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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Vertical line shows the exact time the analysis was posted. Right: After analysis, Left: Before analysis. All lines and drawings were drawn at the time analysis was posted. After this post I want there to be 0 doubt that cryptocurrency is one of the most technical assets in existence. BEYOND DOUBT I want to see no ignorant comments like the one above. Because now you can actually see how its done. If you want to learn crypto then learn: 1)Head and shoulders pattern, inverse head and shoulders pattern 2)fibonacci retracement 3)magic blue line offset moving average (my discovery) 377ma offset 233 (fibonacci number bonanza) 4)diamond bottom (too late for that one) 5) Ichimoku 6) The above will help you take the Low risk high reward situations! Yes there is always risk, thats why you can win. If they tell you theres no risk, its a scam. Some of these charts are fresh, they showed me its a great time to take a low risk trade. Already did, before any remnant of a move up. Slot machine? Please! These charts prove there is no such thing.
  2. Chat GPT does not understand from exaggeration. I specifically said "Self proclaimed dream expert", if I said "dream expert" it would be pretentious as f*ck. The truth is, you can't let chat bots that cant solve simple mathematical questions think for you. They lack understanding of many things and always sound right, even when they're not. Silly boy! I said "self proclaimed dream expert" because the saying goes if you have 10k experience in something you are an expert. You are also a sleep/dream expert by that definition! EDIT: Lmao you even asked an uncensored version of chatgpt or w/e bot you used, that is designed to be disgusting lmao! Actual chatgpt has a way better answer to my post: NICE TRY THO
  3. But why use this label? I agree that it is not physical, but why do you insist on labelling it dream, when you cant fly like you can in dreams? If you can please record yourself and show me, another supposed dream character. If you know its a dream that means ur lucid dreaming which means the dream reality is malluable at your will. Please show it. Notice with my post i never say what reality is, but what it is not. Reality enquiry lol. In all seriousness if it is a dream and ur lucid u should be able to show me all sorts of miracles without even trying. Please do! The best approximation to what reality is, in words that i would accept is "Love" or "Consciousness". Right? You heard those guys calling it love! But thats rather ambiguous, isnt it? Labels are not possible here, we cant really say what reality is, but we can say what it is not. Are we not comfortable with not knowing around here on the forums? We have to force our label on something that cant be labelled. As Eckhart Tolle says, when you label a tree a tree you have the false feeling that you know what a tree is. Ah yes! Its a tree, easy. While missing the actual reality and being of that tree completely.
  4. You do not need to do it. Ok, fair play on point number 1, as I have had an experience where I activated my light body (as I interpret it post factum) somehow by asking Jesus in some spontaneous way on a piece of paper and drawing some nonsense and I had series of spontaneous events that lead me to "shift reality" and I did not need to eat food anymore, I was on a massive natural fast, I did not need sleep and had more energy the more I moved, but that is still not a dream and has nothing to do with a dream! It was reality revealing its spiritual nature, not reality revealing its a dream! Spirit is real, as I have interacted with it, and I was using the Spirit of Love to guide me. I still drank water tho! I couldnt shake the thirst even with light body, but water is light enough. At the time I looked mental and wrote some mental sh1t on this forum and to Leo on PM and it felt like I had a very important mission, but I felt inadequate to complete it. The story is very long, but lets just say, even when things get crazy like that, it never once crossed my mind that reality is a dream! Reality was REAL. It was just crazy and real at the same time! No dream can do this, only real spirit. I called out Bentinho Massaro's Love videos as BS FALSE love, attracting people to falsehood rather than Love, I called him out before it was revealed he is a charlatan who abused his followers. It was so clear from that heightened state what real love is, and it was NOT what he was saying.
  5. Thats a good video for young Leo, but his target here are materialists. People who believe reality is physical. I do not fall under that category. He says in the video "the most accurate metaphor that ive encountered so far " He is speaking how reality is not physical. Can you see how the things he's saying are not facts, but his understanding and explanation at the time. He speaks with a lot of confidence and makes you think hes speaking the Absolute Truth. He himself has said he cannot say absolute truth and his videos are spiritual poetry. Have you seen that? My points still stand. Both dream and reality I agree are based in the same reality, the reality of consciousness. The substance of reality and the substance of a dream are the same, the substance is consciousness. However, if two things are built of the same material does Not mean they are the same thing.
  6. I don't agree with your original statement that, i quote "Reality is in fact a dream" 1) I cannot imagine otherwise, so why are we assuming that I'm imagining I need these things? Show me someone who doesn't imagine they need these things and I will show you a corpse. 2) I have had out of body experiences actually! I've had spiritual experiences / psychosis episodes. Still the 8 facts listed prove reality is not a dream. Maybe it is an illusion of some sort and it is not as physical, but a spiritual arena, but it is not a dream, that's all i'm saying and I need proof of all 8 points appearing in this reality to call it a dream, even if you find a dream within a dream occurence, that's only one of the 8 points and if something is brown like a chocolate cake, it doesnt mean it is a chocolate cake, it might be a poop too! 3)Yes, that might be true, but again, you have many other points to defeat, such as telepathic communication. Why can't we communicate telepathically exclusively? That's how we communicate within actual dreams. Even if 2 people can communicate telepathically somehow, that is not the norm, while in a dream it is the norm!
  7. Finally a comment from you I would give reputation to. Non of the other nonsense. You don't see in the "Reality is not a dream thread", go back and see who is reacting emotionally. "YOU MDFKR UR NOT HONEST UR WASTING UR TIME OR U WOULD TAKE THE DRUG I RECOMMEND, you unconscious little worm" that's literally your comments towards me. I cannot believe you posted ECKHART TOLLE. LOL. I'm literally his "disciple". Seriously, go to 3:20 of this video and tell me you don't see yourself being described there, and your attitude in this thread and others (the solipsistic one that I disagreed with you and gave you a challenge) .
  8. how do you know you had a dream inside the dream and not just another normal dream following the previous one? I have died in my dreams and it went to the next dream.
  9. So they did not call it dream? You also talked I believe about a video game you can design? Or someone else did (sorry lots of replies), but video game is still not a dream? So we agree that its not a dream? You realise you are jumping through points so wildly, because you have the idea that I am not getting something. This post is specifically for disproving that reality is a dream. Whether reality is a next gen video game or an super AI generated world, that's not part of this thread. Maybe we open another one and discuss! All im saying in this post is that reality is not a dream, and you are literally jumping all over the place, ignoring the original idea of the thread altogether and starting to defeat some stick figure you drew of me with stick figure statements and ideas. I am aware of the double slit experiment! I am aware of a lot of things but WOAH WOAH hold your horses " So that experiment PROVES ABSOLUTE SOLIPSISM...because YOU ARE ALL THERE IS!!!" WOAH!! hold oooon you're JUMPING!!! Conclusions so quickly!!! It most certainly does NOT prove Absolute Solipsism, because you have absolutely 0 clue what consciousness actually is, not even these scientists know that!!! You are aware of your limited mind idea of it and presenting that as absolute... Come on... Did you know the "theory" that even your sink is conscious? Like that consciousness is infinite? In such case there is an infinite observer and reality exists whether the limited you looks at it or not. Are you aware of the Dunning Krueger effect? You should be aware of it. You delve deeper, you will know you don't know, beyond any reasonable doubt you will know that. Your limited self has NOT solved reality and it has NOT solved existence. Its far more paradoxical for you to be able to do that. Solipsism is out the window, kill it with fire, it's a disease.
  10. I have to say I am truly baffled by the way dreams are created! It's so magical, I've had dreams that follow such amazing and exciting "script" that I would never be able to come up with myself, as in a master movie maker has been creating it for me! It's crazy! It is way above my own capabilities for sure, that's why I say subconscious does it, because they say, the conscious mind is like the tip of the iceberg, but the biggest part of the iceberg is beneath the waters! As a child I remember fondly I had the most funny dream, with insanely funny jokes and it was like a cartoon. I can still remember the day after that dream I was telling my sister all the jokes and situations I remembered from the dream and she laughed out loud, it was the funniest dream ever! I cant imagine being so witty at a young age to come up with such jokes myself! I was just recalling my dream, unfortunately I don't remember it anymore, it was a long long time ago, but I know it was one of the craziest things that has happened to me in dreams. (Other than being spider-man which was cool af, but also scary because everyone was after me - both bad guys and police alike! )
  11. With my first post I'm basically saying that blue is blue and trying to disprove you saying that blue is green. I'm saying that 1+1=2 while you're saying that 500+500=2 or w/e else wrong mathematical equation. When you are speaking obvious truths, its not parroting. If I want to disprove 500+500=2, I use 1+1=2 and say lets multiply both sides of equation by 500, we get 500+500 = 1000 which most obviously is not 2. I am using a truth to uncover something false and call it out. That's not parroting, altho I am sure many have used the 1+1=2 equation before! I call out nondual parrots, because I know exactly how they speak and know the types of gurus and books or videos they learnt it from. No one will talk this way if they weren't introduce to nonduality and the information I have seen myself. Someone on this forum once called me "immune to zen devilry" or something of the sort. I like to think that is true. Maybe I called myself that! Doesn't matter. Things that are true on quantum level are not true outside of the quantum level. Don't worry mate your mother exists, she also has awareness and materialises the world around her on a quantum level if you will, without you seeing it or being able to acknowledge it. Same for me. You will just never know what you don't know and your ego has ran away with a deep nondual insight and claims to have the ultimate truth! Snap out of this spiritual ego trap, or at least look further, maybe I am not talking absolute bullsh`t.
  12. Thats some mental gymnastics I have to go through just to be able to call reality a dream. Duuuuh it is a dream, but im also dreaming inside the dream and the dream inside the dream does not follow the same logic as the dream outside of the dream... Wait , why am i calling it a dream then, maybe i should think of a different label if its different? If literally it is not like a dream at night, why am I calling it a dream FML. Wait, I have an idea, let's call it re-a-lity, if it is not like a dream at night! Qualified PS: I've literally never had a dream inside of a dream while im actually dreaming at night, how come? You would think if there is a chain, you would have infinite dream inside a dream, but I've literally only ever experienced "Real life dream" (allegedly) and "Dream at night", i've never experienced Dream inside dream at night (which would have even further changed laws within it), why is that?
  13. Who am I parroting? I've literally never seen anyone here write the things I am? Notice you were challenged to debunk my facts about dreams and their inconsistency with this reality and now you're talking to me about awakening as if it is really hard. In dreams at night it is really not that hard to awaken and be lucid. Pick up a book on lucid dreaming if you want the techniques. Try to pick up a book in an actual dream tho, that will be hilarious if I could see you trying to read actual text inside of a dream. LMAO You are helping me with another fact here, lets say you ARE correct and that its really hard to awaken in reality. That is yet another point that differs from actual dreams, disproving yet again the notion that reality is a dream, on actual paper. What more do you need? I am saying reality is not a dream, I am not talking about awakenings per say. Perhaps you have reached some form of deep awakening, but now the ego is running away with ideas that they know it all and placing labels where it is wrong to do so. I do not doubt you have had some deep experiences bro, but reality is still not a dream based on the 8 differences between dreams and reality I have mentioned. Is that so hard to see? Its right in front of your face, on paper. You don't even need drugs to see it, just honesty, so lets not talk about honesty here.
  14. I refer you to the point where fact is: in dreams you cannot read! If this was a dream all words would be jumbled up! They will dance around and move as im reading too! Ive had dreams like that, ive never had a dream where i can read text!
  15. Reality is not a dream, its reality, there's a reason we have 2 different words, 2 different signposts. Saying reality is a dream is a sensationalist bs statement that is not based in reality, but in people's dreams.
  16. Refer to my first post full with 8 facts about dreaming that are not seen in or consistent with real life. Debunking the myth that reality is a dream once and for all .
  17. Well, i dont know! I didnt get the chance to see in that particular dream, because i stepped out of bounds and got kicked out or whatever. But yes why not, ive done many things in lucid dreams, but as I say the most common desire people go for when they lucid dream is to fly! You mightve done it as a kid and dont remember. I dont think you can make the bush disappear but yu can choose what to interact with and if you run to another location it will disappear that way, i wouldnt say you can make it disappear by wishing it, but perhaps its possible!
  18. Snap out of it, you dont have loved ones in a dream. You are confused beynd belief. To have loved ones to bet tis needs to be real you get me? You are betting figments of your imagination, I would never bet the life of my loved ones because I know they are real. Also you have a lot to say in your other comments but al you do is tell me to take drugs and /or link me other peoples videos instead of you yourself debunking those "easly debunkable facts" ive said. I smoke weed my friend. I have experienced a lot of shit. Facts remain facts
  19. Yes, ofcourse! You start choosing what to do rather than unconsciously going through the dream, and you are not limited anymore by the dream. One good example of this is one time i gained lucidity in a dream, i got naked in a public place and decided to see what will happen if i jump in the nearby bushes - spoiler when i did that, the dream broke because it couldn't continue generate the supposed reality because i did something unpredictable. If it was real life i wouldve been very hurt and bruised by the branches and weeds i jumped into, but what happened is, because it was a dream everything just turned black and i lost lucidity after that, i think the dream just ended
  20. If i had a character in my actual dream say this exact same thing i would be able to agree, because i will remember Ah yes, im that guy sleeping and dreaming this, i remember now thanks *gains lucidity*. In this case you're telling me this i wont be able to imagine who is dreaming this (God supposedly) , i cant remember being God and having a life outside of this "dream" . So why is there a difference? Why can I easily recall my life outside a dream when i gain lucidity, but I cant do it here? Should I spell it out? Because its Not A Dream. For a moment you started speaking from direct experience and then reverted back to your nondual belief that you are God dreaming this, as if this makes any sense if you dont remember being God? Its just some belief u picked up that sounded true and you ran with it. I ask again where are my special abilities?
  21. I actually cant, I dont usually choose what I dream and always if yu gain lucidity you can break the laws of physics that were in place before that. Show me someone claiming to be lucid fly without external help and i will be onboard! Waiting
  22. Not at all, I welcome the conversation, I asked for it! I know where you're coming from and saying the things you're saying, im here to claim this is all because of a belief and not direct experience. You are saying I am awareness and not the bodymind organism! Ive been there. Ive witnessed and said things similar to you! Things are happening and there is no doer of them. But lets examine, if you forget about nonduality speech and what you've learnt from others, do you get thirsty now and then and drink water? Also, If you say you imagine drinking water, dont you need to have experienced something for real before you can imagine its taste and feeling? What im saying is , can you imagine (correctly) what it would taste like to eat something you've never actually eaten? Where is the basis of what youre imagining? How convenient is it that in my imagination im imagining a world that can completely be explained by laws of physics rather than being crazy impossible like people flying at will and transforming to whatever they like whenever they feel like it? How come not even a single hour of my life i havent imagined and gone through a wall? Please endulge me.
  23. Do you drink water? Lets put the bs aside and go to the point please, do you drink water? Or do you imagine drinking water?
  24. Can you do it at will, or it has happened a few times without your attempt? You revisited the same dream after you woke up from it - ok have you revisited this reality after you woke up from it? If I become lucid inside my dream I can think about my real self that is sleeping in bed, how come right now I cant even imagine the "sleeping in bed" character that is dreaming this dream? You sound very sensationalist, exactly the type of person my thread wants to target. How wise it sounds that reality is a dream, you must be a guru!