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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. All that you have ever seen is an image in your mind. Look at an object. Now cross your eyes. There was one object, how are you seeing two? It must be that you are seeing two images, both equally valid. Which eye is more valid? Which hemisphere is valid? They are both eqyally valid. But there is 1 object, so it must be that our vision is entirely illusory. Not real. You were looking at something you were convinced is real, like the moon ? . Then you see the only thing you ever have of it is an illusory image appearing in you.
  2. The space that is created is no the space I am talking about. This space you are talking about is an object in the space which I'm talking about. There is no space... Space doesn't exist... It's not created. Stuff in it are apparently created, but space is not. It's the absence of things, how can you kill it? The absence of it is itself... How can emptiness dissipate, it's strange. It is already the case that it is dissipated.
  3. @Erlend K You cannot observe nothingness. But you can be aware of it. Imagine the following O is the universe expanding. The only thing you need to do is zoom out faster, remember this is a thought experiment, you dont need to travel faster than light- this is only a way to become aware of the eternal nature of nothingness or emptiness. Obviously it cannot be done in reality apart from in a thought experiment, because if something is outside the universe taking this snapshot will automatically be part of the Universe and the universe will expand to it. Will circle him and then again there is the unobserved nothingness beyond. The entire page is the emptiness around it. So we suppose the universe is finite and ever increasing, then we can represent it with the O no problem. You are somewhere in the limited O we currently call our finite ever increasing universe of stuff(spacetime contiuum included, which is silly cause space and time don't exist apart from thought but whatever, we're supposing here that there is a world outside us in the first place lol). O So in this you can actually see that there is infinite nothingness beyond. It's too simple. If there wasn't infinite nothingness, there would be something and then that would also be part of the O and not the rest of the picture. But there are no bounds for the O. If there is a bound, it would be part of the O and not the nothingness outside. Which is eternal. You can be aware of it's eternal nature. You cannot verify it's existence because it's very quality is that it doesn't exist. It doesn't have qualities. But it is. Nothing can be without the space in which it appears. Reminds me of self enquiry.
  4. There is nothing outside! It's not an absurd question, it's only absurd if the answer is something, because that then will be included in the definition of our universe and will no longer be outside it. Is the room the walls or is it also the empty space within it? And no, you cannot see empty space or observe it. You can only notice it in relation to objects, but that doesnt stop you from being aware of it's eternal being. It's the alpha and the omega. No less than God. So, if you are aware that there is nothing outside, you are aware that there is infinite space and then I include that space in the definition of the Universe. So I know it to be infinite, because I include nothingness as well as the illusory forms as part of the Universe. In fact nothingness is more real than any appearance, but thats another story.. So it's weird not to include the only thing real in the definition of Universe.
  5. Hi Voyager. Nice read, I also found the how to learn video VERY transformational. In fact just second before I read this I was writing down how will my behavior change from knowing there is no doer / no free will (I recommend btw). I want to point out that breath is not the only constant. The bigger constant in your experience, which will be with you even after death is the Isness / Being. In your dreams you do not breathe yet you still are, so you can even do this meditation in your dreams - in any situation. That's why Rupert Spira suggests the question "Am I aware" is the pathless path. It's always the case, now to go deeper into recognition of that. It's boundless. I think we confuse attention with awareness. As Mooji says, attention is our most intimate tool, so intimate that where it goes, it feels like we go. But ISness, Being, Aliveness is always here now and is who we are. It's unmoving, unchanging, shapeless, formless ISness. It's the knowing of isness. Not even that, it just is isness and that isness is known. Hold attention in that knowing no matter what arises.
  6. Mathematics based on beliefs? Human invention? I don't see that. Mathematics is discovered, not invented. If aliens discover mathematics, they would have it, if they don't, they wont. I'm not saying primitive in negative sense, but this is just the reality of the story of evolution. Humans are more intelligent than other species on Earth - fact (based on our definitions - without definitions we would not be able to communicate this so let's respect them a bit). If intelligence is a bad quality, then we are at the bottom of the hierarchy - I dont kniw whether it's good or bad or both or neither. I don't care to be at the top or bottom. Put me anywhere. On this forum I've posted that this is the planet of the bees one time anyway, so I don't consider humans at the top anyway. But still a human would beat a bee in a spelling bee. A bee would beat a human at pollinating flowers. If crows or any other animals grow up to be more aware of their own existence, mathematics will soon be discovered. It's a simple counting that starts it all off. It's based on observations. I guarantee, 1+1 will always be 2. Place one rock next to the other. How many rocks do you have? What did you invent for this to be the case? It would be so even if you didn't understand the symbols. Maths is definitely a discovery. The symbols are invented, what they point to are discoveries. Nonduality symbols too are invented, what they point to is discovery.
  7. Nothingness, emptiness, space. Never born, will never die, dimensionless yet all form appear in it. How is it possible? (Perhaps form is also 100% empty space and this separation is just a projection of mind) Nothingness, emptiness, space is at no distance from you.
  8. Please someone tell me why the following thought experiment is not proof of infinite universe: You shoot an object in some direction. Now there are 2 possibilities: either it goes on forever, which prooves infinite universe or it hits something. If it hits something, what is beyond that thing? We shoot again from there and again there are two possibilities: either it goes on forever proving an infinite universe or it hits something. This process can go on forever proving an infinite universe. The thing is how you define the universe. If you only care about objects in the Universe sure it's probably finite or ever growing, but if you include the empty space surrounding the "matter universe" it is infinite. The thought particle we launched can never stop. Infinity. This proof does not require observations nor first hand experience. The only thing it requires is to view all possibilities and its so super duper simple that I dont know how it is not presented as the evidence for infinite universe. There must be something wrong, right? Please someone share, because I really don't get why this is not the proof. Thanks Even in the observable universe there is more than 99.9999% empty space Matter is proven to be more than 99% empty space too but that's another story. I just don't see how someone can blatantly disregard something so obvious like space. Ofcourse space is not an object lol, it's what allows "objects" to be. So if the universe is finite, there is nothing outside it, meaning it is infinite, because nothing is what allows for the expansion in the first place. Exactly because it is eternal and infinite. Rant over. I can't really see fault with this thought proof. Please share where I'm wrong This reminds me of something Eckhart Tolle said before: "Water? What do you mean by that? I don't understand it." This is what a fish would say if it had a human mind.~Eckhart Tolle
  9. Of course space doesn't exist, that's why I'm saying Emptiness/Nothingness/Space is the absence of things. It is eternal. Always there, yet nothing. Yes it doesn't EXIST (stand out) from the point of view of the Mind and the senses. Aristotle and this guy are rationalizing. Just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean it is not there. You know emptiness IS the moment you realize you are that. These guys are Egos obsessed with objects tbh I mean even look at the philosophy they are operating under: "To be IS to be something in particular, so infinity is out" That's where the mistake comes. To be is To be - The something is secondary. In fact only nothing is, everything else is an illusory trip. But hey, they're the scientists, they should know the truth PS: Check out this story I just found:
  10. Well they are primitive, obviously. They don't use language. Language implies some level of intelligence needed. By Universal I don't mean every living being is using it, I mean that it is the same for everyone and it's not based on belief - Aliens would have the same math - with different symbols of course. It is one of the few if not the only true science. At least for this dimension. Also I've heard someone on this forum that in his psychedelic trips communication happens through sacred geometry (or he said something of this sort). Geometry is Math and there are strong hints it's a very foundational part of what This here now is. Hinting again at its universality.
  11. Kids are curious about a lot of things. I guess my advice is, be more like a kid! Bring on your inner child see if he's curious
  12. The thing here is is that for matter to tend to infinity, it requires time. In a snapshot, when we stop time, I can say with certainty that there are finite number of objects in the universe, because nothing is changing - hence no new things are being created. If you take a still snapshot. Then when you resume, of course it will resume it's creation out of nothing process, but in the snapshot, it's finite. While emptiness cannot not be infinite, for it is something without bounds and it's not something that needs to be created - it already is the case always. Emptiness is the absence of stuff, but even when there are "stuff" on top of it, it is still there. This can be also shown translated with the equation n=0+n (any thing is nothing + that thing). So even in the still snapshot, if there could be a snapshot of emptiness (actually in a sense it's always in a snapshot, it is beyond time, it's not changing) it would be an infinite snapshot, emptiness is not expanding, it is already infinite. It can't be expanding, because it is not something that is created. It's God. That's why when I spoke of emptiness once I said that emptiness is smaller than a point and bigger than the universe (of objects).
  13. Sorry I couldn't remove the quote ( problem I've always had while using phone) @hundreth @Erlend K Yeah scrap this proof its shit. I also contemplated a bit and im actually dividing number of objects over space, which makes no sense. Because in a matter universe, matter would be finite / ever increasing but still finite while the space is infinite obvs. But I cant divide 2 diff things obvs. Also your points. However @Erlend K I dont agree with number 1. The proof is impossible to be false. You can always go a bit further. If something is stopping you, "climb" it and continue / go through with some special cutter. There's always more (emptiness)
  14. Yeah that is also true, however I was attempting a top down approach here. The same thing can be proven in many different ways.
  15. Her audience are people with somewhat comfortable lives like ours. Imagine suffering your whole life being tortured in a small cell and Byron Katie here come and tell u. Dont worry, there's more of this, you can never die. You can see how this feature can also be seen as a bug. It all depends on the experience. Thats why I say we fear bad experiences (pain in life), not death. We fear what will happen after. We fear the pain during death. All these things - life. Ps: What we fear about death as Egos is the things that we will lose. The things we are attached to as individuals. Katie's saying is not helping that issue. Life doesn't imply you wont lose your shit, like everything including body-mind.
  16. Then, what Byron Katie has said is also not valid. If death is life, this doesnt mean you wont lose your identity. The thing is Death is nothing. Any experience I classify as life. Hell is life, heaven is life. Death is no experience. It doesn't exist. There is only life. We can say that Awareness is Death. The void. People fear the concept of Death, but they only fear it because they have equated Death (which means no experience) with Life (the negative version) - For example having a life experience of 1000 years staring at a black screen or something like that.
  17. Yeah. I want to preach the truth I see about your signature. "Until we know that death is equal to life, we live in fear." -- Byron Katie From my view here, no-one fears death. What we fear the meaning we put on it. What we fear is pain. What we fear is a possibly horrible next life (if one believes in that) or we fear experiencing the so called Nothingness, which is the biggest load of horseshit fear there can be. For there to be nothingness, there cant be an experiencer of it - if there is, Bam, no longer nothing is experienced, because you're experiencing your being lol. We fear hell. Possibly the most justified fear ever. And I think a wise one. For me fear is definitely not coming from Death, although it might appear this way to many. Fear stems from life and our distaste with painful occurrences. These are my thoughts on the matter. All come from nothing, as anything and everything.
  18. Like a nap. Naps are recommended at noon too, promoting heart health
  19. Thanks, wow... This is profound. This guy is amazing. Wow, I've been on the wrong path. I just got enlightened. Just had to click a button! Yay
  20. I can't say how many times I've been on here writing insights from my weed experiences. It's amazing how things feel super obvs, because they just appear poof. Smoking marijuanna plus walking meditation for me produces the most clear insights and they just fall out of thin air. Together with feeling like I'm in heaven.
  21. Does fire kill people or does it help them live better lives? All depends on the way it is used. Too much fire or used wrongly will burn the kitchen. Just enough fire in the right place and time, and you have nice bowl of hot soup.
  22. If there is an actual "random factor", then existence is not deterministic, but probabilistic. Perhaps all possibilities are already written (in absolute infinity obvs), but that doesn't mean this is predetermined. It could go any which way based on that random factor. How are we so sure there is no randomness involved? To clarify: You not choosing what happens, doesn't necessarily mean that what happens is predetermined. I'm talking about True randomness. Perhaps it's Godly territory this.
  23. The five hindrances individually I found a very good article on Wikipedia about the Five Hindrances. I can definitely see myself experiencing some of those if not all to some extent. However the 3rd one is my biggest problem currently. Think it’s good to have those clarified over here. Which ones do you struggle with? Perhaps the described antidote might help you out! Source: Wikipedia as mentioned above.