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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Unless your karma is a lot of pain. Don't want to close my eyes for the many starving and homeless for whom it seems life is not built around. Only for the few lucky to get born or live in a first-second world country. If you live in say Bulgaria(well its not the best example but close), your higher self will have a bit tougher time manifesting you a job so you better hurry.
  2. Top 3 for me currently (but most of the spiritual books out there are great!): The power of now- Ekhart Tolle (as you mentioned) The end of your world - Adyashanti Being beyond belief - Mike George (currently reading this one and it is letting me become aware of my false beliefs)
  3. I found this video extremely clear and profound. I think Roger really deserves to have more of an audience, because his videos are always of the highest standards and he seems like an amazing teacher.
  4. Suffering is the fire which put me on the path, staying on the path because of curiosity and desire to know who is on the path or off the path in the first place. I.e. exploring myself
  5. However being, or being aware is limitless. From my inquiry it looks like I am not that which appears in nothingness, but the nothingness itself. Now I need to stop talk and be a good student
  6. Samsara has egos, reality has truth is my opinion. What is the pineal gland but a concept in awareness. If you're the pineal gland in your experience thats interesting. Not gonna do your inquiry,im far from a teacher, I am a bad student still
  7. I want to add here, dont stop at what your feeling is. Now investigate who is having this feeling. Ego is not my interest, my interest is knowing who I am existentially.
  8. That might be true if there was evidence for a body other than the knowing of it. The sense of having a body is clearly inside your awareness. This is the paradigm problem again
  9. I told you I am not investigating ideas, but the one to whom the ideas appear. Thats the essense of my inquiry. Let me give you a taste of one of my favourite type of self inquiry : I like to visualise something with closed eyes (from as simple as a dot, to a face or whatever) and then contemplate what is seeing that. It's like the eyes trying to see themselves. Then I simply hold awareness on that presence that is seeing the object of visualisation, because I've found that this is the best mirror I can put in front of it, as it cannot be seen as an object, as it is always the subject. Putting awareness on awareness is the best mirror for awareness to know itself. I do this also with sounds "Who hears?", sensations, etc, everything can be used for this practice. If you hold a mental image of truth or who you are, dont be interested in that. Be more interested in the one to whom they appear.
  10. There is only the present moment, nice try though hehehe! Initial inertia for what... I am always aware. Ego is only an illusion, it's just as real as Santa
  11. OH i am aware of the truth. Thats when maturing begins. If you are aware that you are aware you are aware of the truth
  12. I've never taken psychedelics and my first trip will be end of this year(but not 5meo) . Leo has stated that taking meo is like taking a concentrated dose of awareness as far as I can remember. You become more aware, more yourself - probably because it's removing the fog of ego (ego death). Who knows - a dream substance helping a dream entity to transcend the dream doesnt sound so outrageous to me! I started doing spiritual practice to improve the quality of my life, but to be honest now it is just super interesting to do this investigation into my true nature.
  13. There is a sense/feeling of self or I-ness, sensations, but that is also seen in the wider space of awareness which encapsulates my entire experience, which also includes any and all identifications with subtle form I might still have -as long as it doesnt remain an unconscious belief. You are asking about the content of my experience when you should stop asking and practice for yourself. It's a process of dissolving, it's not instant, that's why it requires practice. It's only the beginning for me. To new beginnings!
  14. Nobody is enlightened @egoless The practice to find you are nobody is Self inquiry
  15. That would depend on your paradigm. If you believe the thought (even unconsciously) that you are the body-mind, there is an outside you and you are a spec of dust in an infinite universe. This in my view is the dream.
  16. I see your point, but experientially even belief belongs to that field of awareness, and it is verified in experience, therefore is not a belief. There's the difference. @egoless It's not about me proving it to you in words. As the Tao te ching says "the truth that can be spoken is not the truth". It's about you experiencing the truth for yourself. Not intellectually. I am only typing out an intellectual understanding, because you asked me to entertain you. This understanding is shaped by my self-enquiry practice of 1 year
  17. What is true absolutely will be true in any layer. And yes, awareness is nothing, but in your experience, are you aware? Frankly idgaf if we are in a dream within a dream within a dream or if we are in the matrix or whatever other mind paradigm is thrown out there... I am aware now always, this is all I need to investigate awareness.
  18. My purpose is not to philosophise, but to find truth. Enlightenment and truth is more about practice than about theory, because as you can see from my paradigm's point of view every philosophical point the bodymind can muster will also be included within me experientially. I am more interested in what That is, rather than the object appearing in That. What is true absolutely in first hand experience is awareness. This is the portal.
  19. The same space that knows everything else. The space of awareness. I like to classify these three paradigms, maybe it may help you. Matter paradigm - you think/believe you're brain and body. Mind paradigm - you think you're something inside the body (Ego) Consciousness paradigm - you know yourself as the wider knowing space in which all experience ( mind, body and world) happens. This space is dimensionless hence cannot be seen or dissected by science. Only you can know it, because it is you.
  20. What knows the feeling? What knows the knowing? What knows the not knowing? Finding that (and abiding as that) is enlightenment (finding the true you, not as a thought or belief, but experientially). Big help is that you are not any form (form includes all mind stuff - thoughts, beliefs, sensations, feelings etc etc).
  21. Don't look at others much for this.. Look at everything as opinion - carry out your own investigation and get your own insights verified by the actuality of your experience. Don't believe in what im saying or anyone else, this is adding to the web of beliefs. Also, I want to add that when someone else tells you something, you may interpret it in a completely different way than they intended to express.
  22. Yeah the "Me" is part of the web. The "web of beliefs" is probably also part of the web of beliefs Lol. These things will be naturally paradoxical to the mind as they should. The believer of the web of beliefs is the initial belief that of I. Who is having the I thought? Well self enquire, I mean its you. Nothingness is the effortless creator of everything.
  23. Sure I'll have a go It's realising the world is a web of beliefs construct, that only experience is real (there is no world ourside you), finding that the experiencer (you) doesn't exist (is nothing, is empty), leaving us with the truth which is relatively absolute and absolutely relative at the same time.
  24. Do I even have a choice? I just take the dosage and let go as far as I know right? The rest is up to God Also I think that being stuck in a job you dont like is more scary than any trip and I lived through that!! Im rdy :-D :-D