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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. I've watched it before, but didn't really see how big this is.
  2. I actually picked up on that when he talked about subject and object, but that is not a reason to claim whether he had a deeper understanding or not. He is giving a talk, there is a certain audience he is talking to, so the deeper things that one can only discover for themselves he might have wisely left out as to not to confuse his audience. After all he was not a Guru, he proclaimed himself as a spiritual entertainer
  3. Enlightenment is the end of suffering, not a psychedelic experience / something flashy
  4. Yes indeed, the question Am I aware that Rupert suggest is actually in essence the same, that's why I said it's self enquiry with different scents, resonating to different conditionings! It's beautiful
  5. Yes, as it leaves room for the mind to take and interpret. That is exactly why I like Ramanas original teaching way more even though all points to the same awareness free of thought. If one doesn't know how to stay as pure awareness, that means mind is there and needs to be untied. The one doing the untying is the mind itself, but you are the one that sprinkles the seeds @electroBeam
  6. This is Self enquiry, it is the direct path. Many spiritual teachers have made self enquiry with their own scent - like Mooji. They point to the same thing. I've been raving about Ramana's self enquiry for the last couple days because it's in my opinion the best version, because it gives the mind a proper suicidal practise while you are allowed to look at yourself. The thought Who am I destroys all other thoughts, because you actively detatch from what pops up in your awareness as thought and try to go towards that awareness which is you, but the moment you make that into an object "There I am", you are already the one who is looking at that too. Holding the I, the apparently "personal awareness" clear of thought is actually Ramana's teaching, but Who am I is used to stop the mind when it tries to attach to something.
  7. Well why not be spontaneous and make it both today and tomorrow I mean whoever wants to join, whichever day you're free, it's fine, we don't really need to plan that much!!! 1800GMT today and tomorrow sounds good! Anyone that can make it - great!
  8. Would you believe me if I told you this is your ego's attempt to handwave it's own illusory nature?
  9. Enlightenment is not about achieving Enlightenment, it is about un-achieving falsehood. What best way to cut through falsehood, than to cut through the root that feeds the tree of falsehood? If someone cuts branch by branch, they indeed will need to have a lot of patience. Egoic thoughts are delusion. You know they are delusion, because they claim to be thought by you. That cannot be the case, because you are simply seeing thoughts popping up in your awareness now. So we do not need suppress egoic thoughts, no, they will pop up ofcourse! This is good, because if they didn't pop up, you wouldn't be able to follow them to their source and observe that entity which the thoughts so silently claim is you. Egoic thoughts do not mean "I want bla bla", egoic thought is any thought which you strongly feel is coming from You, even though you have 0 evidence for it in your own experience. The goal is to cut that one, that one is the Ego. I hope my understanding is helping you in a non-vague way. Finding the root is the tricky bit, but you have a lot of help for that given to you by all those enlightened masters out there! Just get stuck in and go for it
  10. Better to say, look away from the thought by holding awareness on the awareness that attaches to the stream of thoughts
  11. it's bad advise, because it's not him that is thinking in the first place to stop, just sayin
  12. The body and the mind are the moon, you are the sun; Self enquiry is like learning to read - at first needs some practice and you don't get everything, but after a while it becomes easy, natural, joyful, extremely helpful and one of the best things to do in your spare time.
  13. The body and the mind are unconscious mechanisms which you are conscious of. You have nothing to do with absolutely anything the body and the mind do.
  14. Whenever you see something, whenever you become aware of something, you are making that which was unconscious conscious. Turn your head 90 degrees. That which you see, as well as the one who turned their head are part of the same great unconscious which now You are conscious of, which you are making conscious. Part of the same great dream. The body and the mind are unconscious. You are what gives them their appearant reality. You are their master and their Guru. Who are you?
  15. Cool story but your alien egos are just using the wrong terminology here. God as term used cannot mean any entity. It is as if you don't understand there can be only one God. Not cool to be this deluded and splat it about, even if you're some alien entity. There is absolutely nothing special about being a demiGod. Get of your high horse. I really don't care about aliens and other dimensions, they are not somehow exempt from the ultimate truth. Saying fancy words like Godhead doesnt mean you're not deluded. It's an ego trip times 100
  16. Interesting, if you're the lord let me inform you that there is only one that sees, so I won't see. Only you will see. Only God is real, the rest is illusion - by illusion I mean the eyes behind everyone are only God's eyes. God is not an entity to be seen, because it's the ultimate seer. If you are a God as entity, that means you are still deluded. Even if you come to me on a flying carpet and sentencing me to burn in hell forever. You would still be deluded God Ego on a Ego trip. It's a messiah complex. I bet you've seen things, you're too quick to attach to the stories your mind throws at you. Yes you are God, but if you truly know what that means, you will not feel the need to talk about it ( the one talking is not God, the one talking and the one thinking is the illusion, the play of Form). No matter whether you have extraordinary powers or not. There is only one experiencer, and that experiencer is experiencing the illusion which includes both the perspectives of John Flores and Dodoster. The separate perspectives of John Flores and Dodoster are ultimately unreal. My pain is your pain, your pain is my pain. If a God sentences me to hell, that God is a stupid mofo, because he is sentencing himself to hell.
  17. I don't mind it, it's my mind that minds it Accept or I demote you to Beta
  18. Yes, yes, yes! Loved the trailer, it's good that they outlined the most important in it as a snippet.
  19. And @Martin123 Goes to show you did not take the time atond effort to understand what I was saying. There goes your fake love, if you cant even listen to what I say. The I, the separate ego, the one thinking these thoughts and talking to yoou, that one is the mind, the ego - Unconsciousness - you call this herp derp ostrich talk, then you say the same thing in response claiming you have realised your true nature? Hehehe, ok Jesus, ok God-persons. Copy pasting parts of your shadow work guide, because you have nothing original to say? Good. Ill take that as a sign how much you actually love, you took the time to copy paste for me ? There's not only one path, i guess. But yea making the unconscious conscious is exactly what self enquiry does. Makes me conscious of the fact the me I just used refers to a fiction. Refers to Unconsciousness. It cannot be me, that doesnt mean I cant look at it from a place of detachment.
  20. I am not claiming such things for who would be the one who claims to be them, that would still be Ego. Ego doesnt deserve love, as it is not real. I say such things, but who is saying them?? And why is it important what that one is saying ? My goal here is nothing other to gently nudge a lost ego towards self enquiry. It's not good to leave delusion unchecked, especially if it's on this forum. It's blatantly obvious from a mile away there is an identification with thought forms, and this is clouding the Truth we are here to discover.