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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Nice explanation +1 rep -1 rep I've had "DMT-like" experiences before after doing binaural beats + third eye meditation which prove to me experientially that there might be something there to look into. I've experienced suddenly appearing in some place like another dimension or something that felt like home but I couldn't see anything, it was too dark. This lasting for like a second - 2 times in quick succession. Later that night as I was falling asleep I felt a specific pressure sensation at a point on top of my head, perhaps from the release of something. During that night I dreamt my guardian Angel giving me guidance. It felt super real. She showed me a place that looked like heaven and said - this is hell. It was directly aimed at my gaming addiction (ok, and weed...) , that's what I took from this mostly. Anyway, I do not have any experience with psychedelics and this probably doesn't constitute as a "trip", but as I've posted my experiences on this forum, other more experienced members told me that this was most likely from me sucking on the DMT juice Sorry I said that you shared a belief. I re-read and saw the words "I think" before the thing that triggered ( ) me, which show that you're not pushing your opinion as fact. There's no problem in this. In fact It's very easy to see how what you're saying could be legit and likely is.
  2. Why would you be saying this... The thing is it's just beliefs you're spitting out now. How would you know the intensity you can reach without the drug... And when you say "only meditation" that's a bell ringing. Perhaps you mean formal meditation sittings. The thing is, we supposedly have these chemicals in our brains - perhaps it's just a matter of finding a new meditation practice that would make those release the quickest and not at time of natural physical death.
  3. When I experience extremely shitty feeling sensations like continuous tiredness (depression) / anger etc etc, it feels like grace is lost. In such moments, I do recognise I am awareness aware of these, but still that doesn't stop them being shitty and ME, awareness wanting to get rid of them. Or me Ego. I guess you'll say it's Ego right, cause I'm just bullshitting myself and think I know what awareness is... I'm a bit upset at the existence of those sensations if I am supposed to be God and the creator of my reality. Feels like I'm a dumb ass God (which checks out if we take that I am currently the yet unconscious creator of my reality, until enlightenment, perhaps I am a headless chicken God) .
  4. From Bentinho's course - I've definitely gone a bit too far silencing my mind I'm busted. I feel like a veggie now lying on the bed all day staring at the walls. I do get some pretty sick visuals without drugs tho!
  5. There are some people that are allergic to these things. But not you, you're on this forum after all. Some just close their ears and minds and those are the ones impossible to get through. Anyway, your problem here that I identify is that you're viewing this as a chore and hence you resist it like you would resist washing up. The thing is this is not a chore. This is a process of healing and discovery. It's a process of learning new exciting things about yourself that is not based on belief. My advice is perhaps sit with this for a while. Perhaps if you really don't feel like it, dont do it. Resume once you are back or you get hit by life so hard it will be your final lifeline. Those are the best and harshest teachers, the days when that nightmare scenario hits.. If you can have that inner eye to look for who the knower is... That's all you need. Just resume your everyday life. Best spiritual practice is a merged one anyway! Separation is not my nation.
  6. You already have 5meo in your brain somewhere I heard
  7. Here's an unrelated video about consciousness and brain that I wanted to open new thread for, but then remembered this thread that has name that is good for this Wow, this vid is very interesting! (Scientist gets stroke which result in insights into our true nature - from 9 years ago)
  8. Nothing alters your awareness, awareness is always pure, shapeless, changeless. The object, which is the life experience you are aware of is what changes. However, the life experience you are aware of is only a dream-like existence and doesn't have real solidity to it. What has solidity (any reality to it) is the awareness with which you know your entire experience. This will stay the same after you get hit with a bat over the head or many say even after death. Gonna check that on the way out.
  9. Light is invisible but it makes everything else visible!
  10. Rock, paper, scissors, being Being beats all others Choose wisely
  11. Beautiful explanation. I can feel the emptiness of dropping these fragile concepts. I simply am, embracing not knowing who I am, other than awareness ?
  12. I want to add that it's good to keep in mind that it's always the one experiencing, the thing looking from you right now is That. You are That. Surrendering only to that Truth is the basking in the Self. But we want to find the substance of existence? The answer is the same. Find yourself and then you will find the substance being you. Now you are at peace. Nothingness is magic and that's why it's everywhere. Right now this is an experience of nothing by nothing. All words come from nothing. All words return to nothing. We come from nothing, we are nothing, hallucinating it's real, something. Then I return to not hallucinating and being nothing, the one I always am. Everything - which is absolutely nothing (real, 100% me, awareness ) + hallucinations (not real, 0% me, therefore nothing, therefore real, therefore also 100% me, awareness).
  13. No, he wants to know also the substance of those elements - or that out of which everything is made of
  14. Mooji - in my opinion he uses the best and simplest method to show masses of people how to continually bask it the Truth of their own unfiltered being. I don't know why people aren't raving more about this really! (I'm talking about Mooji's invitation)
  15. I swear this is the response I first got when opening the thread and then I see you've already posted it
  16. While I was holding my breath, i felt this cool awesome vibration, and it was my body. More intense than any session so far!
  17. I'm going to meditate 1 hour starting now. Join me if you want!
  18. Its all a dream-like existence with logic. I've got this realisation, because my dreams have been getting so realistic, that there is absolutely no difference in experience, except that here it is longer and follows certain rules. Tibettan Budhism has a section all about dreams. They are extremely helpful companions and teachers in the Hero's journey. You can make far more spiritual growth within your dreams than in real life exactly because this logic section of mind is switched off. Where infinite potential meet infinite knowing. 0 (0%) is infinite potential, 1(100%) is infinite knowing meet in nonduality, then the Holy True Love relationship is formed. And we experience bliss within the dream.
  19. I used to catch flies alive - just go as close as possible gently with my hand and then swoosh! I catch it, then I can place it outside and respect the fly's life too!
  20. Hi guys, let's meditate together for 1 or 2 hours starting from when you read this.
  21. True self includes all of the above, it permiates the entire big picture