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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. If you know how to get stuck in loops, just get stuck in the loop of happiness, love by proclaiming "all is well", with every fiber of your being, with every action, with every breath. Don't lie, but notice that all is well, all is peace. ✌ Be a source of light to yourself and others, even though its only an illusion, a dream, let it be a nice dream and not a nightmare. We are the illusory chess pieces that decide which one it will be.
  2. If we prove to ourself definitively that The Ego is an illusion, we will swim out of the paradigm where we classify ourselves and others as Ego, then we'll have transcended the Ego
  3. In my personal opinion, Enlightenment is the place before paradigms, and out of which all the paradigms appear. Hence, It is crucial to reach the screen in order to change your paradigm, the very context of your life... How the pixels of experience are perceived. And it has to be based in truth, otherwise you're going to be deluding yourself in a crazy paradigm where everything is against you, or whatever else bullshit the ego can conjure up. My thoughts, they come out of that same nothingness, and if I dont like them, I go there and order a new pack of thoughts for free! Let's change paradigms together, based on investigating reality and no self.
  4. Oh wow! So you know, how do I combat laziness? Meditation kinda fits in, because of the promise of doing nothing for an hour, but I really see I like just being lazy.... This way I cannot achieve my fullest potential. Do I need to reach that fullest potential is also a question I'm struggling to answer. Could you give me any guidance or advice? Thanks
  5. A Profound Mind, An Open Heart and The Transformed Mind
  6. Last week I bought three books with lectures from the Dalai Lama. Halfway through the first and I'm lovin it. Great wise being
  7. To save you the trouble, theres no you either The "I am" is a Demon (woo, flashy). Keeps us trapped in the ignorance of the Ego
  8. Hi guys, ive been thinking (this doesn't start promising, right? ?), since we are all consciousness, awareness, cant each and every one of us, as Egos/separate bodies be just different Astral Projections of the one joint true self, aka God, consciousness? That would be pretty cool. Each and every one of us is Consciousness attempting to experience as much as possible, so it grows even more. Because infinity never ends. Peace brothers OBE-ers
  9. I only just now see all this L<3ve! I've been only sticking my nose in the Consciousness forum for the past months, like a one trick pony . (Or like a recluse monk hiding away in a cave) Love you too, username, you are always with me, whichever site I visit, I have my username.
  10. I second this, we need to get a hold of ourselves and see how much we can endure, if things are not looking as we (ego) want them to be. Just endure, count eons, not hours and days! Things always change, you're not going to stay in that hole forever.
  11. It's victim mentality. There's a lot to live for. You see humans as ugly, but have you seen the human eyes? Have you seen your eyes in good lighting, or better yet, have you seen your inner eye/I. You will fall inlove. Love is what keeps us here.
  12. I don't know how, if it's something for everyone to experience within themselves, how is some formula going to achieve that? Maybe a psychedelic formula sure
  13. How do you intellectually conclude Perfection? With a mathematical theorem? It will fall short to the experience of no-self.
  14. Death=Nothingness is Perfection indeed. That's one of my top theorems on the spiritual path in exploration of truth. The theorem is proven to myself, but it won't be satisfactory proof for you. Only you can prove that theorem to yourself, and you will, in due time, like everyone else.
  15. It's all because the smiles of the children deserve to be! Many other things too. I think you just concentrate on the wrong things, you choose where to look.
  16. I thought of opening a new thread about what happened to me while falling asleep last night, but the universe kindly gave me this thread already open. While I was falling asleep and I had put my earplugs because of a car alarm outside.. Suddenly, as everything quieted down, I started hearing amazing songs, as if there was a big concert in the center of my brain! Children songs in my home language. They were so incredibly powerful, and I had just closed my eyes. I wonder if this is something spiritual or not, but I still wonder how that inner voice that was singing knew how to do that.. It's incredible, i mightve met my higher self for those few minutes. Then a dream started forming infront of my eyes trying to pull me in, at least thats what i remember. I've had words and people seemingly speaking in my mind before, while going asleep, but for the first time I'm experiencing a full blown inner concert. It was amazing!! Ps: important to say that I did listen to those children's songs during the day to cheer me up, but in my head later they were godly quality! Better than original, exactly like I had an entire choir of children singing live in my brain :D!
  17. Good thing it's not the original, or you'd have me in tears by now.
  18. For the ones of us who like looking spiritual and going out and looking fly like this fly guy in the video. All jokes aside, my hats off to all of us who are working towards being more comfortable, at peace and happy with being ourselves in our daily life.
  19. I remembered listening to it when I was a kid, but never saw the video. As a kid I thought this song was the coooolest
  20. Are your eyes open? Are your eyes functioning to their maximum potential? In REM sleep, we move our eyes, and thats where the magic happens. The best dreams, but cant have those if your eyes are strained, tired and dry. Be kind and gentle to your eyes and look at them in the mirror. Are your eyes wide awake and joyful? Do you smile? All is well! <3 <- An example of an awakened face
  21. At least starve by eating only salads. (For a week)
  22. Yes, silence is always normal. If you are the calmest motherf* in the room, other's judgements just fall off you like dust. Judgements others make of you, as being not normal or crazy, they all just dissolve and burn in the fire of the eternal nothingness or Atman. Everything is so small and shallow it loses all significance.
  23. Hi, Deep My personal experience is that spirituality, or stripping away the onion of Ego and roles, gives me a dimension of safety during daily life, because I can always centre myself in nothingness. It allows me to accept things with open arms and judge less a situation as good or bad and just try to instead "surf" the situation by observing my inner state and deep breathing. Remembering the Atman in daily living is like an amazing tool that lets you live through things in absolute peace, rather than make you incredibly stressed and unhappy, if you believed yourself to be the persona in the dream.