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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. But is addiction to weed even bad? Maybe I don't think it is because I may be addicted myself, but I thought this herb is a medicine. Yes, use it with respect, but I don't even see the problem for one joint per day if one feels like it. I'm gonna ride my denial train tho, I'm not addicted to it I get that it would be bad if you do it non stop and do nothing else, but if it is an integrated part and doesn't impair your ability to function, what is the problem? It's like taking those supplements Leo had a video about.
  2. But weed is way less dangerous than psychedelics right? Also the addiction is usually only psychological, the body doesn't get addicted to it like with cigarettes. Defender of the Devil's lettuce here
  3. Great way of self healing, to become conscious of the inner sensations. It's like you are the owner, but you were out and all those bad guys went into your house. Now you return home and you beat the crap out of them by being aware of them
  4. It definitely is a imagination booster. I've been able to dive deep deep deep into the subconscious and consciously project high def images from i don't even know where. With open eyes I would sit and stare at the blank curtain and project onto it from my imagination, not even knowing what will follow, just recognising it and being at awe at the amazingness of that experience. Weed is definitely a good meditation aider from time to time, it definitely helps change the state of consciousness. Also I've reached a state where I could observe thoughts from a huge distance and zoom in and out, open boxes full of thoughts and close them. Everything seemed neetly stored and it was godlike.
  5. Haha I knew it was this one by the title! Its my fav. Shared it on Facebook at least 3 times this year
  6. Hi, just wanted to drop a post about the experience I had after a meditation session at the park this weekend. I was intensly focused on the present moment and I might have also had some help from a green herb you might know. An amazing thing happened, I felt so intensly alive, so free, so happy. My life situation right now is pretty dicy and my mind can find a million and one things to bitch and moan about, but as I turn towards my presence, I feel this incredible joy of being in the body. I was walking after that in a state of pure bliss. I needed nothing to be added to this moment. The intensity of being present is definitely something that is in the process of awakening and deepening within me thanks to all the spiritual exercises and practices. Thanks to the herb, I was able to amplify that and experienced being the noself. My focus was completely inwards, it was like I was observing emptiness. Nothing on the outside mattered anymore. I was complete. In fact there was no outside and there was no me looking at some emptiness. It was like emptiness was taking a bath in itself and it was more me than anything my mind identifies with. Working on making that my natural state by continuing my quest to be conscious of the inner self, that self which never changes no matter what. The self that is always here. God. Thanks for reading and good luck on your journey as well!
  7. His temple *Hides back in the bushes*
  8. Think out load in front of the mirror, to yourself. When you are alone with yourself. Look at yourself and tell yourself the truths that only you can say to yourself. Only you can discover.
  9. My truth is my subjective present moment experience, which is everything, I can never go beyond it. Unless subject and object become one and then it's not just a subjective truth, it is the actual truth. The Truth that is you.
  10. Reading this brought me to this aha! Thats what they mean by everyone is enlightened. Everyone and everything is always in the present, but only few live from there.
  11. Just reminding myself I am not the body. I sure as hell know what I am supposed to discover, the I doesn't exist. There is only consciousness, the one self. There is no place for self image problems here. We are one!
  12. Humans are not allowed in hell, because they will mess up the place too much
  13. Who has a meditation practice and whos resistance will use /it/ against who the next time who sits?
  14. Have you tried the best type of meditation that you can do always anywhere, anytime without even closing your eyes? It's called becoming aware of your breathing. Once your attention slips to something else, you just gently guide it back. This, due to it's simplicity, has to be the best way to bring calm to the waters within. Follow the breath and take some deep breaths. Together with "This is it" and have you tried chanting Om? Root yourself in the present and you have nothing to worry about.
  15. Just become present and all of these problems will start falling away by themselves, the waves in your mind will be tamed, and you will enjoy basking in the light on the beach of your own mind and heart. Listening to the waves of your breath. Deep breathing is a frequency of its own.
  16. Moojis brilliant way to express being the No Self in ANY situation. No situation can touch the no self, because the no self is the only thing living in the now, as it is the now experiencing it's trip made out of itself through a human medium. Marinating in the self is a pleasure without opposite. A high without low. A heaven right here in the present moment. By marinating in the self. Nothing happening can touch you when you are marinating in the no self. Use the discovery on every situation, live from there and don't leave room for doubt. Doubt cannot touch who you are, because of the simple fact that this space that you are does not actually exist. It is the root out of which all springs into existence. The screen, the absolute.
  17. Sunlight is Gold, light contains all colours. That's why I love spending time at the park, where it's bright.
  18. I have also taken control of my own destiny and working on something that could pay of very well. I couldn't have made the scary first jump, tho, if it wasnt for Leo's comment about me being afraid to make a discontinuous jump. It was about MeO, but I decided first I have to fix the financial department. I also could not have done it if it was a main priority in my life. That would make me too anxious to take action. The main goal is marinating in the self, self love and peace. As you said - the way of being.
  19. I don't have PTSD, but for me the best help is found on youtube and books, the amazing boom of spirituality. Internet allows for easy sharing, and the message is spreading like wildfire! Psychologists have this problem usually - they think they know it all. This is Ego basically, because they are very "knowledgeable".