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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Its not a phenomenon. Are you seriously theorising about the space in which your experience arises? You dont have a direct point of reference for that you need to theorise about it? Lol
  2. You cant control it per se, but you can direct it, like a grand orchestra. You don't control the orchestra, but you can conduct it.
  3. I dont have the answers for you. I thought you are looking for an honest investigation of reality, not more mind stuff.
  4. @Ahbapx lets ask the important questions are you in control of your mind, or is it in control of you? Try sitting for a second or having a walk in the park. be fully conscious, who is making the decisions? Are they automatic? You have to be able to take a step back from the mind and observe it for what it is, a tool. Can you effortlessly distance yourself from your thoughts, or do you sometimes let them suck you in? You will notice mind is a powerful machine, and you need to take a step back sometimes from it. Then you can return to it consciously and directing it in whichever direction you choose. I say a balance needs to be achieved. Too much mind? Yoou need to stop. Too much no-mind? You need to start. You have to follow the path by using the power of the pathless path. There is no path and there is a path, its paradoxical. I wouldn't have it any other way. The mind cant get any of this, but to being it is the simplest thing. Make sure that Consciousness Moooji points to controls where you look, and not your mind. But do this in the park, perhaps while sitting on a bench. Take back control and ground yourself in impersonal consciousness and then orchestrate your mind from that backwards step position. Let go, try not to judge anything or aanyone, even someone you perceive as annoying, like someone shouting and disturbing your peace. Dont judge anything and dont think, tune in to the true reality through Being itself.
  5. Sorry man, I wrote a long comment, but the site bugged and it got lost. You already noticed that I mean something else with the word conciousness. Consciousness is not an object to be finite. We cant do anything here just talking. We are in the realm of mind, thats why I suggested you a practical meditation. Consciousness is the background of your experience right now. I get that your experience is finite, but have you ever explored the background? That which allows your finite experience to be known and to be, to exist? How can you place a boundary on that, when its not an object to be perceived? Listen to Mooji's practical meditation to marinate in pure awareness.
  6. All objects of perception, thoughts feelings, any object of experience I call mind. What you have of Matter is Mind. You have a sensation of a brain, perhaps a feeling of a brain and thoughts, but notice it is all mind stuff. Once we're set that our experience is mind and not matter, we can go further What is mind, what are objects of appearance and where do they appear. To whom or to what do they appear, in what do they appear, and we see it is the empty presence of awareness or consciousness. This requires subtle looking and self inquiry. The mind then we see is fleeting, but there is something in experience which remains constant, and that is consciousness.
  7. Well, here brain is a bit of a swear word, your direct experiential evidence points that mind is more real than brain. Instead of Brain>Mind>Consciousness, why don't you flip that Consciousness>Mind>Brain, each one result of the previous. Try to look at the world like that and see if that map makes more sense
  8. -Jesus Christ -Buddha -Rupert Spira -Eckhart Tolle -Ramana Maharshi -Adyashanti -Your own higher self, the one who whispers, not shouts.
  9. More on Light vs Darkness: Luke and the father (Vader) are One
  10. @Water by the River The God/Goddess/Spirit references remind me of this video
  11. Here is a soft example of light vs darkness, but there are far more serious examples out there. The cop was not full on darkness, but if his ego was bigger and there were no cameras, you know how things can turn. The black man is a righteous man, a truthful man. Sometimes those in position of power can abuse it, just like a wasp against a bee.
  12. While that is true, the game doesn't end there, it begins. There is still the fight or dance between the light and the darkness. How can we use the knowing of Noself to be lightbringers into the world full of darkness? Bees vs Wasps. Bees are hardworking and Good. Wasps are cheaters, strong, overpowering. They steal and plunder, kill the bees and take their hard earned fruits by force. Yes both are within Consciousness, but one of the species is destructive and aggressive, while the other is honorable and hardworking. I know many instances in my life when I've unconsciously fed Evil. As a child I used to catch lightbugs and feed them to spiders. I just enjoyed it. We need to use Source to convert darkness into light. Black holes into quasars. Negative to positive. I think this is where Jesus Christ comes in the equation
  13. @Water by the River strong pointers brother, props
  14. @Ahbapx Try this meditation, be as you are, perhaps sit and close your eyes for less distractions. Ofcourse this can be done while eyes open and even moving about, you will just have more objects of experience to be with. Whatever thoughts feelings sensations arise, let them be there but be more interested in what knows those. Once you get an answer as to what knows all those, keep being interested in what knows that answer, dont take the answer as the Truth. The truth is constant. if you had to paint the knower of your experience, the literal knower, not the known, would you even need to strike a single brush stroke? The sky is already there, even when there are clouds, but we must not focus on the clouds as the truth, because clouds are temporary. Sky is the eternal Truth. This is another analogy. To begin understanding emptiness/nothingness/consciousness, try thinking in your mind about the smallest object, a point. What is a point? It has 0 dimensions, it actually is not an object, we think of it as an object, but if you really had to represent a real point in reality, you don't have to add ink at all. The point is nothingness, you let go of the tiny image of a point, and what remains? Only the entire page! The page didn't have to be drawn! Now that you know the point covers the entire page, anything you draw on the page is smaller than a point! Paradoxical, the smallest thing suddenly is the largest thing.
  15. My friend you are theorising. You say some good things about the no effort recognition and then your mind swoops in! You dont get how close and how far you are at the same time. Its like talking to someone who gets it and doesnt get it at the same time! You equate consciousness to self. But it is the NoSelf. The Higher self. The Isness that is Universal, not just for your mind. Its the same for the ants, the same for the bees, the same for the crows, the same for the trees. Perhaps its a mystery how consciousness arises, because it doesn't arise. Perhaps it is always there, like the canvas of a grand painting. Some say Truth is way too simple, it gets overlooked and handwaved as not important. Slow down! The effortless knowing bit, start to get interested in what that is, experientially. Some say, Marinate in the Truth.
  16. Lets take the duality Subject -> object. Subject is the one that knows, object is the one that is known. Being conscious of consciousness itself is the pinacle of enlightenment. You are being conscious that you are conscious of mind, you are still looking at an object, even if it is subtle. How does the subject become aware of itself? How does the subject see itself as an object? The analogy of the eye is good way to point to this. The moment consciousness looks for itself and turns around, it still is the observer and not the observed, its still on the other side of what is observed. To be aware of awareness or conscious of consciousness is like knowing being itself, without an object being beinged. I dont know how to explain it better. Its like being aware of emptiness. No Mind can grasp that. Your problem is you Think, you cant think about consciousness. Consciousness is that which knows the thinking. Whether you think X Or Y, the same consciousness knows it. Whatever the object of knowing, the subject remains the same. You can say "I have consciousness" or you can say "I am consciousness", both of these thoughts arise in what? Consciousness. Deep sleep is the experience of no mind and no world, there that non experience arises in what? Consciousness. Ofcourse its an experience of nothing, and the subject itself remains, but the subject itself cannot see itself. Thats why you think you stop being conscious during deep sleep, but in fact you are just conscious of nothing during that time. Not even your mind and self, just pure consciousness, source.
  17. Conscious steps, thats so important. We dont realise we run on autopilot and do repetetive activities... walk the same roads, do th same things over and over. Creatures of habit
  18. Listen to this song while changing the context to what the title suggests. Then think about Jesus and His sacrifice. God proved that he loves humans. Glory be to God. Lets not betray His trust in us, and try to be our best selves. Collectively we can achieve enlightenment and be the worthy Humans God wants us to be. The change starts with you and me. Don't let it be empty words and promises. Follow through as God's child. The stronger your desire to sin, the bigger the achievement. It's easy to be a saint if you have no sinful selfish desires. You are free to choose your path and you can turn around at THIS moment, or at least stop for a second and ask yourself, are you going on autopilot, or are you awake. Let's make God proud.
  19. This is the ego games we play, there is always going to be someone bigger if you're trying to be big. Its never enough. How about wanting the opposite, fighting for the opposite, to be as small as possible.. not many are on that queue,everyone is pushing for egoic pleasures, the spiritual line is quite empty. Notice how in some Asian culture, people bow to each other, every one of them acknowledges the other as superior to them.
  20. They are definitely more magical than hands, its all my hands think about 👐
  21. But it makes no sense to me, if your hands were perfectly normal then.. how did you know ur dreaming xD. The idea is that if your hand turns to elephant trunk or anything else crazy you know its dream instantly as its your own hand and you know it well. Usually we dont spot crazy things as crazy in a dream because our logical part of mind is sleeping, but when its your own hand, it works.
  22. Did you flip them back to front? Would be surprised. My hands appeared to have fins at best and turned into elephant trunk another time. Its the best way to find out you're dreaming (lucid dreaming) interesting you were lucid without checking your hands, this only happened to me when I was younger, natural lucid dreams. In this thread I talk about these thinfs
  23. First off hands are a fibonacci ratio masterpiece. Therr is fibonacci all over our bodies. If you measure different proportions on your hand you will get the golden ratio. They are so complex that if you look at your hand during a dream back to front, it wont be able to get generated properly and will turn into something else
  24. Thats a common misconception. In deep sleep there is no mind. Consciousness does not cease. People here keep equating consciousness to Mind. You have to be open to the possibility that you don't understand what consciousness is. Mind wants to know everything. The eye cannot see itself. Consciousness sees Mind Body and Soul, but it cant turn around and see itself. Only objects can be perceived, consciousness cannot be perceived. Don't think you know what consciousness is! Ever heeard that enlightenment is not an experience? Thats definitely not what the mind wants to hear. We want trumpets