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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Isnt the goal of a meditator always to achieve continuous peace of mind in all experience?
  2. I think London, where I live right now, ticks most those boxes. Still neurotic people all around, but I can say life is doing a pretty good job over here.
  3. I know this like knowing the Earth is Round. Certain. Without necessarily having to experience it for myself.
  4. For realising everything is illusion one doesn't need direct experience- one can get there logically - if one Trully understands cause and effect, one will know something cannot arise from nothing - it is elementary left brain attainable knowledge. Nothing always was, is, and will be. At the same time left brain attainable knowledge is the fact that nothing is at the same time everywhere and nowhere, and is the only thing that doesn't change, and is who we are deep within. If we follow this logical conclusion that only nothingness is trully real and no one can ever delete nothingness or change it, we realise nothingness is the only thing that we can be. The Absolute Golden Middle that everyone has access to, because they are that. In reality we are nothing, but in the dream/illusion we are concious of it, so we can say we are conciousness, which is the 1 after 0, the initial illusion and bridge to nothingness or source or unmanifested. Nothingness is concious of illusions. How nice. Equivalent to there is no I, because the I is nothingness.
  5. One time after smoking weed alone in the park at night, i was contemplating if there is someone else seeing what is happening and judging- so i started talking at high voice to my "viewers" and said, to my viewers out there, if you are watching this, then you guya dont have a taste, isn't this boring to you? I never watch big brother for a reason!!! Stuff like that. I was like, if you are gonna judge me, i am gona judge you for watching this crap
  6. That which is not afraid of the going down is not afraid of going up
  7. Well ok, but I've aknowledged that it is not up to me to awaken. All is according to God's will or in other words genes, cause and effect and this gives peace of mind now. Buddha's definition of enlightenment was simple and did not necessarily include reaching infinity. End off suffering (effect) caused by transcending the desire for outcomes and life to be a certain way(cause). I've become aware that this type of desire stems from the belief that there are doers. So we tackle that by cutting at the root the false belief that we are the doer and not the Universe aka God aka however you want to call the force. So journey to truth is a lot simpler for most people, because what does everyone want? End of suffering for this human being in this life. Not having a deep and transient experience necessarily, although ofcourse nothing against it. But this view of truth will bring many suffering due to desiring the situation to be different than what it is, which is impossible - even the most ignorant can't help it and is just as vital part of this dream as the most "enlightened", because no-one could have been any other way.
  8. Tolle is a very wise teacher. My observations are that you and me are not ripe to talk about enlightenment. We must listen to experienced beings of the likes of Ekhart, Mooji and so on. We do look silly, I'm sure
  9. If existential truth is not here and now Aren't we surrendering to becoming seekers after infinity, which is fool's gold because it can never be reached? It's infinite for a reason, can never be attained, there will always be more, infinitely more, so isn't the logical conclusion to simply abide and accept what is? Why are we not satisfied with this magical ordinary existance? It's not like it is going to last forever... And since there is no you suffering, making progress or anything else, who is tasting that sweet sweet existential truth?
  10. Seeking is important to turn to the right direction. Once one understands what he is truly after, seeking will stop on it's own. I really like the representation with crossing over to the other shore - you use a boat. Don't discard the boat prematurely.
  11. HAs anyone done this one already? Well here goes: I am enlightened
  12. If i could be stoned all the time, i wont lie to you, I would be. It gives me the biggest highs, I feel like absolutely nothing needs to be added in such times, nothing needs to be thought learnt or changed. At the same time, sometimes it makes me active, doing happens, spontenaity etc, because it is an amplifier. Decisions that I would never make unless on the substance. I even walk around the streets talking to myself and others, even though I am super shy individual. Its like i change completely, I even saw myself and my girlfriend as not human but as a lizard entity or another time a blob of paint, part of the painting, whuch felt awesomely relaxing and my entire body was just Happy. I could switch paradigms and enjoy different ways of seeing the same reality. But it doesn't stick. I've become inlove by the picture my eyes see, especially when I do it in the park with nature. I've felt everything I see as God, the best painting there can ever be, and it can only be seen from exactly this angle if I was there at that moment looking, which gave me a sense of infinitely strong purpose, because I allowed such beauty to be - at such moments I dont think of it as illusion or truth- i just thoroughly enjoy it. I would stare at the grass or trees, and the sheer hd-ness of the picture blows my mind away. Also it felt like with every movement and action, i was rearranging the painting in infinitely big way. I would move a little tiny stone from one place to another and feel like ive created a masterpiece. I would draw on the grass with my feet. I felt like a true artist just by looking at the ordinary scenary, but it looked anything but ordinary. I wondered how did I not see this before, it was right infront ofof my eyes. When i completely let go and become still, ive even become completely aware of my imagination gone wild. Its like I became my imagination and saw inner movies of my own imagination without full control, but with the power of directing it (best way to explain) Like a conductor doesn't control the orchestra, but the orchestra flows with the conductor's lead. Many many many experiences, HIGHS, but the highs come with a price. SO now i am trying to lay it off. Not trying even, laying it off. If I am to find piece I cannot look for it in highs, because they are not permanent. Mental abilities are deeply impacted by the use. Stay fresh and off drugs kids Highs will be worth it, but when they pass, you wont even remember what it was like, but the negative impacts will be with you. Ohh and forgot to mention - dreams are so much better when you're clean. They are my natural highs.
  13. Agreed, but we gotta take into consideration the conditioning and how expression is linked to that. Its a gradual process. Also the need might not be there to do such things, but that doesnt mean they should not happen. Just like you dont have need for that ice-cream, it doesnt mean it can't be eaten. Aware has stated to me that his test is a game, and I played - it was an experience Otherwise fully agree Ps: There is such a thing as freedom of speech and i believe it to be a very important thing for humanity. Sticks and stones might break me, but words.. etc - harmless.
  14. All the time boss! Ever since Leo's Neti Neti vid. It's kind of what leads to I am (blank), because any thing that I am aware of cannot be me.
  15. Writing this post to share with you my current simple understanding, which calms this mind and lets this heart spring forward. I use it constantly as a breaker of unverified beliefs. Who am I? I am. What is my purpose? To be. I am fulfilling my prime purpose and I always have. How wonderful. We are all different individuals, but the root of us all is this, so one can use this to break all beliefs that don't serve. After long self enquiry through the mind, I have now switched to self enquiry through my entire being, so the self enquiry process is automatically running in the background sort of speak during day to day ordinary life, which I found was always the case, but the mind was unaware. Not looking for a conceptual truth of who I am, but I am getting more aware of who I am experientially, my beliefs, attitudes,appearant errors and so on. Who is getting more aware of this existence? Whoever thefuck I am ? Peace if mind comes, when mind recognise "it's" most precious I is following it's primary purpose. We are all doing it, congrats
  16. There are many different valid ways to answer something and just because you dont like what was said does not make it invalid. Also you dont know the circumstances around me typing those things. It was not the full focus of attention (I was at work), so I couldn't give the most indepth answers I could have, obviously. Im trying to make it simple. But that is also a happening not under my control. The feeling of free will is there, but it is only just that - a feeling. It is to be transcended like all other beliefs based on a whim. Only you can transcend your beliefs, because only you can be concious of them. This is the ultimate You, which is the I am conciousness (to put that fancy word out there for some spiritual street cred) Anyway, I dont consider this as non duality war, but it might look like one and Leo has posted against it, I think we need to stop our little conversation, even though it is very enjoyable to be part of it. Maybe we continue in private messages
  17. The answer is, i am not the buddha. I am not a teacher. I am, period. Take it or leave it, it's God's will. People who would go indepth will also just be a happening. Spiritual advanced people are still part of the illusion/happening . Ramana Maharshi did not do, God did. When you get there's nothing to get, you will get.
  18. Realising you are not the doer experientially leads to non resistance. The mind stops resisting, the Ego stops resisting, when it is not energised in the direction of resistance. Ego and mind are illusory, because I am only I am. Everything beyond I am, even the words I am are up to interpretation. Thats how the game is played. I dont know if you are resisting and you dont know if i am resisting, because those are projections based on reading pixels on a screen. Or if it was face to face conversation, you could ever only be judging an image of me, not the reality of I am, which is undeniable. DONT WORRY, YOU ALSO ARE. You just think you also Do. It's the belief that will cause you suffering. Whatever i am saying is not ultimate truth, because the ultimate truth is the actual I am. These are not beliefs, this is a happening.
  19. You think Jesus on the cross didn't feel anything? It's a different kind of suffering we are talking about here, lets not confuse. We are talking about ordinary day to day living. Not if we will feel pain if someone cuts off our genitals. But im sure Jesus didnt have inner resistance to the happening, nor judgement towards those who were doing the torturing. His understanding was compplete. Forgive them they know not what they do.
  20. The problem here is simple, because it doesn't exist. The realisation is there that I am not the doer and it is experiential. Investigation happened, realisation happened, this post happened, all along there is the full understanding that there is no doer, it is a happening. The understanding that what you wrote also is a happening and there was no doer is also there. I am nothing. Nothing = 0 - what is left is I am. I am is 1. 1 in infinity is 0. I am nothing. Therefore I am. It's a loop. Judging the happening for not giving you the answers/things/actions you wanted is exactly how the chain of suffering begins. So here's your answe to what is ego: Everything on top of I am is Ego. Not saying its bad. Its quite necessary for life.
  21. To all the what is questions, the answer i have is the same : they are words, concepts and ? ideas. Do we have free will? No. From my investigation of reality I conclude I do not control even thoughts that come to my awareness let alone all the processes in the body, the genes and conditioning. We do have the feeling of free will however. What causes suffering? Not fully realising that one is not the doer.