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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. This one gave me super chills all over. Maybe cause i got them inhibitions!!
  2. Sorry, previous was a butchered version of Canon. Listen to it here - the first song. There's one part in it that gives me the chills almost every time I hear it. You'll know it when it hits.
  3. I use an eye mask to achieve darkness. Also earplugs for the complete package ;D
  4. Thank you, will do the exercise and enjoy the day too!
  5. Today was the first time I set in meditation Without setting an alarm, and I did it because it was just the thing I wanted to do. The session seemed to be much more enjoyable than usual and I believe it was way way way better in every aspect. Especially that i didnt have to think aboit the alarm and could concentrate my attention way deeper than usual. It was like a game, so fun. Man, i think i will never do meditation as a choir again, its one the most interesting thing i can do. I think it might be important to set time if you are starting the habbit, but even then i think its counter productive. I mean the whole idea of these things is that timw is an illusion anyway So yeah, not much structure or interesting info in this post, but it may nudge you to try not timing and getting lost in finding yourself for as long as you want.
  6. According to Ekhart Tolle, yes - accept reality completely is his main message, right? Accept the bad stuff and then from a place of acceptance act, if you want to. Your actions or non-actions are also part of the present, so also need acceptance and not denial. But if we deny, we can also accept that lol. But that would be a bit paradoxical. But yeh, the idea is that if there is a problem, accepting it will make life better and your actions towards 'fixing' it more positive. But im sure you already know that cause you are old time actualizer, im just stating the obvious most likely.
  7. Thats like what happened to me during this meditation. Let me explain my current understanding / experience. Every time i have a tought, i "jump" to the observing nothingness above it that is observing it (appearantly my self, at least thats my hypothesis ). Then next thought arises and i jump again. Calling it a jump, becaise it feels like i am zooming out and moving on. I provoke amazing visualisations and then again zoom out - as if instead of following the thought i go in the other direction, towards my center, from where the thought has arisen and so it dissolves allowing for another one to pop in. And then if i get lost in thought, i usually have a break thought that says - this is bullshit, or let go, or this will pass, but mostly let go and then I jump towards the awareness again. When i pay attention to my bodily sensations i also jump towards that which perceives them. It seems like the hypothesis that there is only one that perceives all those thoughts and sensations is correct for now, and also that this self doesn't really exist, because there is no limit to it. Aka, i can always jump higher / deeper and never reaching something concrete. Does this make sense?
  8. Its fine to do anything really, depends on the meditation you have decided to do. If you want tho, you can try without doing those things, but it doesnt matter. This is not an exact science. Its not like you lose points if you scratch for example.
  9. I suffer because of the lack of good tomatoes in cities
  10. Issue with that: how am i the one that makes myself suffer if i had no or limited control into the machine i am currwntly experiencing?
  11. Oh and also, you can read The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle. Im reading it for the third time and one can always go deeper with it. Its like my Bible. Helps me immensely, its one of those books that can help both beginners and advanced and all of the spectrum between.
  12. Above comments are awesome. I would add something too. Check out videos on youtube on deep breathing. If you dont check out any vids, here is a tactic that I implement whenever i am in a situation that brings anxiety in me - for example talking to a girl I like. Whenever you feel anxious, take three deep breathes. inbreath for 5,6 or 7 seconds making sure that your belly expands and not your chest, then same amount of time keep the breath in and again same amount of time breathe out, slowly, letting go of all the shit. I do deep breathing whenever i get the chance and it makes me feel good and relaxed. Breath is something we all have, so its the best tool.
  13. HEhe im so evil, ive been feeding your egos this entire time by giving you reputations ^.^
  14. Ok, but how is it not happening? From what i hear from Rupert spira and is verified in my own experience is that experience IS real. Even last night, when I dreamt, that experience was just as real, even if it was a dream. What i mean is i both understand you, that this existence is after all a dream, even though i dont experience it this way yet, becausse i havent awakened completely out of the dream and disagree that its not really happening, since even dreams are REAL experience and experience is all there is. I think most need to bite the bullet and believe that this is a dream instead of knowing foe themselves. We need to trust the source, thats enough. That way the whole planet can get on the same level more or less and live in a peaceful dream. Cause experience is real nontheless. One can suffer in his all dreams and that suffering is real indeeeeed. I know from m experience as a professional dreamer.
  15. So I need to give up on the thinker and the doer, even tho thats bad for the human system i am currently identifying with? What i mean is, if i stop thinking and doing, the human system will be jobless in no time and die of hunger etc. Am i not both the watcher and the watched though? isnt this non duality? Both the ego and the true self. Both the illusion and the truth behind it?
  16. And also how come I am the one that has to think about how to develop programs here at work, if I am only the watcher. It feels like I am also the doer and the thinker, since I am the one that chooses where to direct attention, no? When i sit around and wait for the doer to do it, because im just watching, nothing gets done - in other words
  17. Yea, but if i am the silent invisible watcher behind my ego and etc, then how can I find that, if it cannot be found by definition, cause it is the one that watches? Unless i make some kind of mirror for me to look at lol
  18. I wish this shit was a bit more logical, so the mind can grasp it
  19. Did you try to not blink? Ive gotten crazy effects like the one you said by not blinking as long as i can.
  20. I have issue with what you said. The very fact we are talking about whether it makes you better human being means we are talking from the point of view of humanity aka ego. Raping a child makes you a worse human being - fact. Meditation makes you a better human being - fact. But humility wont allow you to go blab it or even feel pleasure out of it. And meditation teaches humility too i guess. We cant talk about the ultimate truth if the question is based in human values. If you are peaceful you are better human being than one who does crime and war - fact. Universally, doesnt matter whether you are a good or bad human being, cause there isnt good or bad. You cant both be in your egoic conciousness and talk about the universal truths as if they are your present moment fact. Be a good human being for everyone's sake. It All depends on the point of view you are seeing things from. If we look at it from some child raping ranklist, you would be better if you raped and worse if you meditate
  21. Yeah, so what if you're better than others or think it. That is also observed by you. Its just as "bad" to think you are worse than others. But both are observed and allowed to be, but dont attach your sense of self to these thoughts.. The only problem is attachment, right? Let yourself feel superior for a while, just like you could let yourself drink alcohol or do drugs. Just dont get addicted
  22. I am wondering, how is it like real death, if people know they have taken a dose of something that will make them feel like they're dying. Its like, yea sure, its like real death, but you already know its fake, cause you got the information... If in reality someone was holding a gun to your head i bet you wouldnt want to get shot... Because That is real death, not this.
  23. You indirectly answered something that was bugging me. I felt this anger, "if there is infinity, why am i not experiencing it? Either i chose to leave infinity for this shitty existence in which case fuck me im stupid, or i have been forced out of it, in which case fuck the perp..." Stuff like that, but thats just my greedy mind, wanting infinity without deserving it. But who can deserve infinity... I bet even infinity doesnt deserve itself, since it didnt have to work for it, or at least im not aware of it :D... Oh man.