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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Let me get this straight, you currently have logical knowing and seek experiential knowing. You see my post which shows you that you have experiential knowing right now and always had, as another piece of logical knowledge that you don't need because you already know it? That seems like you are in a loop and stuck in identification with the mind. It's your ego right now that you gotta shake off a little bit - the mind is telling you that you need something extra-special to make that shift from logic to existential knowing, where in fact you are doing it all the time. Sorry yes, my ego also hates when people tell it things it already knows, but we gotta be aware that this is part of the problem. Maybe from things you already know you can still learn something new by getting it in your present moment awareness. Like revisiting an old book.
  2. I guess yea if you want to experience that you are awareness, so to know it 100% without a doubt, then you have to do something - The bodymind has to practise - but what sort of practise. If your goal is to see you are awareness, you can only do it right now. So you choose to practise, even that you are aware of - you are not the bodymind that seemingly is doing the choice, but are the one that notices the bodymind making a decision and acting it out. The bodymind is within you and you are within the bodymind. I do have a meditation habit and exactly in one of those sessions I notice this shit that was so obvious all along - I am aware of mind, I am aware of sensations, I am aware that I am aware. Who is aware? I am awareness and it's only identification with thoughts and believes that tell me who I am from past conditioning that make me suffer - but I acknowledge they are thoughts and beliefs and see that I am aware of even them, I am beyond them, so they are now all of a sudden easily crushed by the light of the new understanding. You do have existential experience even now - do you not? You don't need a 'Mystical' experience to know that you are and you always are, never changing, emptiness behind every experience. You've never been not that . Normal experience, Dream experience, Mystical experience - It's all experience!!!!! Experience is all you need to have to know you are that which allows the experience to be. Without your awareness(you), this experience will not be one, it will be 0 and it will not be an experienced at all, so will be skipped, until you show up again and allow another experience to be. Your mind seemingly has a choice : Suffering or Peace of Mind. Suffering is resistance to what is, Peace of mind is acceptance of what is. You can never not accept, if you are that which always accepts everything, even resistance - what is that entity? Awareness, you. The mind can learn to accept or fail to learn to accept, but you will accept either option, as it is God's will and life will unfold as it should. Your only job ever is to be aware of it and you are doing it effortlessly.
  3. Awareness can only communicate with awareness through Ego. When all is one, we can never have a conversation as we are having now. This Ego is not 'Enlightened' and no Ego can ever be. Ego can only be purified, and no, this Ego is far from purified and it is flawed as fuck, but the realisation is simple - the word enlightenment should be banned, because it makes the realisation into something you have to work really hard for, but it's the prerequisite to starting to live IMO and the start of the real purification process. As Buddha put it : Enlightenment is no suffering. Suffering stems from desire ( For me it's better to say that suffering is resistance) . When you really get that you are not in control and it's all god's will and all you do is be aware of God's will and surrender to it, you are going to live without suffering. Your mind will be at peace and the game will unravel as it always would have, but without the mind's resistance to it which causes the suffering.
  4. My opinion: I think this is a misconception. If you have to give effort, then it is not the truth we are searching for, right? You should be yourself effortlessly. It's like you are trying to climb a mountain, while in fact you are already on the mountaintop. You are always uninterruptedly aware, when you find you are awareness itself, it will be silly to claim otherwise. However, you have no free will and the bodymind is like a machinebox for pleasure and pain that you are also allowing to be and mistakenly take yourself to be, so now you practise, trying to become what you already are. In fact all you do is being aware, everything else is God's will that you experience (When you take it for your own will - that's where suffering stems from).
  5. Here's the meditation I find most amazing - It's about placing your focus on the sensations in the body and noticing you are the empty space of awareness that allows these sensations to be - be it pain or pleasure, you see you are unmovable and unstained by them. Center attention on different parts of the body and feel new energy flowing. I've experienced very pleasurable moments by doing this meditation. ps: When you get lost in thought (when your attention turns to thoughts), you also can notice you are the empty space which wrappes the thoughts and allows them to be and then focus again on the sensations, for example in the chest area. Try not to touch any thought, just nitice if it is there and allow it, but no need to follow. You're letting go now. You're experiencing all that, you are not that. Relief. Peace. Love. And yeah, as @Prabhaker said, you should be doing these techniques of meditation not only in sitting, although in sitting one can have less distraction. All practice is good.
  6. Here's another one of Roger, this guy quickly won my heart and the teachings are like designed for me now. Love it
  7. This is it! I think it's vital to say how important this video is to the search for the true self. Thank you for bringing it up
  8. Naps are also very healthy for the heart I've heard. Also 6666 likes, Leo is now officially a Zen Devil confirmed
  9. This I found just now and I think it is really good for anyone to watch. I can't even express how helpful I am finding this video!!! I've watched it before, but it's like I am seeing it from a different angle now after all the understanding I've gotten so far of the truth.
  10. The thing is, you are identifying with the wrong things. By observing thought and emotions, you should realise and contemplate to whom they appear. That way you are free from identifying with them or the body and they can't cause you harm, just like you as a body cant punch the air.
  11. Yes, i feel exactly the same way about this. Chakras - the spiritual way to enhance the illusion.
  12. But those things are already there, you're not consciously choosing to make the illusion stronger, it's about seeing that if you observe those things you're not them and they happen by themselves and you can let go. That's what is happening and you're observing. Do you want to be significant? There's no way, because you don't exist. It's the mind that wants to add to you by opening third eye, crown chakra, etc - but nothing can be added to the truth, it is already whole in this moment. I almost never heard a high quality spiritual guru talk about esoteric-ism. I don't see anything more Ego than this. But this is only my mind speaking so fuck it, go clear your blockages.
  13. But even then, who really dies, the bodies, not the actual self that they were. So they didn't actually die, but their bodies died. Maybe it's true - but should be irrelevant - one should not be afraid of body death, because one is not the body.
  14. Well maybe he means it in the sense that there was no more person, therefore dead. The bodymind operating completely on it's own, like a well oiled machine.
  15. Aren't chakras anti-spiritual tho, since you are not the body, why enforce the illusion even further? Maybe blockage is a good thing for detachment time.
  16. Life - A place where the ordinary is extraordinary. Dream - A place where the extraordinary is ordinary.
  17. The presence is here, even when i stop labeling everything including the body and the mind, there is a presence and i get the thought - "I am" and trump the thought with the actual silent experience of I am. Then i would feel energy in where the body is and i know i am not that, because i perceive it. But there is no object observing, so I must be a non entity, therefore there is no I and the bodymind I refer to as mine is working by itself, because I still am beyond it, looking and verify this. To say i am doing anything i would have to first find the i, but cant find it, although it is always. So I get thoughts like that and trump them with the realisation beyond them, by feeling my unknown presence. Am I doing it right? Well most likely, since i can still feel that I am even though i dont know what, now. To teach the bodymind that it has no I of its own is almost impossible, because it is addicted. Just like smoking, the easiest thing, not to do something, becomes almost impossible, because the body mind is such a sponge. Now we need to re-design the bodymind's habbits from negative to positive, in order to change the dream from nightmare to amazing dream.
  18. Isn't it the case that it could both be true and not true. If the whole of objective reality is subjective reality to a being AKA God almighty (The infinite infinity Leo talked about) , it is real, no? You assume that since you are not the subject for it, it is not an object to some-infinite-thing-subject. Maybe I don't knw what im talking about, but does anyone?
  19. Sam Harris was the one that got me interested in spirituality and meditation to be honest. Because I was very into the illusion of free will and really like his down to earth point of view. First meditation I did was a guided meditation by him.
  20. Hi gang, so most of us would probably agree with the wise words of Buddha and almost every other sage that desire and attachment are the main enemies of peace and happiness. But since it dawned on me that I always am, (whatever that I actually is is beyond the point) hence one should definitely desire to be, since he will never be disappointed! A safe desire to have, because it is always fulfilled, right? We can also put in the category of safe desires the desire for the present moment, since it always is as well. Actually not desiring those things would bring the suffering in this case. The I am and the Present moment, could they be the same thing?(thats a bit offtopic) So hey, what do you think about this? Why would desiring these things that you will always get bring you suffering? Or attachment to those things - since they can never be taken from You, why is it bad to be attached to them? Happy Holidays
  21. The clarity of this guided meditation was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. The words Mooji uses are absolute perfection. I got far more than I expected from this, wow. Going to be returning to it daily I think.