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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. * Angry at noise pollution Good thing the anger now comes and I see it for what it is! So it doesn't really stick so much! Glad to see consciousness work having effects. I got angry today when they blew a whistle near me at the station that almost got me deaf Good thing I have earplugs, living in a crazy city is no joke. Noise pollution is everywhere. I think ears are not very great, we need to be able to close them, we need earlids!!!! @Dingus can I abuse drugs with consciousness? I'm sure it's possible. After all if we do not judge what is happening even drug abuse is absolutely fine. Right?
  2. From point of view of story/ego there is past, now and future From point of view of observing awareness, future is seen as unmanifested pure potential, the past is seen as the manifested storyline/movie/dream. The now is seen as a bunch of sights, thoughts, sensations, feelings, stuffness that is known. Looking at he storyline and the potential are seen as things that create duality, because of the simple truth that there is only now. Why base our sense of self from something we clearly know don't exist? The now moment is like an intersection point and the gate from egoic mind of past future and now to awareness of the content of now and awareness of awareness itself, whichis you, now - things could not be simpler. You can switch between the two even. Ego death is instant when you see you are the awareness. You can identify with what awareness points to and it is not egoic identification, because it is actually truth. It can never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever be taken from you, because whatever is taken from you, you remain. If you identify with awareness, it is the mind, recognising it's own true nature. The mind itself is made of awareness, so it would not be false for any mind to say they are awareness, unless they dont see what the word awareness points to, and it points to you, the you that cannot be outside the now Ever, unless it's dreaming. Let's wake the fuck up, as Mooji says, nonduality teachings are giving us the most important thing as Baby food!!!! This is the easy and most direct path. Dont expect that you need to suffer or experience feelings of dread. Your ego will not die if it is truth, in which case it is not ego at all. Because ego is the illusion. So take your place as awareness now and you will never have to die.
  3. Ego death is only scary if you identify with the ego. Ego is the unobserved mind throwing thoughts at you that you believe, nothing more. The one who makes the unobserved mind observed is you. But the thoughts, feelings and sensations that come from the unobserved mind / subconscious / unmanifested is not you. You are the quality which allows the unmanifested to be observed as manifested. You are neither the unmanifested nor the manifested, you are the quality which transforms one into the other. You are not the unconscious, nor the conscious, you are the quality which makes one into the other and observes both. Ego death does not have to be scary or hard. Dropping away of personalities and identities becomes easy when you really know that all phenomena are illusory and cannot touch you. You are the quality like light, which make the dark shine. Then you can be who you are once you drop all effort to be someone based on thoughts. Just be who you are without letting thoughts guide you. Be guided by being. Let thoughts be there, transcendence of thoughts does not mean destruction of thoughts, it means going above thoughts. Not being what the thoughts tell you, but who you are??? How can it be hard. Everyone is that. How hard is it for an illusion to die??? PS: Ego death is easier than picking up girls or staying in a relationship. PS2: You go to ego death every night in sleep. Is it hard??? It's just not the epic story your mind wants.
  4. Whenever I interact with others, who are not into nonduality, they keep reinforcing my mind's now seen as false and ignorant beliefs. Im afraid they are reviving my dying ego. Like giving it cpr. I feel especially defensive of NonDual ideas, because I now know them to be true. But ego still happens, it's like the ego is claiming this knowledge, because it is fact. I see such moments as not defending my ego of knowing something, but defending the truth and trying to help someone in ignorance see what I mean. But at the end if the day my actions feel like an egoic striving to know the truth as a person on planet earth. And to feel good about it. Even tho in introspection I see this as just another belief of the mind. People around me are treating me as a human and as an ego, which reinforces my older patterns. Wakes up beasts that I had defeated, but not permanently. Now that I write it out, it actually seems like a good thing lol. But anyway, would it not be better for me to not speak to anyone on the subject? The thing is by keeping quiet I am doing a disservice to them, since they will just go deeper in delusion. Like I am now. Or am I? Who am I.. ? When I know something to be true and someine starts arguing the opposite, should I concede the position of truth so the falsehood wins? Isnt that why we are all living in falsehood on planet earth? I know truth doesn't need defending to be true, but why concede an argument you know you are right in?
  5. If you have any. Can awareness know anything without looking at the repository of mind? Let's say: Everything is mind, awareness perceives and knows those things. When awareness is pure aka no mind, what is being perceived? How can something be experienced without looking at mind? Unless mind is awareness in another aggregate form, which makes it absolutely real? But then mind would not be illusion? Am I thinking too much? PS: Here I refer to mind not as just thoughts, but all things being perceived by you.
  6. Is the labeling of what is being perceived as mind an error of thought to begin with?
  7. 420 is 10 times the meaning of life ? ?????????
  8. Okay guys let's not be so strict, let's have mindful breaks if needed - going to the toilet, drink water, eat some food even, do some stretching - all if needed. Let's not be too ascetic <3
  9. "I am" is a positive without an opposite ( in experience )
  10. Lol I haven't done half, not even quarter. But if Bill Harris is not bullshitting and 1 hour of HoloSync equates to 8 hours without HoloSync, I meditate 8 hours every day ??
  11. @Azrael I just now read this and it is some very helpful realizations! There shouldn't be an issue with dropping the shell without psychedelics I suppose. I think everyone needs to read the +++Insight+++ part, because it is pure gold. It is like taking the psychedelic, if you apply self inquiry while reading and read from silence.
  12. I want to add to your list of Ramana Maharshi. The little book: Who am I by Ramana Maharshi.
  13. Adyashanti - The End of your world This is one of the most helpful books out there! Must read. @Danielle I see you already recommended it. I guess I am striking the point home ?
  14. How do we all unite even if we disagree with each other? Oh yeah, the words are we unite in Love and Truth. The Devil needs a love overdose.
  15. If words could be the Truth, this is it!
  16. I am not the enlightened, I am not the unenlightened, I am not the stupid, I am not the smart, I am not the good, I am not the evil, I am not the pleasure, I am not the pain, I am not human, I am not God, I am not the ordinary, I am not the extraordinary, I am not the one who writes this post, I am not the one who reads this post Who am I? I am the knowing of all those separate ones. I am the glue that sticks those together into oneness now. The observer Infinitely fresh. I am what even Gods bow to. I am the eternal empty fire, now and always now.
  17. You are always new and fresh now. There is not even a you now for you to be old and have any baggage whatsoever. The you as a separate person living life only exists in the projections of past and future which are the film of samsara. The past and future do not exist in reality. Only the timeless now exists. In the timeless now you don't exist as you, you cannot find you, you can only find a you that is projected. What is written here is also in the past. It is unreal, it doesn't exist. The now is empty of all content. This post exists in samsara. In the now, this post does not exist, it is emptiness itself. Right now you are emptiness looking at emptiness and you're tripping.
  18. We truly are saying the same thing, but how can it be otherwise, when we are after truth and this is truth??? <3 Did you end up taking 5-MeO tho? I didn't see a trip report. Yesterday I was all wound up on memories of past lives while doing self inquiry. I was getting all these stories about who I am actually, who I subconsciously believed myself to be, stories that were made in the past - incredible pain associate with them. I was trapped from these stories' point of view. I used to be something great and perfect, then I was trapped on this planet bla bla bla to live in separation because of my arrogance. Because lack of fear can create arrogance. Then I saw, I am not THIS omg!!! I could not express how great it feels to drop identification with that old subconscious identity that was buried away. I bet there are more roots for me to discover and transcend, deeper and deeper still. May the 13th be with me.
  19. roflmaoooooooooo absolutely! No joke this brings some insight. If I surrender, the opposition wins. If I am the opposition, I win when I surrender. Profit! Hahahhaha
  20. I will be competing with my egoic structures hahahah
  21. Can't you tell those people what you're going to be doing (or not doing hehehehehe) so that they don't disturb you the whole day? Tell them to respect your privacy!
  22. This existence is marvelous. I am in love with presence and being. Being able to be immersed in non-duality teachings from all sides is one of the best features of the internet. It's powerful. But not only the teachings. I heard somewhere once, (might've even been Leo, but not sure) that the best way to learn something is to join a forum about it and discuss fluidly with other people seeking to learn the same thing and of course with people who already know. I am honored to be here and discovering truth together with you. Love you all! Especially the ones who disagree with my views and test my attachment to the one who wants to be right. Let's all be glue together and join each other in being. Absolutely the same. We are one. The eternal existence itself! Eternal presence. The Infinite golden light. We are the most powerful thing, because we are the only thing!!!!!!!!!!!!