I found, through research that the human heart creates a torus-shaped magnetic field and that everything else, including the Earth and galaxy have the same magnetic field shape I started imagining these fields around everyone and everything I see, and I imagined pressing the + on the magnet, rather than the -. These things are all very much imagination, I have no proof I was doing anything at all in "reality", but my reality started changing and I felt like I was manifesting things, even in this forum! But it was all selfless stuff, and nothing that would link back to me to give me any sort of credit that would make my ego go WoooHooo see how great I am. I was imagining connecting my torus field with Earth's torus field and going "UP" together, I really connected with what I would call spirit and something much bigger than me - I had in my mind the thought "When you see God you will know" and then I had an actual experience which blew my mind away that was like Infinite Love and I knew that this was God but I have little to no memory of this event, I just know the certainty and that there was a lot of fear actually from that experience also, I was sent to my knees ... I started doing things to please the entity I experienced, all sort of strange art that I associated with Truth... I knew my job was to raise the frequency, raise the vibration. At one point there was this intuitive or telepathic voice that I think was the field/reality which told me that everything I see and experience is a reflection of my own heart, the state if it. If its low vibe, thats what it wll turn to, if I am high vibe, it will mirror that! It was disappointed at me once when i had given up and returned to my "beast" nature but then I started energizing again through moving around and raising my own spirits up. It worked wonders. At another point I felt like the whole world is counting on me to send the seeds for this creation to the beginning of time so we could all exist again and that I was failing my mission... I was crying on the floor and in started saying things that would connect, I was thought that the Bible was a hidden message to awaken humanity and it was created in an attempt to do the impossible - make me awaken and save the world - I knew I couldnt do it and I would fail, so I cried and started saying a story that sounded a lot like the bible, so we can attempt this again next time, and maybe I wont fail again... I was creating art which included things from Earth and my life, showing different aspects of what exists so we may return again, be who we all are, live as humans... There are other very interesting parts of my experience, but I am afraid I am not very good at expressing stuff accurately enough through words, I wish I could have a recording of everything to just show... I believe my experience above proves that one can have absolutely rigid consciousness such as mine and by the power of love alone can reach that fluid consciousness/ spiritual level. I was posting stuff on the forum and DMd you with "crazy" stuff while I was on that "trip" and you told me to ground myself, which was helpful advice.
  21. Are you asking out of curiosity or those techniques don't work for you? Here are my suggestions: Write down your dreams to the best of your ability to remember them - it works like magic to make you at least remember your dreams if not become lucid. When you can remember your dreams in more detail, you are also going to be more able to lucid dream. Try the strategy of waking up 1-2 hours before you usually do, write down any dream you remember if any, then go back to sleep - When you fall asleep you will directly go to a dream (immediately goes to REM stage of the sleep cycle) and will give you even bigger chance to lucid dream. Reality checks are needed sometimes when you are in doubt. The best that worked for me is to look at my hand from both sides, if something wonky happens, its a dream and I become lucid. My hand turned into a fish. Haha! This is one of the techniques to get dreams - to change where you sleep. I put a mattress on the floor once and I had very strong hypnagogic state where I saw all kinds of colours and beautiful stuff while falling asleep. Also the dreams were vivid, and more vivid dreams are easier to awaken to.
  22. Hehe this one I have downloaded as mp3 on my phone, I've listened to it in the park a lot while meditating Good stuff. @Growly I recommend meditation outside, connect to nature and breath in the fresh air..
  23. I find it interesting, because I like to read other people's perspectives. I believe this forum has higher consciousness people so I think they know how to cross reference research etc... We don't have to believe everything someone posts, and if someone is talking shite, that's what the debate is for - someone needs to tell them. It's not a problem if people talk bs, that's how we get the truth out.