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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. I dont want to remove bad thoughts, I might have in the past, but now I am subscribed to : all thoughts are my children. So I gotta MattKahnLove the shit out of them. But ok I see the validity of what you say, and also of what he says. Do I win a spiritual cookie now?
  2. not enlightened here, so cant say if his version is right or wrong Also I dont know whether he has attained liberation or not, because I am not him.
  3. I found that video interesting for few reasons. It showcases how a man is being instantly judged as ego by the spiritual ego. He is a man that is expressing his viewpoint and I don't see him saying anything outrageous. He is stating what he believes to be true. There will always be the other side of the coin, otherwise the coin will vanish. Furthermore, it made me ponder about the right and wrong moral question. There clearly is right and wrong, from the human viewpoint. More or less we all agree that what's wrong with this planet is the suffering, and if we could find a path which leads to us living without suffering, that would be the right path. That's the main reason I took up spirituality in the first place. I made this simple observation which proves once and for all that there is right and wrong from the human perspective - ultimately, through the use of contradiction. If one believes that the statement "there is no right and wrong" is "right", that one is contradicting him/herself and is believing in nonsense. The only possible belief one can have about that statement is that it is wrong, which promotes it from belief to fact. Sometimes one must act on truth. Be passionate about truth. Like that guy. Left brain right brain balance is one of the most important things we need to work on. Sometimes we need to let go, accept, relax, embrace and sometimes we need to act, be passionate, even get angry. It's not wrong, dont label it as ego. Human beings are forces of nature. It's disrespectful to call a force of nature by a 3 letter label. That's really the biggest thing I cant understand. How is it that in spirituality, the realm where we should be without labels AT ALL, we label everyone who expresses themselves strongly as ego... Come on ! :? PS: Sorry, the Right and Wrong thing is from the next video I watched of him... I didnt realize
  4. It doesnt sound far fetched. Ive always known the teuth im looking for should be staring me right in the face... :-D so it must be something simple and subtle. Maybe i just gotta stop thinking about it and just be. Maybe then i join you.
  5. Meditate on a chair. It allows me to go for much longer, because otherwise i have bloodflow problems. Meditation on the ground is usually used because when this started chairs were not invented. You dont need to punish the body to meditate.
  6. Oh yeah, third thing my mind wants to let out. While i was doing all those things i was sprinkling Matt Kahns tactics of saying thank you, i love you, etc to whatever is happening including towards inanimate objects and thoughts/ concepts. No matter how scary it was when i lost control of my hands even i still did that I think its a very powerful thing.
  7. Oh and another thing. The day after, asi was going to sleep.. I kept hearing voices in my head of people, i felt a bit scared when i started losing control of my hands and they were moving by themselves while i concentrated on those voices. Like as soon as i got freaked out a bit i started concentrating on mooji and ekhart tolle because i trust them not to harm me, i mean i didnt know what devilish games were going on. I felt that i could die and i suddenly realized how much i like breathing and how i didnt want to give it up... So i started hearing ekhart, and he calmed me down and i could finally relax and drift off. That night and the following nights i have amazing dreams. As if something has clicked and i feel much better. Maybe its that im trying to prove fermats last theorem since i dont like the long Andrew Wiles solution and that grind boosted my mind up.
  8. Addicted to water too? Some addictions are nice Its good when you change from bad addictions to ones that work in your favour. Meditation is a good way to stop other addictions, because you can just meditate instead of doing those other things. You are addicted to anti addiction!
  9. Dont worry birds also create sound, its bout doing your thing. As long as you dont intend to harm others with your music its fine
  10. Ok come on guys get your head in the game. Hes not saying is art bad for The entirety of the conceivable and inconceivable, but to a human being. Because art does closely link with ego and arent we all saying Yes. EGO is bad for human beings. Although its neither good or bad to the higher forces at play. Khm..
  11. Here come the spiritual contradictions tho. If nothing is good or bad why are we saying ego is bad mkaay. Why is our survival as a species good, or our having nice lives. Its from our point of view, and from here, there definitely is good or bad. Art is a complex form of expression. It's amazing in my view and it makes life interesting.
  12. Complete surrender, robot in the hands of nature... Arent you describing enlightenment ? Isnt that the entire ego thing.. You presume you have control now and are thinking of yourself as god. But maybe thats what we wished for
  13. They're enlightened because they know all they need to know to survive in their environment. Us humans are stupid and make it harder for ourselves :)))
  14. Nono zero sum doesnt mean that. Zero sum means positive and negative clash and what's left is nothing. Its boring old math. Nothing to do with experiencing or passing through anything. Maths is universal, multiversal truth.
  15. I would ask Leo ♌ since he made us :D But anyway ipersonally think we are here in order to raise the vibration of the planet. Make it a better place to be for the ones after us. My journey has led me to the realisation that we cannot stop experiencing however, so after we die we will move on. Who knows where and in which dimension etc. We are timeless and infinite, just like Leo. But we have decided to drop by on this planet because we saw others suffering and thought we can help. Or we saw them having fun/dancing and thought we wanted some of that. Mostly we wanted to breathe, which allows us to accept situations and move on. Allows us to integrate our emotions, if we can breathe properly. I absolutely love my diaphragm. Life is precious even if we are infinite, because it gives us lessons we cannot learn otherwise. Peace
  16. I found solution for all is deep diaphragmatic breathing. Its the human superpower. The gift. Its the best coping mechanism. Simplicity is key ?
  17. So if its zero sum and in the end there will be a black cube and a white cube merge into nothingness, that means you can now choose which side you want to be on. They are both right. Both black and white is right. Everyone chooses, or do they. Dive deep or swim shallow, its all good. Its all bout having fun right???
  18. Turning inwards can only help with inventions and progress of the planet's vibration!
  19. Shivering just thinking about alien ? speaking through the radio ? Then im like, im an alien to him too. He must be scared af
  20. Because you are not lying down and have to keep a good posture?
  21. Even when i knew nothing of spirituality and so on, i got to the realisation that death is not scary in itself, because its like sleep. You will be dead and then poof you are born, if not in another way, as the same body and mind that generate your own conciousness. It happened once, so in infinity time, the same events leading to your life now can and will happen again and again and again. Even if conciousness wasnt all there is. So yeah, death should be a joke even to the non spiritual. Its far from woowoo. The suffering is way way bigger issue than death. Suffering because of mental commentry about death makes it bad. While in reality, death is just the statement "this too shall pass" which is one of the best phrases I've come across. You cant experience death. You can only ever experience experience. So why would death be scary? Life should be scary if anything. Ps: Sorry about the weird quoting, my phone is acting up.
  22. For sure mate. I love the concept of acceptance. But i can be accepting and still crying for help at the same time, because that is just the divine will (no free will and free will at the same time as both the ego and the god). From my point of view you're talking about infinity, which could be both positive and negative. For example lets label negative infinity 'The Devil ? '. And positive infinity we can call love ? Love and devil, good and bad etc put together /all possibilities/ make up Everything. And yet there is no good or bad at the same time - the other side of this coin, which says... Nothing. 0. Zero is infinite truth. Nothingness is the only thing that can never not exist and yet doesnt exist. Its the reason there is never an end. The reason for infinity is nothing. The reason for infinity is the text i did not write. And since 0 is infinite itself and you are 0 compared to infinity, the only conclusion is that you are that nothingness that is pretending to be a human so you can grow and flower up to the best version you can. Or you know, dont be the best version you can, but i would follow the live infinity, because it seems preetty pleasant. If you are nothing you are already god, you cannot fall. Even if you dont feel like it, just like me. By being nothing you are allowing for everything to exist, including the self. Marvellous peace of work you masterful beasts of nothing. High five. Now we tripping and think we are something.. Shitting our pants sometimes.. Well, infinity generates. It has to, otherwise wouldnt be infinite. Allow because you're nothing hahah I love writing about this topic. Ps: Currently reading the book Fermats last theorem and it has a lot of gems imo about nothingness and in general about truth seeking. Alot of stuff that are garbage ego info too, but come on. I should stop writing cause nobody will ready this. Hhehehehe i said nobody! If you read it congratulations, you graduated to nobody.