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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Enlightenment is about disidentifying. Who would you be without your neural pathways? Without your identity generated from thoughts you've learned. Anything based on thoughts is built with clouds. The stripping away of identities is the way to Enlightenment and logic can be used to see that this is true. If you are highly logical you can see how the stripping away of thought based identity is a good thing if you want to discover truth and not something built on clouds (thoughts). No thought is real. Wow. Literally exactly like books are not the things the books are talking about. There's a difference between reading something and experiencing it, between thinking about who you truly are and experiencing who you truly are. The experiencing of who you truly are happens by peeling layers of identities which you are not and seeing what remains. And what that one has observed..
  2. I saw through many of my personas. I will need to do a burning of some of the suits. Let's die of personas together and reach the true self! Even die to the one that wants to die... @Dragallur Hahah 13th of May, sounds like it's going to be a lucky day. Ah, the best day for an ego death! Hahahahaha
  3. My plan is to question the shit out of the one who wants to quit!! Or the one that is restless, or the one that is pussying out. Only if I find that one, I will have enough of a discovery to quit Then I will call Mooji and Rupert and tell them I found the self as an object ?
  4. It's not about bypassing really. What im saying is im trying not to target the individual problems, but the root of all! My grandma thought me how to pull weeds - from the root, so they dont come back. They will still flap about for some time, but the source of energy is cut from the root.
  5. The spiritual claim itself no, its empty like all words and teachings. As a belief it's empty and unhelpful. Another story. But the present moment first hand realisation of that is what is powerful and what feels like falling into the Self.
  6. Interesting one, I haven't really made the connection much between addiction and this work. I see how "addictions" don't bother me, if I don't label them as such and just say: it is how it is. I'm fine with addictions, it's just a label. Shouldn't it be that the addictions will fall by themselves in the process without having the need to drop them? When you see you're not the one who is addicted, but that one is a false personality, that's a different story. Destroying the false personality will destroy the addictions eh?
  7. Im going to try yes. I will sit on the bed, not in meditative posture, because my feet will just die otherwise ? Come on how hard can it be! 8 hours of the pure self? Im excited! 3 weekends in advance its too far away to think about ?
  8. Looks like a nice start. Continue self inquiring and add not only the thinker of thoughts, but the perceiver of absolutely all your perceptions. Focus on the sensations in your body, who is the one experiencing? Let thoughts go silent, you don't need them for this inquiry. Do not inquire the mind about who you are, because it got no clue. The mind is your tool, not who you are, it doesn't have the answer you seek. The answer you seek is who you are. No need thinking what happened in past or what will happen in future. Isolate the present moment and tackle this investigation. "Leave all baggage out of the room and enter" as Mooji says - this is the best soil for self inquiry (let go of your beliefs and stories for a moment to investigate from scratch, who are you really). You already are who you are, just not what you think! Keep looking.
  9. I would drop the image of a person or even spirit that is on a journey of improvement and just fall into the deep oceanic hug of self inquiry!
  10. Insomnia can be a side effect to awakening, read that too. But it's not a necessary one. Just happens that you have a lot of energy inflow, I guess get up and start doing some physical workout to exhaust yourself into sleep. I never understood what this insomnia thing is about. I've only ever not slept because I have wanted to. One of those things i guess, you dont know until it happens to you. Like a mental illness. I can't understand this too. Just dont take thoughts seriously and who is mentally ill? Noone. Everyone is normal when they breathe.
  11. Thats what the mind want us to think! But its not us who think, its the mind! We are in a relationship, my mind got the memo that it doesn't own me. I own it. And it loves my ownership
  12. The mind is the one who seeks liberation in the future. You are free and complete now and always. Drop mind and see. Let it babble, you just turn the other way.
  13. I kindly disagree! Consciousness and awareness are pointing to the same no-thing that is you. Its the mind that wants to lay claim on consciousness, but that's just because that's the present you are shining on.
  14. I wanna step in and say from my own personal experience that there is no conscious mind to drop. There is only the subconscious. Consciousness is who I am, and I am the light which shines on the subconscious mind and allows it to flow out and seem conscious. The moment we see the subconscious, it becomes conscious, until we start shining somewhere else.
  15. If who believed that? Why are you making this into something personal ?? Do you not understand that you are the presence and not a thinking entity? Who are you arguing with? There is no path for what we're talking about. But as far as paths are concerned, they are all allowed to be. If you wanna be hitler, you be hitler. But if you want to be yourself, be presence! I bet you've heard that, but you're still in that mind mode I sense!! How to let go of your burning desire to say how you are right and the other is wrong? By seeing there is no you to be right. Allowing all paths to be valid is the best way to live in harmony with the people around you! Otherwise you keep on attacking them with your points of views and your perceived truths!
  16. There's also option to ask a question (man, there are so many hidden options!): 5) With whom am I disagreeing? Have you checked that one, is it there? As whom are you speaking? Eh? @Russell Parr
  17. Here are the options: 1) Be silent 2) Agree 3) Disagree Now you see how it is possible that someone disagrees with what you are saying.
  18. My friend @AlwaysBeNice Laughter can reach a point, where it fuels itself. You laugh because of the way you are laughing. Same goes with falling into the Self. It feels like dropping into deep sleep while being awake... Letting the subconscious do for you, while you grace it with your consciousness. Of which you have unlimited reserves!!!
  19. This is absolutely perfect and downright genius. I will rest on my subconscious, My God!
  20. Last night I was in the park meditating and I asked for an angel to show up. I was ready to actually see one, clear as day showing up. Shortly after this little guy popped out out of nowhere and stayed with me and guarded my position like a lion! <3 My spirit animal? ???
  21. For me meditation and self inquiry have the same purpose - Truth! Don't get stuck on what things are called, recently realized that all non-dual teachings are in essence a form of self inquiry.