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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. This question pops up, how could you have experienced yourself as God in the past? Is this now like some badge for your ego and everyone else who used psychedelics have? "I am the ego who experienced himself as God" "Now you can't touch me cause I'm the Ego who has seen it all" "Are you an ego who has experienced themselves as God, or are you one of those crude and not understanding Egos?" In my mind, if you are not experiencing it now, then there's nothing to talk about. Still, I liked your post and I'm gonna get shit for mine. Just speaking my mind freely.
  2. Not committing, but I will write before 1800 if Im available But I'm gonna be meditating a lot today so there's that!
  3. Doesn't this seem like something pretty egoistical? Is non-duality the biggest ego trip life (even if it's the truth) ? Everything is you. Now you can finally love it, because you love your damn self so much!!! WTF??? To be capable of only loving yourself and nothing separate from you seems like the most egoic thing if you think about it. Maybe that's why we're not supposed to think
  4. My biggest challenges: Confusion and Attachment Would have to be not knowing whether I am attached or not. On one hand the mind is super attached to stuff. On the other I see I am not the mind, but the one observing. Am I attached or not? Im mindfucked. I often get those dreams in which I lose something that I overuse in real life, for example I leave my laptop somewhere and I can't get it back, so it makes me feel super bad for not having it. But that is not really me right? But it's still the feeling of suffering. Another thing that challenges me is that me, as a human being enjoy my comfort - I don't like being cold, I like warm showers, warm clothes, I like my bed - I don't know what I'm going to do without it. I like having money, so I can buy the things I need. I like all those things, and I don't think I can enjoy life without them. Even though I clearly see I am not the mind and that all I have of mind are thoughts, sensations, perceptions, beliefs, etc, it feels like there is nothing to experience apart from these things - so better make them feel good rather than bad? This feels like a super big attachment to me that I'm not sure I can let go - I am attached to wanting good things rather than bad things, because I want a good dream rather than a bad one.... I'm also attached to spirituality, because it is a means of making a good dream.
  5. The thing is teachings are conditionings, they come and go. Some resonate with me more than others, some I like but dont stick. I enjoy Matt Khan's videos in the present moment of watching them, but its like a movie for me, Matts teaching are not really hitting home for me.
  6. You're underestimating my Youtube spirituality addiction. I've binge watched a lot of Matt Khan, but it's nice that you bring it in the present ? for me thanks!
  7. #FirstWorldProblems I still think they are just as valid. Everyone will have issues, just different type. It's a bit too much to disregard everything else as a valid reason to complain about. I mean you don't know the particulars of a situation until you know. I think first world problems are still legit. Altho maybe not that much for those on spiritual path.
  8. Alright boys, seems like im gonna have to be that guy No, because you're already enlightenment
  9. No need to detach from being, it's the only thing that will always be with you.
  10. You can keep your eyes aimed at the center of your forehead. That was my regular practice back in the day when this happened.
  11. Jesus did have moment in which he was like "Wtf God why u do dis? pls lemme go" or something of this sort! For me being physically tortured is way worse than psychological suffering. Psychological suffering is much easier to transcend. What the superhumans do is another story. The way I use the word suffering is with the following meaning: Suffering = continuous pain psychological suffering = continuous psychological pain physical suffering = continuous physical pain suffering = continuous pain Pain in the moment happens all the time - and those on spiritual journey learn to accept and let go, not allowing it to continue and evolve into suffering. However, if you are being tortured, you are going to experience suffering.. This is just what the word means, you are suffering. Jesus was suffering. If he wasn't suffering, it wouldn't be such a big deal that he was crucified. I hear this pain/suffering thing all the time, it's no good to be a parrot tho. I've learned recently to see things as they are, not as people say they are.
  12. I like when people say end of psychological suffering. But to me continuous pain in any form is still suffering. So let's not say it's the end of suffering aka Hell, but it's the end of the unnecessary suffering. Here''s a picture of what suffering might look like. Of course if you're enlightened you would probably not be as scarred after the event, but during, oh man. It would be interesting if this is not suffering.
  13. In each moment you will act exactly as you are designed to act @Loreena this is super liberating! I for one <3 cause and effect! @Prabhaker This is profound, and on another level, when one sees they are not the doer, they are now equal to meditation, because they never did anything ever!! Lovely jubly timey wimey stuff
  14. @Loreena In essense, this is a dream of cause and effect. You are right to believe in it. Seeing that everything the human does is based on genes and up to date conditioning is very freeing. You see that there is no doer. Whatever happens is based on the way the people are. No-one is in control of their genes and up to date conditioning, ever since birth. Life shapes us, humans are a diamond taking shape as it was in that one song! There is no chooser, no doer, no thinker - everything happens the way it happens. Observe the machine! But that's not the whole story! That's what we're on this forum to find out!
  15. But without the finger we don't know where to look! I mean im sure @Key Elements was not implying the books are the truth. He's implying exactly that they are the finger: creative expression that points to it. Why are you talking against the finger, im sure you've Gone through a lot of those fingers based on your knowledge base.
  16. And at the same time the worst? Hahahahha
  17. @aurum So I'm sitting here at work and I look to the right, and one of the documents of my colleague has written on it the word Angel. Hehehe what a coincidence. Figures! My business lady guardian angel shows up on a financial document!
  18. Leo pleaseee, you're making me blush! ?
  19. I cant remember exactly which one. They all are good on youtube, just search for third eye / crown chakra opening frequency I haven't used them in a long time, maybe I should revisit. Actually now I did some browsing and I remember the background. I guess it wasnt crown chakra, but third eye activation vid! Either way the frequency is high! This one is powerful!
  20. @aurum I've met with the angel assigned to me inside a dream. It was a night after listening to crown chakra activational video on youtube and felt a tingling sensation at the top of my head. The dream itself was super profound and I got a couple of insights, which have made a difference. I don't know how I knew she was my guardian angel, she looked like an ordinary business lady. We were not talking, all communication was done telepathically, as is in dreams. She was simply giving me guidance. The next morning, I was curious what this sensation at the top of my head was, and I stumbled on a site which said that feeling such a pressure at the top of the skull is basically like the universe sending you a package/guidance. Then I knew this dream had to be more than just a dream. I actually was with my guardian Angel. I still haven''t seen any in wakeful state and haven't communicated with angels since then or before then. I guess what I'm saying is, I freakin believe you!!! Angels are real.