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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. I am watching this Betinho vid, and here he says something that reminded me of this thread. Maybe I was on to something Btw, if you get into this video it's pretty slick, and I think I've been doing this exercise he is telling people to do with the thought "Who am I"
  2. My favourite game ever is actually super duper spiritual! I am talking about StarCraft! This is a game that I've played for years now. I started playing as Zerg (The creepy swarm), but after a year, I transitioned into Protoss (The shiny guys ^^) . I've played all expansions: Wings Of Liberty, Heart of the Swarm and now Legacy of the Void I cannot believe that I only now become aware of how the Protoss are saying all these highly spiritual things during gameplay! They are far from peaceful warriors, but in dire times war can be the only option! Here are quotes that I've selected which the units say when you are controlling them. Zealot "My meditation is over." "We stand as one!" "By your will!" "Honor guide me!" "I am Templar! I am the sword of truth!" "How peaceful it must be for you to have a mind unburdened by thought!" Mothership Core "As all are one." "By the heart of Aiur." "We are the voice of Aiur." "Our systems pulse with the truth." "Our light shall burn the pathway to the stars." "The glow of the infinite is within us." Disruptor "Consciousness awakened." Dark Templar "By the Void." "The void claims its own." "I am the darkness!" High Templar "We are the light of the Khala!" "We seek enlightenment." "Our minds are as one." "We shall stand against the darkness." "We are focused." "Focus! There is no time for idle thoughts!" "Your thoughts betray you." "Two become one!" "As ever I serve." Immortal "I feel your presence." "We shall serve forever!" "There can be only one!" Stalker "I am the voice of the eclipse." "I am the heart of darkness." "We are one with the shadows." "We are all but shadows in the Void." "I hear the call of the stars..." "I AM ONE with the darkness!" Void Ray "Channel the light of Aiur!" "All paths are seen through the prism of fate." "Infinity burns around us." "I am also null..." Mohandar "The Void will answer." "I am now... beyond you." (when killed) "I return... to the Void." (when killed) FOR AIUR!
  3. Be nobody. Leo has told you already in one of his videos that what you want is actually to be noone, not anything else, even if you dont know it.
  4. I think you touch on a really nice paradox here. In the same fashion as the paradox of fixed positions, one cannot do nothing, because this is a doing in itself. The only point of resolution of this paradox is at the 0 point, where there is no I to do or not do, only then can true "do nothing" be.
  5. Yeah, I enjoy programming for myself creatively, and I've written one cool useful desktop app which I just love to improve. However at work it's different. I am far from a good programmer and it's a constant effort and struggle for me.
  6. I'm seeing how I am identified with being the body and mind during meetings and work. And I have to be in order to perform and remember past relevant information that I need to bring forward... Also im required to think about future and estimate time for completing tasks... I get what you're saying with stopping thinking now. Means to let consciousness be on the foreground, as Ekhart says, and when you have to do and think, it is there in the background, and he claims that is the true mastery, of holding the awareness of being the midst of doing as well. He's been stressing that he's not against doing in his recent talks, but his teachings are more on the being side, because that's what is needed for the balance.
  7. Humans are known for going after the impossible, and getting it!
  8. If consciousness could be destroyed * But I get what you mean, more toxic clouds in the sky, covering up the consciousness is better way to put it I think
  9. Your present experience is exactly this - a present. That's how I feel about it. At times, however, it changes the letters around and the present slips away, becomes a slippery serpent. That's when you're in the shithole of life, enduring hardships, thinking "Why me, ffs?? I don't want to be here, I don't want to be doing this. How am I so unlucky? etc" - Those are the wrong questions, because they fuel the suffering (self enquiry is the right question, but that's not the point of this post, although it should be helpful ) The best analogy is with the dream state. You become someone else in the dream state, yet you still are you in there. You are not that dream entity, yet inside the dream you behave as if you are it without questioning. How can that be? Translate that in waking life and see how it is possible that you are not the body nor mind, but are something deeper, that you haven't yet even seen (as the waking-dream entity, just as the dream entity doesn't know it is you (the sleeping man in bed), until it becomes enlightened (lucid dreaming) ). So I project Enlightenment as lucid waking. Same thing, different levels and dimensions. Open your mind to the possibility that you truly don't know who you are and that you have not seen your true self (This is paraphrasing one of Leo's suggestions somewhere on the forum that has stuck with me deeply to this day and fuel my self enquiry). Now the journey to the center of the Earth of your being can begin. Thinking about these things is just chit chat that doesn't help, it's the logical mind dissecting and making sense of things. The logical mind wants to create "A Theory of Everything" or formula for Enlightenment. I don't know if those goals are possible, but for sure in a probabilistic dream such as this, actively participating in Enlightenment work and following the spiritual teachings is a sure way to increase your probability of becoming an enlightened (awakened, lucid) character in the dream of consciousness. Ofcourse I do not know that for certain, but I project my understanding into what I think (believe) is true based on my observations. I am not attached to that position, and could be very wrong. Best is not to think about things that are unprovable in the first place. Best is not to attach to any position - I am Ego, I am Enlightened - both are positions. To be truly Enlightened, I project that one should not have any fixed positions. But that is impossible as long as there is an I, because of the following paradox I already posted about on the forum: To have no fixed positions is a fixed position in itself. It can only be achieved in the 0 point, where the I becomes 0, there truly can be no fixed positions, because there is no-one to have them.
  10. @AleksM I haven't yet read the whole main post, but I like it so far. However, I see you talk about thinking and getting rid of all thought (" You have to be this awarness continously to get rid of all thoughts.") I want to raise a few questions with you: My first point I want to raise is that many (if not all) teachers including Eckhart Tolle have stated that getting rid of thoughts is not the goal, but going above and beyond them, so as still allowing thought to be there, but not getting sucked into every thought and having to follow it as if it matters absolutely. Why would radically accepting being reject thought or even Ego for that matter? Isn't the Enlightenment you describe perhaps another close minded state? The other side of the Ego coin?) That aside, I work in programming. I'm sure many others who work with their mind on things /that they have not yet achieved mastery of/ can testify, that one has to think, like a lot, in order to get things done. In fact I am getting progressively worse at my job as I progress with my spiritual practise, because I meta-examine myself during meetings and work and I try let go so much that I can't think, let alone think productively. Is it that technology and enlightenment do not match? Because I do not see a way to program and not think actively. When I just sit there observing my breath, the code doesn't write itself (It doesn't get invented by itself). Thanks This is not an attack on your state, I generally wanna know your opinion on these points, especially #3, as I've been struggling with my dayjob and making sense of how awareness is supposed to know everything and I am it, but I can't code for shit without actively thinking (Ego) . Tnx. Edit: O shit, I just sneaked a peak at few comments above and I see other developers talking on the subject. Hehe!
  11. Hi Actualizers, last week I came across this site after a swift google search: They offer experience weekends with Psilocybin magic mushroom truffles over in Amsterdam to those accepted (all legal) - all relevant info can be found on the site, but let me put the outline of a typical weekend here for you and some of the things I know so far. The process of applying that I went through was two step: Answer the questions on the site (of course) Skype call with one of the lovely organisers of the events. They are checking to see whether you are serious about spiritual growth, generally ask questions to find out where you're at on your journey and whether it'll be "safe" for you to take the substance, what your goals/expectations are etc. If you are interested, it would be awesome if some of us actualizers can get together and go as deep as possible in this experience on the same weekend or maybe different weekends (there are many to choose from). I would like to meet some of you in real life, so this is a good opportunity for this together with great opportunity for spiritual progress. Note that this weekend (haven't decided on which one yet) will take my psychedelic virginity, so it's not an event to miss . So see you there! And hopefully, the Self as well PS: In the skype call she told me how much grams we'd be taking, and I have the memory of 30 gram dose or 15 gram based on choice. However, after reading in the "Mega-dose Psilocybin Mushrooms" thread maybe I did not understand correctly, because 30 gram is deemed super hardcore? Maybe it's 30 miligram? Who knows, I've asked again and will update the thread once I get a reply to confirm the dosages offered. I know for certain that she told me to go for the 30, even though it is going to be my first go. Maybe having experienced people there and the preparation would allow for the higher dose to not be a problem.
  12. Maybe the grams include the food content of the actual truffle?
  13. Not having fixed positions is also a fixed position; Or in other words: "I have no fixed positions" is itself a fixed position, so better not to claim it
  14. Week #1 verdict: Cigarettes = Addiction rating on the "Addiction scale(TM)" 6/10 **10 being highly addicted The mind kept going back and being afraid of starting over, even though no big cravings occurred, except when there is a trigger person involved. I did smoke some on the weekend with one 'friend', because he pressured me into it (not that it's an excuse!). Don't think I'll be seeing him anymore. Week #2 verdict: Addiction level 10/10) Week two is now complete. Started on the 6th (one day early, and ended today 13th, one day early). I felt ready! One week of no I also continued the no cigarettes as well, which was very natural for me. With my newly found energy, I found myself performing better in my daily tasks with less effort on my part. It was like I had been cheating myself and playing the game on hard mode. I feel high by being sober and nicotine free. Enough of that though, on to the real stuff: First notable event of the week In the beginning I had a slight slip up during the first or second day: My fingers just did an automatic movement to open the forum. Immediately I turned on panic mode and was able to close off the app before I could see anything. Wow! Such speed. Such skill. Crisis averted. I had lost presence and mind wanted to do what it does. Second notable event After removing all shortcuts possible so as to not be able to unconsciously open the forum, I was able to avoid issues like the previously mentioned. The mind seemed to get it. - There wont be any postings this week, k ego? - K. - said my Ego. Well, to my surprise this was not the case. I kept getting thoughts in my mind how 'I need to post this insight'. I took a deeper look at those insights that wanted to get born through me on this site. They were all bullshit beliefs I was having that I wanted to be true for some reason so much that I had suppressed the doubt I had that they were just beliefs. What helped me see this is reading the book by Mike George - Being Beyond Belief. This book made it very easy for me to see how much bullshitting was going on, even with the nondual beliefs. I was taking the nondual teachings as not only the path to the experiential Truth of God, but also as a conceptual truth that I would argue with other people on the street who would be in my mind wrong. Of course that would only be my belief is one thing I realised. To be honest this belief contemplation goes way deeper than I can express in a single forum post. Maybe one day I write a book about it. What is important is that it opened up my eye of alertness, and I was looking for any and all beliefs that were trying to fog the clarity of being. My meditations went deeper. I saw all non-silence and all illusion as simply my food. That's what I am here to chew and transform into silence and clarity. It's beautiful how much growth is in front of me. How much transmutation. Third Notable Event I seemed to have the waking life in full gear and was able to accept and drop a lot of false beliefs. Like the belief that I have anything of value to share on Anything that I would share would come from my beliefs, and until I have rebuilt the foundation of my being to stem from Truth, I will have nothing to contribute but opinions. My mind seemed to get it. My Ego said 'K'. That's when you know the shitstorm's coming. I did post on during this week. Twice in fact, even if you haven't noticed. You didn't notice simply because it freaking happened in my DREAMS. Two consecutive days, I remember dreaming about writing a post on here. This has happened before in previous attempts to stop smoking. I would dream myself smoking a cigarette, the mind wanting it's fix even if it is in the dream state. True sign of addiction. I felt dirty that I had broken the week when I woke up, only to realize that it was just a dream. Oh wow. Such a relief. I was still going strong. The funny thing is that stopping was so disturbing for my mind and it's patterns that cigarettes almost didn't pop up in my mind. It was like this addiction was far far superior and was crushing the other xDDD. If I knew I'd done this earlier. Fourth Notable Event One of my last posts before I began the one week fast was about psychedelics and their connection to spirituality. This video triggered my interest again and a google search revealed to me a site that offers psychedelic experiences to people if they are accepted after answering a couple of questions. I loved answering those questions, because they were all about my experience with spirituality. I had a lot to say. Later this week, I got an email, arranged skype call, aced the skype call and got accepted for a weekend in Amsterdam (yet to decide which one). I am very excited about this, as I have never taken a psychedelic before and this is sure to blow my mind even further than stopping addictions does. Here is a sample timetable for the event - it looks more than yummy: Fifth Notable Event Yesterday night was by far the climax of my journey so far. I found by chance in one bag enough weed to make one joint. After overdoing it previously, this felt so much different. I went to the park, I was calm and collected, not in company of Hahohiho friends with whom I only have fun and no spiritual growth. I was in heaven, as usual with that substance, however this time I also had earplugs on. I was hearing the inside of my head. I have never heard something so loud, such a high frequency before. It felt like my mind was making hundreds of thousands, millions revolutions in one second. It was like it was on overdrive. I followed the sound, it was this intense buzzing, I felt like my head is going to explode! The silence was so loud! Could it be that I was seeing (hearing) the mind? Could it be possible that the mind is just this? Noise? I followed it. I heard amazing classical music. I saw the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I don't even know what they were or how to describe them. The thing is I also didn't find it very exciting to look at them, even though I knew it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and that anyone has ever seen. I knew it was coming from ME. I don't know what that was, but I knew that I WAS creating this. That's why it didn't feel any special to me. It was just effortless creation of a masterpiece. All I had to do is tune in to the frequency, that's it! I could never prove to anyone that what I saw was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever seen, but I know in my heart of hearts that it was. Glisten. This word appeared in my mind, I could only see this word. I thought it meant to make things cleaner. I wanted to know, so I googled it to find the following definition: Glisten - a sparkling light reflected from something wet. Why and HOW did this appear in my consciousness, why and how did it stay, I have no idea. But the meaning and contemplating the meaning touched me so deeply. I think an angel put this word there for me. An angel that I was blind to see. In any case, thank you, and keep on glistening, Loreena.
  15. I found this by chance in one website. It is rather interesting. Enjoy! Edit: Added flashy clickbait (but possibly the truth ) to topic name
  16. The human cannot transcend shit... That's the point Transcend the human
  17. In order to know in which stage of meditation I am, I first need to find myself. Be right back.
  18. Most was covered by posts above, so I want to add only that its good to self inquire while falling asleep, the process just might continue subconsciously throughout the sleep cycles and you find yourself waking up in self inquiry.
  19. Next time you sit, do it in a chair (if you're not doing it already) so there are no "uncomfortableness" excuses. Next is try to imagine someone else is meditating, not you, you just observe as if everything is happening to someone else. When you get the feeling you cant do it anymore, try the following (courtesy of @Martin123 ): Take a deep breath into your belly, holding the feeling /emotion/sensation, 6 seconds, hold the breath for 6 more seconds and exhale for 6 seconds visualising how the feeling is being let go. (Martin, not sure if its exactly what you had written but thats how im doing it :-D Feel free to correct me)
  20. The image of Ramana is powerful, I love to visualise it
  21. You have no idea how many time I've watched and liked this video on Facebook as it pops on my feed. I have a bunch of spiritual pages liked, building a case for how social media can be helpful too
  22. I vote self enquiry, which you should actually be doing like all the time. Self inquiry is unconditional, always go for that which you always have access to no matter what. Because thats a spot which you can hit the most amount of times.