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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Don't Think, But Daydream Instead! No Thoughts == Deep Sleep during the Day. Thoughts == Daydreaming.
  2. This is a great speech and it holds a lot of spiritual wisdom imo. From a great soul
  3. Only Ego can be superior or inferior. Spirituality is about full equality. Me = You = Jesus = Leo = Michael Jackson = Hitler = Nothing
  4. I got an idea just now when I saw the newly created 'Enlightenment Reading List' thread. Can we have this thread in order to share with each other screenshots/copypaste of helpful pages from books about the subject of spirituality/enlightenment that we're reading - and maybe add thoughts, questions about what is written and etc if one wants to. This way we can together expand our knowledge on the subject without having the need to own every book. A page-shot here, a page-shot there - just like a drinking game, but going to get drunk with knowledge instead! It will be fun to read what you're reading and am looking forward to it! Here is one page from a really awesome and concise book called "Practical Meditation" which was much better than I'd anticipated.
  5. I think you should not worry and you're not obsessed. It is your subconscious who has found a way to communicate to you and help you out in the best way it can. Guess thats through Leo's words. What you need to do is try to become lucid in those dream and take advantage of your very own Leo (yeah not in a sexual way please :D)
  6. I had only one dream with Leo, but it was profound for me. Already posted about it on the forum. It's showing you that your subconscious is so deep and there's a lot to explore. In my dream Leo was completely friendly and he allowed for anyone to call him and just talk. He'd show me that I am the entire dream by experience, literally the stuff out of which the dream is made of. Then he just talked to me about his ordinary life like we're friends and he's just sharing his hidden talents of playing musical instruments and stuff about his girlfriend, home, etc... He just talked peacefully, with no attachment, excitement etc. He was also listening to what I had to say and never judged, justflowed with the conversation wherever it is headed, even if it was irrelevant. It wasn't forced interaction, he was happy talking to anyone ):)))
  7. In a recent study, scientists have discovered that Enlightenment can now be achieved by the acquisition of reputation points on! 200+ Hold on, soldier, you're getting there! 500+ reputation is deemed to be Very Enlightened. 1000+ reputation : You may now proceed to calling yourself God in everyday life and to do whatever you like to all the egoic motherbrothers out there. Congratulations, you have attained.
  8. Absolutely beautiful. I have a minecraft story from last week, even though i dont play the game. And now minecraft in here too, wow. It's like I manifested it!
  9. Hey bro. Lovely post. What I've found is that resisting the happenings of life is pointless. You dont need to bring others to freedom of mind, your goal is to get there yourself first. You know you're there when absolutely no happening can trigger unconscious responses and defensiveness in you. This can only happen if you disidentify with your mind and body and become absolute friends with your surroundings (environment and friends). Let everyone and everything be exactly as is and view it for what it is: A spontaneous happening which you do not control. Some people's identity is suffering, so they Like it. I used to be in that storyline thats why I know. There is pleasure in suffering and in "poor me". Don't take the candy out of the baby's mouth, they will drop it if they decide to. We cant manipulate everyone to the same view of life and we dont need it to be happy. Let everything and everyone be, dont think they are all ignorant and you need to change them. Everyone is here to fulfil a purpose and absolutely everyone can teach you a lesson - willingly or by chance.
  10. Either way though meditation cannot be called shit. It's the equivalent of a wonderful nutritious meal as opposed to eating literal shit. One can eat junk and call the healthy food shit, but that doesnt change the reality of the situation.
  11. Prayer and Meditation are psychological antivirus and defragmentation tools, why would they be bullshit, you are just giving in to your negative thoughts which is resistance. Oh, I don't understand why they do something, therefore it must be bs because I know everything obviously.
  12. Meditation is a blossoming of peace, love and joy. It's what you water that will grow.
  13. "Feel the calm in your skin, no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in"
  14. All of life exists within a bubble of imagination.
  15. I want to test this with you, because it works for me when I meditate. To achieve our own unique paradigm shift and experience of imagination in real life, we can focus all our mental energy to think one thing, as best we can, focus on exactly One image in the mind and think only that while doing everything else! The more continuously you imagine that thing, the more clear it gets and the more details you can project on it, a picture on top of reality, which will shape your reality to follow the image, because if all your concentration is on that one image, you become that image \/ . You will drag your own ass to heaven.
  16. Forget 5 meo, im currently trying to breathe through my forehead lmao. I actually never tried, this is a meditation, thank you senpai.
  17. Yes, he makes analogies with Screen and movie, I really love watching Rupert.
  18. I've had the actual Gta paradigm experience after a long time playing it. I've also thought of it in terms of sims and that im the guy infront of the pc, sleeping on the keyboard, letting the stupid AI do all the decisions.. "Wake up!" I scream and wave hands towards the screen. No answer.
  19. We are saying the same things, even though I felt the written as being opposed to what I wrote for some reason (its in my first comment on the topic)
  20. It is happening all the time because you cannot not be your true self. Analogy with gravity. It always happens, we can only discover and recognise it, but it has always been there.
  21. Maybe because enlightenment doesn't happen, but can only be recognised. If the mind is not aligned with this (here's where enlightenment work comes in) and if you are not searching for this recognition, you can only see it by chance (i think lower than if you are doing enlightenment work) which will take as much as it takes.
  22. will be the final attachment i need to let go of to gain enlightenment. Then I will be one with John Cena.