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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Aristotle is also nature Logic is also nature, why are you denying an aspect of yourself? You use logic absolutely all the time. Otherwise you would be in a nut house and dangerous to yourself and others.
  2. I want to go a tiny bit offtopic because this is very interesting. Nonduality is pretty logical. When the subject is isolated from objects, it disappears. Boom ego death
  3. Alan Watts is just another avatar of God, like the separate you and the separate me. So Alan watts as the avatar was not enlightened, but Alan Watts as the Self behind the avatar was enlightened. No avatar can be enlightened, because enlightenment is transcending the avatar. Oh and it's funny when I see people discussing the understanding of people based on what they shared with the public. If a Bentinho Massaro or a Rali are believed to be enlightened avatars, then Alan Watts has to be superenlightened.
  4. Well dawg i cant hold my breath for that long jeeee ??
  5. That's why im not interested in what I see, but the witness itself.
  6. I am not coming out with the thoughts, but that's another fight. I did never say you have to believe you are absent of thought. I'm in the business of stating facts here!
  7. Because the absence of belief cannot be belief The absence of thought cannot be thought Etc etc
  8. It's my hypothesis/belief that will cut through all other beliefs and then it will kill itself too, leaving only truth. Belief it's belief. Truth is truth. Identifying as a human being is seen as a belief through introspection, so what is the truth? Let's find out, if we want to.
  9. I have to disagree, the absolute truth is not about believing you are something and making that belief the absolute truth. The absolute truth is when all beliefs about who you are are dropped and you see the truth behind the concepts
  10. This is how my original power of now looks ? Like a well worn dance shoe
  11. I don't know, I havent done any psychedelics. I had the same objections some time ago. "You've taken a drug, how are you so certain bla bla bla" If it's absolute truth, it is here right now. Why does one need a drug to see it. I think self enquiry is enough. But for those who want to get something tangible to talk about and say how you now have "got it", sure go for psychedelics!!
  12. Absolute truth is anything that is absolutely true. If absolute truth is another illusion, then illusion is the absolute truth. If Illusion is always true, that is the definition for absolute truth... It is absolute truth that the present moment is all there ever is. There are many absolute truths. But about The Truth with capital T, I guess is some experience of subject and object becoming one and stuff!
  13. Note: You've never seen a real dot, real line, real plain, they are all 0, nothing, as seen from the third dimension. How many 0s are there in a 0? 0=0+..+0 (inf times) or 0=0*inf; Dot = 0(height)*0(length)*0(depth) = 0 Infinite amount of dots next to each other create a line (………..) Line = x*0*0 =inf*0*0*0 = inf*0 = 0 Infinite amount of lines next to each other create a plain: Plain = x*y*0 = inf*0*inf*0*0 = inf*0 = 0 Infinite amount of 2d plains next to each other create the 3d reality: 3d Reality = x*y*z = (inf*0*inf*0*0) * inf= inf*0 = 0 This is proof that all we need in order to have a 3d reality is emptiness. Any number = 0*inf; 0*inf is undefined real number. Sounds a lot like what we are experiencing, no? Undefinable real experience. 3d Reality = inf*0*inf*0*inf*0 = 0+0+…+0 = 0 This is mathematical proof that the 3d Reality is emptiness itself. This is how something comes from nothing basically! Emptiness is the building block of the entire universe, emptiness is the only building block and is what the entire reality is made of. Absolute emptiness is absolutely infinite. This is what allows it to create all those experiences! It's all maths, if there is emptiness, there will be 3d reality also, automatically generated by the emptiness, the way I explained above. I hope this tickles you in a nice way. If you see a fault in this reasoning, please elaborate! There's nothing more to say other than OMMMM! Edit: Oh yeah, and you are that emptiness, that infinite zero! Kaaazooooooo!!!
  14. I am gentle, but I have freaked out one of my exs once. My hand was standing by itself upwards in a really creepy position ???
  15. Sometimes when I am still sleeping, but also half awake, I see myself doing some symmetrical movements with my hands / feels like im sleephanddancing. I also start throwing my entire body here and there sometimes. Maybe it's the same thing Do we need exorcism ???
  16. Can't believe that I'm starting to believe this guy is not a scammer
  17. I know it's meant to be a joke, but in case it was a joke meant to discredit my initial post, I want to show how this does not break anything in the theory or non-duality: Since all the numbers arise from infinite concentrations of emptiness, all numbers are built from zero, meaning that any math in duality, if seen for what it really is, is simply the math of 0s. Non Duality Hurray! Any number = 0, because only 0 is real, the numbers are all illusory flashes made by infinite concentration of emptiness!!!
  18. I guess it's useful to move the gray cells a bit Also I like to ponder a lot on Fermat's last theorem, because I want to find a simple solution, not one like Andrew Wiles It's a fun torture !!
  19. Have you seen my emptiness sketch? Go have a look, best visual representation of emptiness 2k17 - It shows exactly what you say, and it is exactly the same as absence of cow. Now I see why you are arguing with me. You think that absence of object is smaller than a point, but you don't see how it is bigger than the universe???
  20. Heyooo who said there is not middle ground between logic and spirituality? I'm only trying to walk the middle road here yo forgive me senpai I see no problem in trying to map reality / or certain aspect of it. I am not going to get published and get any awards for this, but I find this explanation to look quite nice. I certainly don't need anybody to agree with it. I am just waiting to see any valid arguments that will disprove it. It doesn't give me experiential knowing, it doesnt give me anything, but maths is not to be done for some additional prize. Maths is done for math's sake. #SpiritualMaths
  21. Good questions. We are in the realm of mathematical mapping of reality on paper. 0 is the mathematical representation which points to emptiness. The numbers are the representation of things as mathematical symbols. Try the following visualisation exercise to see what I mean when I talk about emptiness. Visualise a cow. Now see the cow pop as a balloon leaving behind nothingness. That nothingness doesn't have a particular shape or size. It was also always there, it was just that the cow was appearing on top of it and not allowing it to be recognised, because the cow is standing out. Doesn't this sound familiar? Khm.. Khm... Ego.. Khm... Khm.. Now you can do this exercise with ordinary objects you see too. See that TV? Now imagine it pops, leaving behind 0, *( what 0 points to). But that nothingness again doesn't have any shape and size, it seems like it has always been there, and actually if you look around, you see that this same nothingness or 0 is everywhere. It's just hiding behind all the objects / numbers in your perception. These objects include inner phenomena.
  22. I can clear up any misunderstanding, please do tell where the assumptions are that I need to revise?