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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Well, during my dreams i dont feel enlightened, its only when i awake and remember,then i think about what was that and think enlightenment might be an explanation. My thoughts and sensations are mine, because i am experiencing them. I.e. I suffer or i experience joy through them. In my direct experience my brain exists, because i can sense it. During my sleep, i have never even had a thought related to my brain. Because that's something the logical mind does. The subconscious definitely exists and it has shown that during my dreams the most, because i can get lost in it, or even interact with it. I can even be lucid in it, very rarely. Maybe the subconscious feeds me my actual thoights. I dont know, its all mental orgasms now, but i can definitely sense my brain, by breathing deep and feeling even pleasure like sensation when i dont think. Or think that i dont think.
  2. This coincides with what i just wrote in the new topic i opened about my dreams. It seems like here again the logical mind is the reason, because you tried to explain to yourself. Disect, as you said it. So maybe thats all we need to fight against when we fight against ego - the logical part of the mind. It seems obvious (and logical :-D) that if the truth is illogical, even if obvious, it would be out of logic's grasp, whenever it's awake. So maybe we need to fight logix by throwing a bunch of paradoxes into it.
  3. Experiencing deep sleep while being aware has been achieved, but you need to be masterful meditator. What is more up for grabs however is falling asleep concously and experiencing hypnogogia (state between wakefulness and sleeping) ive had great visions during that, but you also need to be in that state of mind when you remember dreams and can recall them with huge detail the day after. Its definitely fun. Ive gotten worse at it, and i blame the fact that inow live with my gf and not alone
  4. Theres no bigger ego than of the one that says he doesnt fear anything. And that fear is wrong... Why would it be. Fear can be very helpful. Not as a continuous state of mind, but when needed, fear can save you and make you stronger. As a human being, not as conciousness or that thing that never changes. If it doesn't change, there is no reason for a human being not to evolve. Even if you are that never changing ever present existence or whatever, you are a human being right now, so you cant pretend you are god and dont/wouldnt fear anything. You (god) might prove you (the human you) wrong and give you hell that you would fear oh so much even if you try to disidentify with your current form. Because it wont allow you to, maybe, maybe..
  5. What if that thing that was always right there wants to be scary to you. Like a big black spider, and you disrespecting it by not being afraid, so he takes that as aan invite to torture you in hell. I luv spiders, just spinning webs with you
  6. But you can be a character in the game that is eitger in an enlightened state of conciousness or not in such a state, yes or no.
  7. Are you there to know that. Also if we are not there and your statement is true it means we have never been there even in a previous life. Its a bold statement, saying there is no return.. Maybe there is return after death at least.
  8. She doesn't like the things I do. She likes to watch japanese dramas and animes. She doesn't want to even do Yoga with me! Or watch youtube vids with me... Or movies. She watched a couple of Leo's videos with me though, but she constantly argues with what is said, because she has her own opinions and is quite close minded about the new ideas. What can I do, I am accepting what's happening. Should I scrap consciousness work so I can watch some drama with her? In a language I don't even know.. We like getting high together, but I am trying to stop that one
  9. Well I am not really good with *time* but it's been a few months now, but I only recently( 1 month ago) started doing every day, for 15-20 minutes at a time, because my legs start hurting pretty bad after that range even if I switch... I haven't yet seen the power in self enquiry and also I have trouble locating my thoughts because I don't see them and I feel more like I haven't yet learned to think properly, because everyone is saying ye ye i am observing my thoughts. But I can never observe anything comprehensible like a string of words, I mean I don't think in words I guess, I mean I can think in words, but I just don't usually. Like when I ask who am I, I might start imagining things like falling through a tube right behind my mind and just diving deeper and deeper and try to imagine what I see in that tube, but idk if that is thinking or imagining is more like consciousness, because it can't be expressed fully through words. Idk, im rambling.
  10. I am after experimenting and seeing how my body and my mind can work and whether I can get high through them, rendering drugs useless. But I want to get high of meditation for the same reason I would want to get high off weed - to experience reality in a different way and explore. Because reality as it is can get boring from time to time. I mean I know my goal is to be perfectly at peace and to not need stimulants, but I don't think it should be expected of me to achieve this state right this second. I am pretty young and ready for improvement in the long run, but for now I want to see how high I can get off meditating
  11. I am in a very similar situation. But i also think it might work, because i found out i was taking things the wrong way. People dont need a guru, unless they ask for it. She doesn't mind me doing consciousness work and she is definitely good at firing off my ego, so i can observe, yield and overcome it. She is into psychology and is so much in her mind and constantly thinking and even saying things like - you cant stop thinking, no person can. Definitely when i feel my ego arising to defend my views :-D Edit: forgot to mention shes pretty noisy and almost always on the computer clicking away, even when i meditate and want some peace and quiet. I guess gives me few more things to surrender to during my meditations. She also creates a ton of drama! :-( Actually now that i wrote it black and white... Pls help. What Should I Do With Gf?
  12. When doc found out that it's always the now...
  13. Yeah, Yeah, I know. I have had countless hours talking to my girlfriend of how time is an illusion and all there is is change. But sometimes I mean time in a different sence. Like in a sence that when you are in the illusion and you use the illusion to write on a forum, you gotta respect the illusion and all of it's properties, like the man-made property time. In other words, not talking about ultimate truth here, but about a figure of speech, about art if you will. All the time in the world means no time, because it doesn't exist. So be it. I can then say either of the two and be right.
  14. I will have all the time in the world to be an infinite god being, I have only now to be this amazing gem of an "illusion".
  15. So from what ive heard, becoming enlightened is great, and "you" get all those sweet benefits or whatever... But what if what is needes if us is to stay in the apparent illusion and not to get enlightened? What if pain and suffering is what our purpose is.. Maybe we were sent here to live through our sentence for crimes we have commited in another reality... And we shouldnt try to break out of prison, until they let us out... I mean maybe, if you get enlightened without trying, its all good, because they must have decided to let you out of the illusion, but if you seek escape from prison and succeed, maybe you will pay in a next life. Maybe seeking ego death isnt such a good thing if we look at the big picture? Maybe it is.. But how can we really know? We only see what we think is going to be good or bad with our current limited perceptions...
  16. Also not a shame not believing in it, even tho you were sent here to believe it! Maybe Maybe, I don't know!
  17. If you believe the illusion, it's real, and I like it being real. Because I'm not scared of it being real. I might be in the future, but not just yet. Like when I feel so good in my body, and i enjoy the present moment so much, I have to appreciate the gift i was given. All it took was to become vegetarian, do some yoga, meditate and breathe deep. Immense peace and enjoyment arrive. I don't even need to know who I am, because life becomes one giant "orgasm" I don't need to look for the formless self. I mean you are saying I am it, so why do I need to look for myself. I am myself already. But wait, it's a legit question: Do I need to look for myself. Is it like the purpose of my life? Maybe it is. Maybe I should not revel in being ignorant and start searching even more?
  18. No I know, it's that left brain thinking.. The right brain is afraid of. But we gotta use both equally or not and dont care about shit either way We are not the centre of the universe. The whole painting is, we are just as important as a tree is. If not less important But it doesn't matter, because we do not want to be important, at least I do not. it would be a burden to be important.
  19. Only the form can be, the formless is formless for a reason. It Does Not Be Im not saying it doesnt exist or that I am not it. But I am this now. No need to complicate it right? Play out the role. Until death do us part
  20. I am a shy person. It allows me to be quiet and do my own shit. The silent/calm waters are the deepest, what my grandmother used to say
  21. if u chop my hand it will change who I am, because my current form will die. BB()()()()M DEFEATED. And if I am beyond the form, well thats just deep. And we can always go deeper. And we can always be more ourselves. Now, as the deep human being that we are.
  22. Well... Me as a person.. It's a very person-al question. Probably can't explain me as a person right at this moment, because it is beyond words. There are different aspects, dimensions and stuff about me as a person. I can talk about the outside, the shallow etc, I could also talk about the mind, who i am as what I have achieved, or who I am as to what thoughts I am choosing to generate and hold as truth. What believes I hold as truth... Basically many different things that I can delve into so I am not sure how someone can really describe themselves fully 100%. Then comes the question of describing your true self, rather then yourself as a person. We are always ourselves though, aren't we. When someone asks, describe yourself as a person, as you asked, I should just tell them. Well hey, I am a person, if you want a description, do it yourself, because I don't want to waste my time spending hours writing a long essay as to what a person is and what person I am. And there is no right answer either, because you've read somewhere that I am not a person, but a soul. Well maybe I am, but maybe I want to stay hidden behind my human. Maybe there is a reason I am here as this. And I do exist as a person. So I will kindly wait until I am no longer a person, but until then, I am what I am and I cannot escape from it. I also do not want to, because if you want to escape, that means that you are in a nightmare. I am currently waking up from a nightmare, but now things are looking so much brighter and I can see myself smiling again and feeling the joy of life. I love spirituality, because it is giving me constant peace and love in a world that couldn't care less. All that matters is to be a good boy or girl, whatever that means to you. The rest will take care of itself. We have to explode and be / do if we have to, OR WANT TO! Energise ourselves and lift up others too. There's no greater feeling, than feeling energetic and ready for whatever comes your way. Even if you fail, at least you've tried. No shame in failing, the shame is in giving up.
  23. The body is! We should not reject our vehicle, it helps us a lot to live in the so called Matrix. We need to be gentle and kind to our bodies and mind. It is all we have in this dimension... And it's a beautiful gem. We gotta appreciate what mother nature gave us. I mean even if you're not the car, you should still take care of the car, because you don't know how to get out of it at the very least.
  24. But I cant trap myself into no change, i mean change is a fact of life, isn't it