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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Present moment is all you ever have. Regrets can happen only if you are going to, in the present, start deriving your sense of identity from past. When I am on my death bed, I will not be thinking about what happened in my life, I would be enjoying the present moment experience and regrets would not be allowed a soil to grow in. What I mean is, forget about that fear of regret, it's bullshit. Just surrender to the course of life, be and enjoy every step of your journey!!!
  2. I am so sorry to hear the pain you and your family is going through. Allow yourself to feel pain, do not try to suppress it. You are not failing spiritually if you are sad or at pain. I feel like the reason why any soul would go to any hellish plain like this one , it would be in order to raise it's vibration, to lift it up towards heaven. Matt Khan is a very good content creator on this subject. The thing is, by being here and accepting even the unacceptable, we are doing a great service to this reality. Children make people smile, and feel at home, they are raising the vibration effortlessly. This is what, in my view an enlightened being should emanate. But this doesnt mean that the enlightened being should suppress feelings of pain. It's important not to create unnecessary pain, but burying necessary pain will only hide it for a while, it will orbit around you and come in at a later point. Just go deeply into it and allow yourself to accept the pain. True alchemy : Turn pain into Gold - something I read from Ekhart.
  3. "The belief in lack is the root of all suffering" - was said by Bentinho Massaro I can see the validity of this statement on a deep level, but from a point of view of an individual, from the point of view of egoic consciousness, money is one of the most lacking things in one's individual life. This lack of resource that is vital for the survival of the separate organism is creating the most amount of suffering in the human being. It wants to survive, it also wants to expand and thrive. But it is not allowed to. Now if you've never had a struggle with money, you dont know what its like to suffer from the lack of it. Ofcourse when you are a kid you dont suffer the lack of money, because others are caring for you. Money = resources = survival Lack of money = lack of resources = lack of survival Or at least thats how society is structured. Bring back Communism anyone?
  4. Can you share what are the most blissful experiences in your life? If you were to sell being a human to some soul, what would you put on the pamphlet? For me, here are some of the top human blissful experiences: Taking a nice lukewarm shower; Going to my warm bed completely spent; Kissing the woman I love
  5. Don't tell me you're my ex secretly pretending to be someone else on the internet ???
  6. What do you mean? Like seeing a star in a meditation or through a telescope or what
  7. Yes, I've been there, some things cannot be erased. There is one who takes in all the pain onto himself, so that the opposite can be in this universe. I used to be that one, existence of continuous pain, unable to escape, until another substitutes your position as the sacrifice. It has to be, or the balance is lost. The good cannot exist without the bad. Poor soul that is doing this job right now, so we can experience this blissful life. That one is the savior and that one doesn't get any credit at all. Simply because nobody knows of him, except him - all part of his hell.
  8. I had an ex-coworker to whom I told that I've started meditating back in the day. She told me that meditation can be very harmful to people with mental illness. Also I heard somewhere that it is not healthy to deprive the brain too much, as this may cause someone to become mentally ill as well. Mind needs it's exercise and it's rest, we just need to find the middle ground.
  9. The quote, sorry, not pic I must be seeing things. Does this mean im enlightened now? Pls pls pls approve
  10. Tell them that it's like computer defragmentation. They'll come around. I see on my fb feed that some schools are incorporating meditation in place of detention, so the students are chilled out as fuck.
  11. I didn't watch the video, because I was at work at the time. I was only referring to the pic below. Emerald knows her stuff.
  12. Tbh, I ask myself the same question, but 2 years back I didn't even know what meditation is. I also wasn't suffering tho, I had not reached that stage of my life yet, so meditation found me when I was beginning to actually suffer 'sall good. (no time to suffer @ school and uni, suffering starts with adulthood )
  13. Sorry, if you want you can elaborate. If u got no time for that, isallgood mate
  14. That's all fine and dandy, but what im saying here is that people who believe their belief is the truth, they will assert it with just as much conviction as you are asserting what you know to be truth. Notice that im not arguing with what you are saying, I am trying to show you why people might assert belief without needing to involve fear in the equation.
  15. Also I want to metagame you and say: With this very comment you are asserting your view of the truth So you see how if someone believes that what they believe is the truth, they will assert it just like you are asserting your view of the truth. Btw your view of the truth and my view of the truth are the same, we're swimming in the same waters after all my brother Shin
  16. What if someone else sees something else as true in addition to what you said. Like truth as a mathematical truth. Or scientific truth that if people learn would live better lives. Obviously Im not talking about the capital T Truth here.
  17. @Shin What about the constant assertion of truth? Usually people believe that their belief is truth, and they assert it as such. It doesn't have to be fear, it could be simply that they don't know it's only a belief.
  18. Forever to be watching a movie? I think I have the best seat in the house already, from which I'm also a part of the movie and watching it.
  19. My post was not an answer, it was a buncha pixels on a screen ?
  20. because mind wants concrete proof
  21. Ofcourse no effort is made, that's the entire reason people always look for distractions. It is externalised awareness however, the sense of goodness of being is not being experienced if one is totally sucked in the doing. I myself enjoy watching movies or playing games, but sometimes I notice how I totally forget I am even alive. The goodness of being gone, because mind becomes completely externalised and absorbed by the stimulus and doing.
  22. Every experience is equally infinite when seen from the absolute zero, the present moment